Title 20


Subpart E - Program Activities and Center Operations

20: 670.500
   670.500 What services must Job Corps centers provide
20: 670.505
   670.505 What types of training must Job Corps centers provide
20: 670.510
   670.510 Are Job Corps center operators responsible for providing all vocational training
20: 670.515
   670.515 What responsibilities do the center operators have in managing work-based learning
20: 670.520
   670.520 Are students permitted to hold jobs other than work-based learning opportunities
20: 670.525
   670.525 What residential support services must Job Corps center operators provide
20: 670.530
   670.530 Are Job Corps centers required to maintain a student accountability system
20: 670.535
   670.535 Are Job Corps centers required to establish behavior management systems
20: 670.540
   670.540 What is Job Corps' zero tolerance policy
20: 670.545
   670.545 How does Job Corps ensure that students receive due process in disciplinary actions
20: 670.550
   670.550 What responsibilities do Job Corps centers have in assisting students with child care needs
20: 670.555
   670.555 What are the center's responsibilities in ensuring that students' religious rights are respected
20: 670.560
   670.560 Is Job Corps authorized to conduct pilot and demonstration projects