Title 20


Subpart E - The MSFW Youth Program

20: 669.600
   669.600 What is the purpose of the WIA section 167 MSFW Youth Program
20: 669.610
   669.610 What is the relationship between the MSFW youth program and the NFJP authorized at WIA section 167
20: 669.620
   669.620 How do the MSFW youth program regulations apply to the NFJP program authorized under WIA section 167
20: 669.630
   669.630 What are the requirements for designation as an “MSFW youth program grantee”
20: 669.640
   669.640 What is the process for applying for designation as an MSFW youth program grantee
20: 669.650
   669.650 How are MSFW youth funds allocated to section 167 youth grantees
20: 669.660
   669.660 What planning documents and information are required in the application for MSFW youth grants and when must they be filed
20: 669.670
   669.670 Who is eligible to receive services under the section 167 MSFW youth program
20: 669.680
   669.680 What activities and services may be provided under the MSFW youth program