Title 20
Subpart G - Sanctions, Corrective Actions, and Waiver of Liability
- Subtitle C of Title I, Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (20 U.S.C. 9276(c)); Executive Order 13198, 66 FR 8497, 3 CFR 2001 Comp., p. 750; Executive Order 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR 2002 Comp., p. 258.
- 65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
20: | SECTION 667.700 | 667.700 What procedure do we use to impose sanctions and corrective actions on recipients and subrecipients of WIA grant funds | |
20: | SECTION 667.705 | 667.705 Who is responsible for funds provided under title I of WIA | |
20: | SECTION 667.710 | 667.710 What actions are required to address the failure of a local area to comply with the applicable uniform administrative provisions | |
20: | SECTION 667.720 | 667.720 How do we handle a recipient's request for waiver of liability under WIA section 184(d)(2) | |
20: | SECTION 667.730 | 667.730 What is the procedure to handle a recipient's request for advance approval of contemplated corrective actions | |
20: | SECTION 667.740 | 667.740 What procedure must be used for administering the offset/deduction provisions at section 184(c) of the Act |