Title 20

PART 666

Part 666 - Performance Accountability Under Title I Of The Workforce Investment Act

PART 666 - PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Authority:Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c). Source:65 FR 49402, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

20: A
Subpart A - State Measures of Performance
20: 666.100
   666.100 What performance indicators must be included in a State's plan
20: 666.110
   666.110 May a Governor require additional indicators of performance
20: 666.120
   666.120 What are the procedures for negotiating annual levels of performance
20: 666.130
   666.130 Under what conditions may a State or DOL request revisions to the State negotiated levels of performance
20: 666.140
   666.140 Which individuals receiving services are included in the core indicators of performance
20: 666.150
   666.150 What responsibility do States have to use quarterly wage record information for performance accountability
20: B
Subpart B - Incentives and Sanctions for State Performance
20: 666.200
   666.200 Under what circumstances is a State eligible for an Incentive Grant
20: 666.205
   666.205 What are the time frames under which States submit performance progress reports and apply for incentive grants
20: 666.210
   666.210 How may Incentive Grant funds be used
20: 666.220
   666.220 What information must be included in a State Board's application for an Incentive Grant
20: 666.230
   666.230 How does the Department determine the amounts for Incentive Grant awards
20: 666.240
   666.240 Under what circumstances may a sanction be applied to a State that fails to achieve negotiated levels of performance for title I
20: C
Subpart C - Local Measures of Performance
20: 666.300
   666.300 What performance indicators apply to local areas
20: 666.310
   666.310 What levels of performance apply to the indicators of performance in local areas
20: D
Subpart D - Incentives and Sanctions for Local Performance
20: 666.400
   666.400 Under what circumstances are local areas eligible for State Incentive Grants
20: 666.410
   666.410 How may local incentive awards be used
20: 666.420
   666.420 Under what circumstances may a sanction be applied to local areas for poor performance