Title 20
Subpart C - Rapid Response Activities
- Section 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c).
- 65 FR 49415, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
20: | SECTION 665.300 | 665.300 What are rapid response activities and who is responsible for providing them | |
20: | SECTION 665.310 | 665.310 What rapid response activities are required | |
20: | SECTION 665.320 | 665.320 May other activities be undertaken as part of rapid response | |
20: | SECTION 665.330 | 665.330 Are the NAFTA-TAA program requirements for rapid response also required activities | |
20: | SECTION 665.340 | 665.340 What is meant by “provision of additional assistance” in WIA section 134(a)(2)(A)(ii) |