Title 20
Subpart H - Supportive Services
- Section 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c).
- 65 FR 49402, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
20: | SECTION 663.800 | 663.800 What are supportive services for adults and dislocated workers | |
20: | SECTION 663.805 | 663.805 When may supportive services be provided to participants | |
20: | SECTION 663.810 | 663.810 Are there limits on the amounts or duration of funds for supportive services | |
20: | SECTION 663.815 | 663.815 What are needs-related payments | |
20: | SECTION 663.820 | 663.820 What are the eligibility requirements for adults to receive needs-related payments | |
20: | SECTION 663.825 | 663.825 What are the eligibility requirements for dislocated workers to receive needs-related payments | |
20: | SECTION 663.830 | 663.830 May needs-related payments be paid while a participant is waiting to start training classes | |
20: | SECTION 663.840 | 663.840 How is the level of needs-related payments determined |