Title 20
Subpart B - Intensive Services
- Section 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220; 20 U.S.C. 9276(c).
- 65 FR 49402, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
20: | SECTION 663.200 | 663.200 What are intensive services for adults and dislocated workers | |
20: | SECTION 663.210 | 663.210 How are intensive services delivered | |
20: | SECTION 663.220 | 663.220 Who may receive intensive services | |
20: | SECTION 663.230 | 663.230 What criteria must be used to determine whether an employed worker needs intensive services to obtain or retain employment leading to “self-sufficiency” | |
20: | SECTION 663.240 | 663.240 Are there particular intensive services an individual must receive before receiving training services under WIA section 134(d)(4)(A)(i) | |
20: | SECTION 663.245 | 663.245 What is the individual employment plan | |
20: | SECTION 663.250 | 663.250 How long must an individual participant be in intensive services to be eligible for training services |