Title 20


Subpart A - Delivery of Adult and Dislocated Worker Services Through the One-Stop Delivery System

20: 663.100
   663.100 What is the role of the adult and dislocated worker programs in the One-Stop delivery system
20: 663.105
   663.105 When must adults and dislocated workers be registered
20: 663.110
   663.110 What are the eligibility criteria for core services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker programs
20: 663.115
   663.115 What are the eligibility criteria for core services for dislocated workers in the adult and dislocated worker programs
20: 663.120
   663.120 Are displaced homemakers eligible for dislocated worker activities under WIA
20: 663.145
   663.145 What services are WIA title I adult and dislocated workers formula funds used to provide
20: 663.150
   663.150 What core services must be provided to adults and dislocated workers
20: 663.155
   663.155 How are core services delivered
20: 663.160
   663.160 Are there particular core services an individual must receive before receiving intensive services under WIA section 134(d)(3)
20: 663.165
   663.165 How long must an individual be in core services in order to be eligible for intensive services