Title 20
Subpart A - Labor Certification Process for Temporary Non-Agricultural Employment in the United States (H-2B Workers) Source: 80 FR 24108, Apr. 29, 2015, unless otherwise noted.
- Section 655.0 issued under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(E)(iii), 1101(a)(15)(H)(i) and (ii), 8 U.S.C. 1103(a)(6), 1182(m), (n), (p), and (t), 1184(c), (g), and (j), 1188, and 1288(c) and (d); sec. 3(c)(1), Pub. L. 101-238, 103 Stat. 2099, 2102 (8 U.S.C. 1182 note); sec. 221(a), Pub. L. 101-649, 104 Stat. 4978, 5027 (8 U.S.C. 1184 note); sec. 303(a)(8), Pub. L. 102-232, 105 Stat. 1733, 1748 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note); sec. 323(c), Pub. L. 103-206, 107 Stat. 2428; sec. 412(e), Pub. L. 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681 (8 U.S.C. 1182 note); sec. 2(d), Pub. L. 106-95, 113 Stat. 1312, 1316 (8 U.S.C. 1182 note); 29 U.S.C. 49k; Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135, as amended; Pub. L. 109-423, 120 Stat. 2900; 8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(i); 8 CFR 214.2(h)(6)(iii); and sec. 6, Pub. L. 115-218, 132 Stat. 1547 (48 U.S.C. 1806).
- Source: 42 FR 45899, Sept. 13, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
20: | SUBJGRP 31 | Prefiling Procedures | |
20: | SECTION 655.1 | 655.1 Scope and purpose of this subpart. | |
20: | SECTION 655.2 | 655.2 Authority of the agencies, offices, and divisions in the Department of Labor. | |
20: | SECTION 655.3 | 655.3 Territory of Guam. | |
20: | SECTION 655.4 | 655.4 Transition procedures. | |
20: | SECTION 655.5 | 655.5 Definition of terms. | |
20: | SECTION 655.6 | 655.6 Temporary need. | |
20: | SECTION 655.7 | 655.7 Persons and entities authorized to file. | |
20: | SECTION 655.8 | 655.8 Requirements for agents. | |
20: | SECTION 655.9 | 655.9 Disclosure of foreign worker recruitment. | |
20: | SECTION 655.10 | 655.10 Determination of prevailing wage for temporary labor certification purposes. | |
20: | SECTION 655.11 | 655.11 Registration of H-2B employers. | |
20: | SECTION 655.12 | 655.12 Use of registration of H-2B employers. | |
20: | SECTION 655.13 | 655.13 Review of PWDs. | |
20: | SECTION 655.14 | 655.14 [Reserved] | |
20: | SUBJGRP 32 | Application for Temporary Employment Certification Filing Procedures | |
20: | SECTION 655.15 | 655.15 Application filing requirements. | |
20: | SECTION 655.16 | 655.16 Filing of the job order at the SWA. | |
20: | SECTION 655.17 | 655.17 Emergency situations. | |
20: | SECTION 655.18 | 655.18 Job order assurances and contents. | |
20: | SECTION 655.19 | 655.19 Job contractor filing requirements. | |
20: | SUBJGRP 33 | Assurances and Obligations | |
20: | SECTION 655.20 | 655.20 Assurances and obligations of H-2B employers. | |
20: | SECTION 655.21-655.29 | 655.21-655.29 [Reserved] | |
20: | SUBJGRP 34 | Processing of an Application for Temporary Employment Certification | |
20: | SECTION 655.30 | 655.30 Processing of an application and job order. | |
20: | SECTION 655.31 | 655.31 Notice of deficiency. | |
20: | SECTION 655.32 | 655.32 Submission of a modified application or job order. | |
20: | SECTION 655.33 | 655.33 Notice of acceptance. | |
20: | SECTION 655.34 | 655.34 Electronic job registry. | |
20: | SECTION 655.35 | 655.35 Amendments to an application or job order. | |
20: | SECTION 655.36-655.39 | 655.36-655.39 [Reserved] | |
20: | SUBJGRP 35 | Post-Acceptance Requirements | |
20: | SECTION 655.40 | 655.40 Employer-conducted recruitment. | |
20: | SECTION 655.41 | 655.41 Advertising requirements. | |
20: | SECTION 655.42 | 655.42 [Reserved] | |
20: | SECTION 655.43 | 655.43 Contact with former U.S. employees. | |
20: | SECTION 655.44 | 655.44 [Reserved] | |
20: | SECTION 655.45 | 655.45 Contact with bargaining representative, posting and other contact requirements. | |
20: | SECTION 655.46 | 655.46 Additional employer-conducted recruitment. | |
20: | SECTION 655.47 | 655.47 Referrals of U.S. workers. | |
20: | SECTION 655.48 | 655.48 Recruitment report. | |
20: | SECTION 655.49 | 655.49 [Reserved] | |
20: | SUBJGRP 36 | Labor Certification Determinations | |
20: | SECTION 655.50 | 655.50 Determinations. | |
20: | SECTION 655.51 | 655.51 Criteria for certification. | |
20: | SECTION 655.52 | 655.52 Approved certification. | |
20: | SECTION 655.53 | 655.53 Denied certification. | |
20: | SECTION 655.54 | 655.54 Partial certification. | |
20: | SECTION 655.55 | 655.55 Validity of temporary labor certification. | |
20: | SECTION 655.56 | 655.56 Document retention requirements of H-2B employers. | |
20: | SECTION 655.57 | 655.57 Request for determination based on nonavailability of U.S. workers. | |
20: | SECTION 655.58-655.59 | 655.58-655.59 [Reserved] | |
20: | SUBJGRP 37 | Post Certification Activities | |
20: | SECTION 655.60 | 655.60 Extensions. | |
20: | SECTION 655.61 | 655.61 Administrative review. | |
20: | SECTION 655.62 | 655.62 Withdrawal of an Application for Temporary Employment Certification. | |
20: | SECTION 655.63 | 655.63 Public disclosure. | |
20: | SECTION 655.66 | 655.66 Special document retention provisions for Fiscal Years 2018 through 2021 under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141. | |
20: | SECTION 655.67 | 655.67 Special document retention provisions for Fiscal Years 2019 through 2022 under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019. | |
20: | SECTION 655.68-655.69 | 655.68-655.69 [Reserved] | |
20: | SUBJGRP 38 | Integrity Measures | |
20: | SECTION 655.70 | 655.70 Audits. | |
20: | SECTION 655.71 | 655.71 CO-ordered assisted recruitment. | |
20: | SECTION 655.72 | 655.72 Revocation. | |
20: | SECTION 655.73 | 655.73 Debarment. | |
20: | SECTION 655.74-655.76 | 655.74-655.76 [Reserved] | |
20: | SECTION 655.80-655.99 | 655.80-655.99 [Reserved] |