Title 20

PART 369

Part 369 - Use Of The Seal Of The Railroad Retirement Board

PART 369 - USE OF THE SEAL OF THE RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD Authority:18 U.S.C. 701; 45 U.S.C. 231f. Source:66 FR 29475, May 31, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

20: 369.1
   369.1 Unofficial use of the seal of the Railroad Retirement Board.
20: 369.2
   369.2 Authority to grant written permission for use of the seal.
20: 369.3
   369.3 Procedures for obtaining permission to use the seal.
20: 369.4
   369.4 Inappropriate use of the seal.
20: 369.5
   369.5 Penalty for misuse of the seal.