Title 20

PART 363

Part 363 - Garnishment Of Remuneration Of Board Personnel

PART 363 - GARNISHMENT OF REMUNERATION OF BOARD PERSONNEL Authority:15 U.S.C. 1673(b)(2); 42 U.S.C. 659, 661, and 662; and 45 U.S.C. 231f(b)(5) and 362(1). Source:45 FR 28315, Apr. 29, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

20: 363.1
   363.1 Authorization for garnishment of remuneration for employment paid by the Board.
20: 363.2
   363.2 Definitions.
20: 363.3
   363.3 Procedure.
20: 363.4
   363.4 Exemptions.
20: 363.5
   363.5 Miscellaneous.