20: | SUBJGRP 138
| Survivors | |
20: | SECTION 30.500
| 30.500 What special statutory definitions apply to survivors under EEOICPA | |
20: | SECTION 30.501
| 30.501 What order of precedence will OWCP use to determine which survivors are entitled to receive compensation under EEOICPA | |
20: | SECTION 30.502
| 30.502 When is entitlement for survivors determined for purposes of EEOICPA | |
20: | SUBJGRP 139
| Payment of Claims and Offset for Certain Payments | |
20: | SECTION 30.505
| 30.505 What procedures will OWCP follow before it pays any compensation | |
20: | SECTION 30.506
| 30.506 To whom and in what manner will OWCP pay compensation | |
20: | SECTION 30.507
| 30.507 What compensation will be provided to covered Part B employees who only establish beryllium sensitivity under Part B of EEOICPA | |
20: | SECTION 30.508
| 30.508 What is beryllium sensitivity monitoring | |
20: | SECTION 30.509
| 30.509 Under what circumstances may a survivor claiming under Part E of the Act choose to receive the benefits that would otherwise be payable to a covered Part E employee who is deceased | |
20: | SUBJGRP 140
| Overpayments | |
20: | SECTION 30.510
| 30.510 How does OWCP notify an individual of a payment made on a claim | |
20: | SECTION 30.511
| 30.511 What is an “overpayment” for purposes of EEOICPA | |
20: | SECTION 30.512
| 30.512 What does OWCP do when an overpayment is identified | |
20: | SECTION 30.513
| 30.513 Under what circumstances may OWCP waive recovery of an overpayment | |
20: | SECTION 30.514
| 30.514 If OWCP finds that the recipient of an overpayment was not at fault, what criteria are used to decide whether to waive recovery of it | |
20: | SECTION 30.515
| 30.515 Is a recipient responsible for an overpayment that resulted from an error made by OWCP | |
20: | SECTION 30.516
| 30.516 Under what circumstances would recovery of an overpayment defeat the purpose of the Act | |
20: | SECTION 30.517
| 30.517 Under what circumstances would recovery of an overpayment be against equity and good conscience | |
20: | SECTION 30.518
| 30.518 Can OWCP require the recipient of the overpayment to submit additional financial information | |
20: | SECTION 30.519
| 30.519 How does OWCP communicate its final decision concerning recovery of an overpayment | |
20: | SECTION 30.520
| 30.520 How are overpayments collected | |