Title 2

PART 183

Part 183 - Never Contract With The Enemy

PART 183 - NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY Authority:Pub. L. 113-291. Source:85 FR 49527, Aug. 13, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

2: 183.5
   183.5 Purpose of this part.
2: 183.10
   183.10 Applicability.
2: 183.15
   183.15 Responsibilities of Federal awarding agencies.
2: 183.20
   183.20 Reporting responsibilities of Federal awarding agencies.
2: 183.25
   183.25 Responsibilities of recipients.
2: 183.30
   183.30 Access to records.
2: 183.35
   183.35 Definitions.
2: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 183 - Award Terms for Never Contract With the Enemy