Title 18


Part 50 - Applications For Permits To Site Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities

PART 50 - APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO SITE INTERSTATE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION FACILITIES Authority:16 U.S.C. 824p, DOE Delegation Order No. 00-004.00A. Source:71 FR 69465, Dec. 1, 2006, unless otherwise noted.

18: 50.1
   50.1 Definitions.
18: 50.2
   50.2 Purpose and intent of rules.
18: 50.3
   50.3 Applications/pre-filing; rules and format.
18: 50.4
   50.4 Stakeholder participation.
18: 50.5
   50.5 Pre-filing procedures.
18: 50.6
   50.6 Applications: general content.
18: 50.7
   50.7 Applications: exhibits.
18: 50.8
   50.8 Acceptance/rejection of applications.
18: 50.9
   50.9 Notice of application.
18: 50.10
   50.10 Interventions.
18: 50.11
   50.11 General conditions applicable to permits.