Title 18

PART 388

Part 388 - Information And Requests

PART 388 - INFORMATION AND REQUESTS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301-305, 551, 552 (as amended), 553-557; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 16 U.S.C. 824(o-l). Source:Order 488, 53 FR 1473, Jan. 20, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

18: 388.101
   388.101 Scope.
18: 388.102
   388.102 Notice of proceedings.
18: 388.103
   388.103 Notice and publication of decisions, rules, statements of policy, organization and operations.
18: 388.104
   388.104 Informal advice from Commission staff.
18: 388.105
   388.105 Procedures for press, television, radio, and photographic coverage.
18: 388.106
   388.106 Requests for Commission records available in the Public Reference Room and from the Commission's web site, http://www.ferc.gov.
18: 388.107
   388.107 Commission records exempt from public disclosure.
18: 388.108
   388.108 Requests for Commission records not available through the Public Reference Room (FOIA requests).
18: 388.109
   388.109 Fees for record requests.
18: 388.110
   388.110 Procedure for appeal of denial of requests for Commission records not publicly available or not available through the Public Reference Room, denial of requests for fee waiver or reduction, and denial of requests for expedited processing.
18: 388.111
   388.111 Procedures in event of subpoena.
18: 388.112
   388.112 Requests for privileged treatment for documents submitted to the Commission.
18: 388.113
   388.113 Critical Energy/Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII).