Title 18


Subpart G - Decisions

18: 385.701
   385.701 Applicability (Rule 701).
18: 385.702
   385.702 Definitions (Rule 702).
18: 385.703
   385.703 Contents of decisions (Rule 703).
18: 385.704
   385.704 Rights of participants before initial decision (Rule 704).
18: 385.705
   385.705 Additional powers of presiding officer with respect to briefs (Rule 705).
18: 385.706
   385.706 Initial and reply briefs before initial decision (Rule 706).
18: 385.707
   385.707 Oral argument before initial decision (Rule 707).
18: 385.708
   385.708 Initial decisions by presiding officer (Rule 708).
18: 385.709
   385.709 Other types of decisions (Rule 709).
18: 385.710
   385.710 Waiver of the initial decision (Rule 710).
18: 385.711
   385.711 Exceptions and briefs on and opposing exceptions after initial decision (Rule 711).
18: 385.712
   385.712 Commission review of initial decisions in the absence of exceptions (Rule 712).
18: 385.713
   385.713 Request for rehearing (Rule 713).
18: 385.714
   385.714 Certified questions (Rule 714).
18: 385.715
   385.715 Interlocutory appeals to the Commission from rulings of presiding officers (Rule 715).
18: 385.716
   385.716 Reopening (Rule 716).