Title 18


Subpart J - Operating Revenue Chart of Accounts

18: 367.4570
   367.4570 Account 457, Services rendered to associate companies.
18: 367.4571
   367.4571 Account 457.1, Direct costs charged to associate companies.
18: 367.4572
   367.4572 Account 457.2, Indirect costs charged to associate companies.
18: 367.4573
   367.4573 Account 457.3, Compensation for use of capital-associate companies.
18: 367.4580
   367.4580 Account 458, Services rendered to non-associate companies.
18: 367.4581
   367.4581 Account 458.1, Direct costs charged to non-associate companies.
18: 367.4582
   367.4582 Account 458.2, Indirect costs charged to non-associate companies.
18: 367.4583
   367.4583 Account 458.3, Compensation for use of capital - Non-associate companies.
18: 367.4584
   367.4584 Account 458.4, Excess or deficiency on servicing non-associate utility companies.