Title 18


Subpart A - Definitions and Provisions Under PUHCA 2005, the Federal Power Act and the Natural Gas Act

18: 366.1
   366.1 Definitions.
18: 366.2
   366.2 Commission access to books and records.
18: 366.3
   366.3 Exemption from Commission access to books and records; waivers of accounting, record-retention, and reporting requirements.
18: 366.4
   366.4 FERC-65, notification of holding company status, FERC-65A, exemption notification, and FERC-65B, waiver notification.
18: 366.5
   366.5 Allocation of costs for non-power goods and services.
18: 366.6
   366.6 Previously authorized activities.
18: 366.7
   366.7 Procedures for obtaining exempt wholesale generator and foreign utility company status.