Title 18

PART 341

Part 341 - Oil Pipeline Tariffs: Oil Pipeline Companies Subject To Section 6 Of The Interstate Commerce Act

PART 341 - OIL PIPELINE TARIFFS: OIL PIPELINE COMPANIES SUBJECT TO SECTION 6 OF THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT Authority:42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 1-27. Source:Order 561, 58 FR 58773, Nov. 4, 1993, unless otherwise noted.

18: 341.0
   341.0 Definitions; application.
18: 341.1
   341.1 Electronic filing of tariffs and related materials.
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   341.2 Filing requirements.
18: 341.3
   341.3 Form of tariff.
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   341.4 Amendments of tariff filings.
18: 341.5
   341.5 Cancellation of tariffs.
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   341.6 Adoption of tariff by a successor.
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   341.7 Concurrences.
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   341.8 Terminal and other services.
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   341.9 Index of tariffs.
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   341.10 Application of rates to intermediate points.
18: 341.11
   341.11 Rejection of tariff publications and other filed materials.
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   341.12 Informal submissions.
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   341.13 Withdrawal of proposed tariff publications.
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   341.14 Special permission.
18: 341.15
   341.15 Long and short haul or aggregate of intermediate rates.