Title 18


Part 34 - Application For Authorization Of The Issuance Of Securities Or The Assumption Of Liabilities

PART 34 - APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF SECURITIES OR THE ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES Authority:16 U.S.C. 791a-825r, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352. Source:Order 182, 46 FR 50514, Oct. 14, 1981, unless otherwise noted. Cross References:

For rules of practice and procedure, see part 385 of this chapter. For Approved Forms, Federal Power Act, see part 131 of this chapter.

OMB Reference:

“FERC Filing No. 523” is the identification number used by the Commission and the Office of Management and Budget to reference the filing requirements in part 34.

18: 34.1
   34.1 Applicability; definitions; exemptions in case of certain State regulation, certain short-term issuances and certain qualifying facilities.
18: 34.2
   34.2 Placement of securities.
18: 34.3
   34.3 Contents of application for issuance of securities.
18: 34.4
   34.4 Required exhibits.
18: 34.5
   34.5 Additional information.
18: 34.6
   34.6 Form and style.
18: 34.7
   34.7 Filing requirements.
18: 34.8
   34.8 Verification.
18: 34.9
   34.9 Reports.