Title 18


Subpart I - Emergency Natural Gas Sale, Transportation, and Exchange Transactions Source:Order 449, 51 FR 9187, Mar. 18, 1986, unless otherwise noted.

18: 284.261
   284.261 Purpose.
18: 284.262
   284.262 Definitions.
18: 284.263
   284.263 Exemption from section 7 of Natural Gas Act and certain regulatory conditions.
18: 284.264
   284.264 Terms and conditions.
18: 284.265
   284.265 Cost recovery by interstate pipeline.
18: 284.266
   284.266 Rates and charges for interstate pipelines.
18: 284.267
   284.267 Intrastate pipeline emergency transportation rates.
18: 284.268
   284.268 Local distribution company emergency transportation rates.
18: 284.269
   284.269 Intrastate pipeline and local distribution company emergency sales rates.
18: 284.270
   284.270 Reporting requirements.
18: 284.271
   284.271 Waiver.