Title 18


Subpart B - Permanent Curtailment Rule

18: 281.201
   281.201 Purpose.
18: 281.202
   281.202 Applicability.
18: 281.203
   281.203 Definitions and cross references.
18: 281.204
   281.204 Tariff filing requirements.
18: 281.205
   281.205 General rules.
18: 281.206
   281.206 Priority 1 reclassification.
18: 281.207
   281.207 Priority 2 classification.
18: 281.208
   281.208 Calculation of essential agricultural requirements and attributable priority 2 entitlements.
18: 281.209
   281.209 Attribution.
18: 281.210
   281.210 Conflicting data.
18: 281.211
   281.211 Filing and documentation.
18: 281.212
   281.212 Draft tariff and index of entitlements.
18: 281.213
   281.213 Data Verification Committee.
18: 281.214
   281.214 Notice, complaint and remedy.
18: 281.215
   281.215 Additional relief.