Title 15

PART 923

Part 923 - Coastal Zone Management Program Regulations

PART 923 - COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REGULATIONS Authority:16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.; 31 U.S.C. 6506; 42 U.S.C. 3334; Sections 923.92 and 923.94 are also issued under E.O. 12372, July 14, 1982, 3 CFR 1982 Comp. p. 197, as amended by E.O. 12416, April 8, 1983, 3 CFR 1983 Comp. p. 186. Source:44 FR 18595, Mar. 28, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

15: A
Subpart A - General
15: 923.1
   923.1 Purpose and scope.
15: 923.2
   923.2 Definitions.
15: 923.3
   923.3 General requirements.
15: B
Subpart B - Uses Subject to Management
15: 923.10
   923.10 General.
15: 923.11
   923.11 Uses subject to management.
15: 923.12
   923.12 Uses of regional benefit.
15: 923.13
   923.13 Energy facility planning process.
15: C
Subpart C - Special Management Areas
15: 923.20
   923.20 General.
15: 923.21
   923.21 Areas of particular concern.
15: 923.22
   923.22 Areas for preservation or restoration.
15: 923.23
   923.23 Other areas of particular concern.
15: 923.24
   923.24 Shorefront access and protection planning.
15: 923.25
   923.25 Shoreline erosion/mitigation planning.
15: D
Subpart D - Boundaries
15: 923.30
   923.30 General.
15: 923.31
   923.31 Inland boundary.
15: 923.32
   923.32 Lakeward or seaward boundary.
15: 923.33
   923.33 Excluded lands.
15: 923.34
   923.34 Interstate boundary.
15: E
Subpart E - Authorities and Organization
15: 923.40
   923.40 General.
15: 923.41
   923.41 Identification of authorities.
15: 923.42
   923.42 State establishment of criteria and standards for local implementation - Technique A.
15: 923.43
   923.43 Direct State land and water use planning and regulation - Technique B.
15: 923.44
   923.44 State review on a case-by-case basis of actions affecting land and water uses subject to the management program - Technique C.
15: 923.45
   923.45 Air and water pollution control requirements.
15: 923.46
   923.46 Organizational structure.
15: 923.47
   923.47 Designated State agency.
15: 923.48
   923.48 Documentation.
15: F
Subpart F - Coordination, Public Involvement and National Interest
15: 923.50
   923.50 General.
15: 923.51
   923.51 Federal-State consultation.
15: 923.52
   923.52 Consideration of the national interest in facilities.
15: 923.53
   923.53 Federal consistency procedures.
15: 923.54
   923.54 Mediation.
15: 923.55
   923.55 Full participation by State and local governments, interested parties, and the general public.
15: 923.56
   923.56 Plan coordination.
15: 923.57
   923.57 Continuing consultation.
15: 923.58
   923.58 Public hearings.
15: G
Subpart G - Review/Approval Procedures
15: 923.60
   923.60 Review/approval procedures.
15: H
Subpart H - Changes to Approved Management Programs
15: 923.80
   923.80 General.
15: 923.81
   923.81 Program change procedures, deadlines, public notice and comment, and application of approved changes.
15: 923.82
   923.82 Program change submissions.
15: 923.83
   923.83 Program change materials.
15: 923.84
   923.84 Program change decision criteria.
15: 923.85
   923.85 Procedural requirements of other Federal law.
15: I
Subpart I - Applications for Program Development or Implementation Grants
15: 923.90
   923.90 General.
15: 923.91
   923.91 State responsibility.
15: 923.92
   923.92 Allocation.
15: 923.93
   923.93 Eligible implementation costs.
15: 923.94
   923.94 Application for program development or implementation grants.
15: 923.95
   923.95 Approval of applications.
15: 923.96
   923.96 Grant amendments.
15: J
Subpart J - Allocation of Section 306 Program Administration Grants
15: 923.110
   923.110 Allocation formula.
15: K
Subpart K - Coastal Zone Enhancement Grants Program
15: 923.121
   923.121 General.
15: 923.122
   923.122 Objectives.
15: 923.123
   923.123 Definitions.
15: 923.124
   923.124 Allocation of section 309 funds.
15: 923.125
   923.125 Criteria for section 309 project selection.
15: 923.126
   923.126 Pre-application procedures.
15: 923.127
   923.127 Formal application for financial assistance and application review and approval procedures.
15: 923.128
   923.128 Revisions to assessments and strategies.
15: L
Subpart L - Review of Performance
15: 923.131
   923.131 General.
15: 923.132
   923.132 Definitions.
15: 923.133
   923.133 Procedure for conducting continuing reviews of approved State CZM programs.
15: 923.134
   923.134 Public participation.
15: 923.135
   923.135 Enforcement.