Title 15

PART 918

Part 918 - Sea Grants

PART 918 - SEA GRANTS Authority:Sec. 207, National Sea Grant College Program Act, as amended (Pub. L. 94-461, 33 U.S.C. 1121, et seq.). Source:44 FR 75054, Dec. 18, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

15: 918.1
   918.1 Introduction.
15: 918.2
   918.2 Definitions.
15: 918.3
   918.3 Eligibility, qualifications, and responsibility of a Sea Grant College.
15: 918.4
   918.4 Duration of Sea Grant College designation.
15: 918.5
   918.5 Eligibility, qualifications, and responsibilities - Sea Grant Regional Consortia.
15: 918.6
   918.6 Duration of Sea Grant Regional Consortium designation.
15: 918.7
   918.7 Application for designation.