Title 15

PART 291

Part 291 - Manufacturing Extension Partnership; Environmental Projects

PART 291 - MANUFACTURING EXTENSION PARTNERSHIP; ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS Authority:15 U.S.C. § 272(b)(1) and (c)(3) and § 2781. Source:60 FR 4082, Jan. 20, 1995, unless otherwise noted.

15: 291.1
   291.1 Program description.
15: 291.2
   291.2 Environmental integration projects.
15: 291.3
   291.3 Environmental tools and techniques projects.
15: 291.4
   291.4 National industry-specific pollution prevention and environmental compliance resource centers.
15: 291.5
   291.5 Proposal selection process.
15: 291.6
   291.6 Additional requirements; Federal policies and procedures.