Title 15
PART 256
Part 256 - Research Associate Program
- Authority: 27 Stat. 395, 31 Stat. 1039; 20 U.S.C. 91.
- Source: 32 FR 10252, July 12, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
15: | SECTION 256.1 | 256.1 Introduction. | |
15: | SECTION 256.2 | 256.2 The Research Associate Program. | |
15: | SECTION 256.3 | 256.3 Procedure. | |
15: | SECTION 256.4 | 256.4 Qualifications. | |
15: | SECTION 256.5 | 256.5 Duration of projects. | |
15: | SECTION 256.6 | 256.6 Information concerning the Research Associate Program. |