Title 15

PART 255

Part 255 - Fellowships In Laboratory Standardization And Testing For Qualified Citizens Of Other American Republics

PART 255 - FELLOWSHIPS IN LABORATORY STANDARDIZATION AND TESTING FOR QUALIFIED CITIZENS OF OTHER AMERICAN REPUBLICS Authority:R.S. 161; sec. 1, 53 Stat. 1290; 22 U.S.C. 501. Source:13 FR 8374, Dec. 28, 1948, unless otherwise noted.

15: 255.1
   255.1 Type of fellowships.
15: 255.2
   255.2 Qualifications.
15: 255.3
   255.3 Award of fellowships.
15: 255.4
   255.4 Allowances and expenses.
15: 255.5
   255.5 Progress reports.
15: 255.6
   255.6 Duration of fellowships.
15: 255.7
   255.7 Official notification.