Title 15

PART 2017

Part 2017 - Petition Process To Review Eligibility Of Countries Under The African Growth And Opportunity Act (agoa)

PART 2017 - PETITION PROCESS TO REVIEW ELIGIBILITY OF COUNTRIES UNDER THE AFRICAN GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITY ACT (AGOA) Authority:19 U.S.C. 2466a et seq.; Pub. L. 114-27, sec. 105(d)(3), 129 Stat. 366-367, June 29, 2015; E.O. 13720 of Feb. 26, 2016, 81 FR 11087, Mar. 2, 2016 Source:81 FR 14717, Mar. 18, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

15: 2017.0
   2017.0 Definitions.
15: 2017.1
   2017.1 Petition for review.
15: 2017.2
   2017.2 Action following receipt of a petition.
15: 2017.3
   2017.3 Publication regarding petitions.
15: 2017.4
   2017.4 Public inspection.
15: 2017.5
   2017.5 Expiration.