Title 15

PART 2016

Part 2016 - Procedures To Petition For Withdrawal Or Suspension Of Country Eligibility Or Duty-free Treatment Under The Andean Trade Preference Act (atpa), As Amended

PART 2016 - PROCEDURES TO PETITION FOR WITHDRAWAL OR SUSPENSION OF COUNTRY ELIGIBILITY OR DUTY-FREE TREATMENT UNDER THE ANDEAN TRADE PREFERENCE ACT (ATPA), AS AMENDED Authority:19 U.S.C. 3201, et seq.; sec. 3103(d), Pub. L. 107-210; 116 Stat. 933; E.O. 13277, 67 FR 70303. Source:68 FR 43924, July 25, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

15: 2016.0
   2016.0 Requests for reviews.
15: 2016.1
   2016.1 Action following receipt of petitions.
15: 2016.2
   2016.2 Timetable for reviews.
15: 2016.3
   2016.3 Publication regarding requests.
15: 2016.4
   2016.4 Information open to public inspection.
15: 2016.5
   2016.5 Information exempt from public inspection.