Title 15

PART 2002

Part 2002 - Operation Of Committees

PART 2002 - OPERATION OF COMMITTEES Authority:Pub. L. 93-618, 88 Stat. 1978; 76 Stat. 902, 19 U.S.C. 1872, as amended; E.O. 11846 of March 27, 1975, 40 FR 14291, March 31, 1975.

15: 2002.0
   2002.0 Trade Policy Committee.
15: 2002.1
   2002.1 Trade Policy Committee Review Group.
15: 2002.2
   2002.2 Trade Policy Staff Committee.
15: 2002.3
   2002.3 Section 301 Committee.
15: 2002.4
   2002.4 Participation by other agencies.