Title 15

PART 1180

Part 1180 - Transfer By Federal Agencies Of Scientific, Technical And Engineering Information To The National Technical Information Service

PART 1180 - TRANSFER BY FEDERAL AGENCIES OF SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING INFORMATION TO THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Authority:Sec. 108 of Pub. L. 102-245, 106 Stat. 7 (15 U.S.C. 3704b-2). Source:59 FR 10, Jan. 3, 1994, unless otherwise noted.

15: 1180.1
   1180.1 Purpose and scope.
15: 1180.2
   1180.2 Definitions.
15: 1180.3
   1180.3 General rule.
15: 1180.4
   1180.4 Preparing a product for transfer.
15: 1180.5
   1180.5 Timeliness.
15: 1180.6
   1180.6 Production of additional copies.
15: 1180.7
   1180.7 Exceptions.
15: 1180.8
   1180.8 Appointment of Agency Liaison Officers.
15: 1180.9
   1180.9 Affiliates.
15: 1180.10
   1180.10 NTIS permanent repository.
15: 1180.11
   1180.11 Relation to other laws and procedures.
   Appendix to Part 1180 - Sample Funding Agreement Clause for Direct Submission of Products