Title 14
SECTION 1300.11
1300.11 Eligible borrower.
§ 1300.11 Eligible borrower.(a) An eligible borrower must be an air carrier that can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Board, that:
(1) It has incurred (or is incurring) losses as a result of the terrorist attacks on the United States that occurred on September 11, 2001, which may include losses due to the unavailability of credit or the decrease in demand for that air carrier's services;
(2) It is not under bankruptcy protection or receivership when the application is submitted or when the Board issues the guarantee, unless the guarantee and the underlying financial obligation is to be part of a bankruptcy court-certified reorganization plan;
(3) It has agreed to permit such audits and reviews prior to the issuance of a guarantee, as the Board may deem appropriate, by an independent auditor acceptable to the Board;
(4) It has agreed to permit such audits and reviews during the period the loan is outstanding and three years after payment in full of the guaranteed loan, as the Board may deem appropriate, by an independent auditor acceptable to the Board or by the Comptroller General;
(5) In conducting audits and reviews pursuant to paragraphs (a) (3) and (4) of this section, it has agreed to provide access to the officers and employees, books, records, accounts, documents, correspondence, and other information of the borrower, its subsidiaries, affiliates, financial advisers, consultants, and independent certified accountants that the Board or the Comptroller General consider necessary.
(b) Status as an eligible borrower under this section does not ensure that the Board will issue the guarantee sought or preclude the Board from declining to issue a guarantee.