Title 14
SECTION 121.354
121.354 Terrain awareness and warning system.
§ 121.354 Terrain awareness and warning system.(a) Airplanes manufactured after March 29, 2002. No person may operate a turbine-powered airplane unless that airplane is equipped with an approved terrain awareness and warning system that meets the requirements for Class A equipment in Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C151. The airplane must also include an approved terrain situational awareness display.
(b) Airplanes manufactured on or before March 29, 2002. No person may operate a turbine-powered airplane after March 29, 2005, unless that airplane is equipped with an approved terrain awareness and warning system that meets the requirements for Class A equipment in Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C151. The airplane must also include an approved terrain situational awareness display.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2120-0631)(c) Airplane Flight Manual. The Airplane Flight Manual shall contain appropriate procedures for -
(1) The use of the terrain awareness and warning system; and
(2) Proper flight crew reaction in response to the terrain awareness and warning system audio and visual warnings.
[Doc. No. 29312, 65 FR 16755, Mar. 29, 2000]