Title 14

PART 460

Part 460 - Human Space Flight Requirements

PART 460 - HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS Authority:51 U.S.C. 50901-50923. Source:Docket No. FAA-2005-23449, 71 FR 75632, Dec. 15, 2006, unless otherwise noted.

14: A
Subpart A - Launch and Reentry with Crew
14: 460.1
   460.1 Scope.
14: 460.3
   460.3 Applicability.
14: 460.5
   460.5 Crew qualifications and training.
14: 460.7
   460.7 Operator training of crew.
14: 460.9
   460.9 Informing crew of risk.
14: 460.11
   460.11 Environmental control and life support systems.
14: 460.13
   460.13 Smoke detection and fire suppression.
14: 460.15
   460.15 Human factors.
14: 460.17
   460.17 Verification program.
14: 460.19
   460.19 Crew waiver of claims against U.S. Government.
14: 460.20-460.40
   460.20-460.40 [Reserved]
14: B
Subpart B - Launch and Reentry with a Space Flight participant
14: 460.41
   460.41 Scope.
14: 460.43
   460.43 Applicability.
14: 460.45
   460.45 Operator informing space flight participant of risk.
14: 460.47
   460.47 [Reserved]
14: 460.49
   460.49 Space flight participant waiver of claims against U.S. Government.
14: 460.51
   460.51 Space flight participant training.
14: 460.53
   460.53 Security.