Title 14
Subpart A - General Information
- 51 U.S.C. 50901-50923.
- Docket No. FAA-2006-24197, 72 FR 17019, Apr. 6, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
14: | SECTION 437.1 | 437.1 Scope and organization of this part. | |
14: | SECTION 437.3 | 437.3 Definitions. | |
14: | SECTION 437.5 | 437.5 Eligibility for an experimental permit. | |
14: | SECTION 437.7 | 437.7 Scope of an experimental permit. | |
14: | SECTION 437.9 | 437.9 Issuance of an experimental permit. | |
14: | SECTION 437.11 | 437.11 Duration of an experimental permit. | |
14: | SECTION 437.13 | 437.13 Additional experimental permit terms and conditions. | |
14: | SECTION 437.15 | 437.15 Transfer of an experimental permit. | |
14: | SECTION 437.17 | 437.17 Rights not conferred by an experimental permit. |