Title 14

PART 431

Part 431 - Launch And Reentry Of A Reusable Launch Vehicle (rlv)

PART 431 - LAUNCH AND REENTRY OF A REUSABLE LAUNCH VEHICLE (RLV) Link to an amendment published at 85 FR 79717, Dec. 10, 2020. Authority:51 U.S.C. 50901-50923. Source:Docket No. FAA-1999-5535, 65 FR 56658, Sept. 19, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

14: A
Subpart A - General
14: 431.1
   431.1 General.
14: 431.2
   431.2 xxx
14: 431.3
   431.3 Types of reusable launch vehicle mission licenses.
14: 431.5
   431.5 Policy and safety approvals.
14: 431.7
   431.7 Payload and payload reentry determinations.
14: 431.8
   431.8 Human space flight.
14: 431.9
   431.9 Issuance of a reusable launch vehicle mission license.
14: 431.11
   431.11 Additional license terms and conditions.
14: 431.13
   431.13 Transfer of a reusable launch vehicle mission license.
14: 431.15
   431.15 Rights not conferred by a reusable launch vehicle mission license.
14: 431.16-431.20
   431.16-431.20 [Reserved]
14: B
Subpart B - Policy Review and Approval for Launch and Reentry of a Reusable Launch Vehicle
14: 431.21
   431.21 General.
14: 431.23
   431.23 Policy review.
14: 431.25
   431.25 Application requirements for policy review.
14: 431.27
   431.27 Denial of policy approval.
14: 431.28-431.30
   431.28-431.30 [Reserved]
14: C
Subpart C - Safety Review and Approval for Launch and Reentry of a Reusable Launch Vehicle
14: 431.31
   431.31 General.
14: 431.33
   431.33 Safety organization.
14: 431.35
   431.35 Acceptable reusable launch vehicle mission risk.
14: 431.37
   431.37 Mission readiness.
14: 431.39
   431.39 Mission rules, procedures, contingency plans, and checklists.
14: 431.41
   431.41 Communications plan.
14: 431.43
   431.43 Reusable launch vehicle mission operational requirements and restrictions.
14: 431.45
   431.45 Mishap investigation plan and emergency response plan.
14: 431.47
   431.47 Denial of safety approval.
14: 431.48-431.50
   431.48-431.50 [Reserved]
14: D
Subpart D - Payload Reentry Review and Determination
14: 431.51
   431.51 General.
14: 431.53
   431.53 Classes of payloads.
14: 431.55
   431.55 Payload reentry review.
14: 431.57
   431.57 Information requirements for payload reentry review.
14: 431.59
   431.59 Issuance of payload reentry determination.
14: 431.61
   431.61 Incorporation of payload reentry determination in license application.
14: 431.62-431.70
   431.62-431.70 [Reserved]
14: E
Subpart E - Post-Licensing Requirements - Reusable Launch Vehicle Mission License Terms and Conditions
14: 431.71
   431.71 Public safety responsibility.
14: 431.73
   431.73 Continuing accuracy of license application; application for modification of license.
14: 431.75
   431.75 Agreements.
14: 431.77
   431.77 Records.
14: 431.79
   431.79 Reusable launch vehicle mission reporting requirements.
14: 431.81
   431.81 Financial responsibility requirements.
14: 431.83
   431.83 Compliance monitoring.
14: 431.85
   431.85 Registration of space objects.
14: 431.86-431.90
   431.86-431.90 [Reserved]
14: F
Subpart F - Environmental Review
14: 431.91
   431.91 General.
14: 431.93
   431.93 Environmental information.