Title 14


Subpart B - Criteria and Information Requirements for Obtaining a License

14: 420.15
   420.15 Information requirements.
14: 420.17
   420.17 Bases for issuance of a license.
14: 420.19
   420.19 Launch site location review - general.
14: 420.21
   420.21 Launch site location review - launch site boundary.
14: 420.23
   420.23 Launch site location review - flight corridor.
14: 420.25
   420.25 Launch site location review - risk analysis.
14: 420.27
   420.27 Launch site location review - information requirements.
14: 420.29
   420.29 Launch site location review for unproven launch vehicles.
14: 420.30
   420.30 Launch site location review for permitted launch vehicles.
14: 420.31
   420.31 Agreements.
14: 420.32-420.40
   420.32-420.40 [Reserved]