Title 14


Subpart A - General and License Terms and Conditions

14: 417.1
   417.1 General information.
14: 417.3
   417.3 Definitions and acronyms.
14: 417.5
   417.5 [Reserved]
14: 417.7
   417.7 Public safety responsibility.
14: 417.9
   417.9 Launch site responsibility.
14: 417.11
   417.11 Continuing accuracy of license application; application for modification of license.
14: 417.13
   417.13 Agreement with Federal launch range.
14: 417.15
   417.15 Records.
14: 417.17
   417.17 Launch reporting requirements and launch specific updates.
14: 417.19
   417.19 Registration of space objects.
14: 417.21
   417.21 Financial responsibility requirements.
14: 417.23
   417.23 Compliance monitoring.
14: 417.25
   417.25 Post launch report.
14: 417.26-417.100
   417.26-417.100 [Reserved]