Appendix I to Part 417 - Methodologies for Toxic Release Hazard Analysis and Operational Procedures
14: : Appendix I
Appendix I to Part 417 - Methodologies for Toxic Release Hazard
Analysis and Operational Procedures I417.1 General
This appendix provides methodologies for performing toxic
release hazard analysis for the flight of a launch vehicle as
required by § 417.227 and for launch processing at a launch site in
the United States as required by § 417.407(f). The requirements of
this appendix apply to a launch operator and the launch operator's
toxic release hazard analysis unless the launch operator clearly
and convincingly demonstrates that an alternative approach provides
an equivalent level of safety.
I417.3 Identification of non-toxic and toxic propellants
(a) General. A launch operator's toxic release hazard
analysis for launch vehicle flight (section I417.5) and for launch
processing (section I417.7) must identify all propellants used for
each launch and identify whether each propellant is toxic or
non-toxic as required by this section.
(b) Non-toxic exclusion. A launch operator need not
conduct a toxic release hazard analysis under this appendix for
flight or launch processing if its launch vehicle, including all
launch vehicle components and payloads, uses only those propellants
listed in Table I417-1.
(c) Identification of toxic propellants. A launch
operator's toxic release hazard analysis for flight and for launch
processing must identify all toxic propellants used for each
launch, including all toxic propellants on all launch vehicle
components and payloads. Table I417-2 lists commonly used toxic
propellants and the associated toxic concentration thresholds used
by the Federal launch ranges for controlling potential public
exposure. The toxic concentration thresholds contained in Table
I417-2 are peak exposure concentrations in parts per million (ppm).
A launch operator must perform a toxic release hazard analysis to
ensure that the public is not exposed to concentrations above the
toxic concentration thresholds for each toxicant involved in a
launch. A launch operator must use the toxic concentration
thresholds contained in table I417-2 for those propellants. Any
propellant not identified in table I417-1 or table I417-2 falls
into the category of unique or uncommon propellants, such as those
identified in table I417-3, which are toxic or produce toxic
combustion by-products. Table I417.3 is not an exhaustive list of
possible toxic propellants and combustion by-products. For a launch
that uses any propellant listed in table I417-3 or any other unique
propellant not listed, a launch operator must identify the chemical
composition of the propellant and all combustion by-products and
the release scenarios. A launch operator must determine the toxic
concentration threshold in ppm for any uncommon toxic propellant or
combustion by-product in accordance with the following:
(1) For a toxicant that has a level of concern (LOC) established
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or Department of Transportation
(DOT), a launch operator must use the LOC as the toxic
concentration threshold for the toxic release hazard analysis
except as required by paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(2) If an EPA acute emergency guidance level (AEGL) exists for a
toxicant and is more conservative than the LOC (that is, lower
after reduction for duration of exposure), a launch operator must
use the AEGL instead of the LOC as the toxic concentration
(3) A launch operator must use the EPA's Hazard Quotient/Hazard
Index (HQ/HI) formulation to determine the toxic concentration
threshold for mixtures of two or more toxicants.
(4) If a launch operator must determine a toxic concentration
threshold for a toxicant for which an LOC has not been established,
the launch operator must clearly and convincingly demonstrate
through the licensing process that public exposure at the proposed
toxic concentration threshold will not cause a casualty.

I417.5 Toxic
release hazard analysis for launch vehicle flight
(a) General. For each launch, a launch operator's toxic
release hazard analysis must determine all hazards to the public
from any toxic release that will occur during the proposed flight
of a launch vehicle or that would occur in the event of a flight
mishap. A launch operator must use the results of the toxic release
hazard analysis to establish for each launch, in accordance with §
417.113(c), flight commit criteria that protect the public from a
casualty arising out of any potential toxic release. A launch
operator's toxic release hazard analysis must determine if toxic
release can occur based on an evaluation of the propellants, launch
vehicle materials, and estimated combustion products. This
evaluation must account for both normal combustion products and the
chemical composition of any unreacted propellants.
(b) Evaluating toxic hazards for launch vehicle flight.
Each launch must satisfy either the exclusion requirements of
section I417.3(b), the containment requirements of paragraph (c) of
this section, or the statistical risk management requirements of
paragraph (d) of this section, to prevent any casualty that could
arise out of exposure to any toxic release.
(c) Toxic containment for launch vehicle flight. For a
launch that uses any toxic propellant, a launch operator's toxic
release hazard analysis must determine a hazard distance for each
toxicant and a toxic hazard area for the launch. A hazard distance
for a toxicant is the furthest distance from the launch point where
toxic concentrations may be greater than the toxicant's toxic
concentration threshold in the event of a release during flight. A
launch operator must determine the toxic hazard distance for each
toxicant as required by paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
section. A toxic hazard area defines the region on the Earth's
surface that may be exposed to toxic concentrations greater than
any toxic concentration threshold of any toxicant involved in a
launch in the event of a release during flight. A launch operator
must determine a toxic hazard area in accordance with paragraph
(c)(3) of this section. In order to achieve containment, a launch
operator must evacuate the public from a toxic hazard area as
required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section or employ
meteorological constraints as required by paragraph (c)(5) of this
section. A launch operator must determine the hazard distance for a
quantity of toxic propellant and determine and implement a toxic
hazard area for a launch as follows:
(1) Hazard distances for common propellants. Table I417-4
lists toxic hazard distances as a function of propellant quantity
and toxic concentration threshold for commonly used propellants
released from a catastrophic launch vehicle failure. Tables I417-10
and I417-11 list the hazard distance as a function of solid
propellant mass for HC1 emissions during a launch vehicle failure
and during normal flight for ammonium perchlorate based solid
propellants. A launch operator must use the hazard distances
corresponding to the toxic concentration thresholds established for
a launch to determine the toxic hazard area for the launch in
accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(2) Hazard distances for uncommon or unique propellants.
For a launch that involves any uncommon or unique propellant, a
launch operator must determine the toxic hazard distance for each
such propellant using an analysis methodology that accounts for the
following worst case conditions:
(i) Surface wind speed of 2.9 knots with a wind speed increase
of 1.0 knot per 1000 feet of altitude.
(ii) Surface temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit with a dry
bulb temperature lapse rate of 13.7 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000
feet over the first 500 feet of altitude and a lapse rate of 3.0
degrees F per 1000 feet above 500 feet.
(iii) Directional wind shear of 2 degrees per 1000 feet of
(iv) Relative humidity of 50 percent.
(v) Capping temperature inversion at the thermally stabilized
exhaust cloud center of mass altitude.
(vi) Worst case initial source term assuming instantaneous
release of fully loaded propellant storage tanks or pressurized
motor segments.
(vii) Worst case combustion or mixing ratios such that
production of toxic chemical species is maximized within the bounds
of reasonable uncertainties.
(viii) Evaluation of toxic hazards for both normal launch and
vehicle abort failure modes.
(3) Toxic hazard area. Having determined the toxic hazard
distance for each toxicant, a launch operator must determine the
toxic hazard area for a launch as a circle centered at the launch
point with a radius equal to the greatest toxic hazard distance
determined as required by paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
section, of all the toxicants involved in the launch. A launch
operator does not have to satisfy paragraph (c)(3) of this section
(i) The launch operator demonstrates that there are no populated
areas contained or partially contained within the toxic hazard
area; and
(ii) The launch operator ensures that no member of the public is
present within the toxic hazard area during preflight fueling,
launch countdown, flight and immediate postflight operations at the
launch site. To ensure the absence of the public, a launch operator
must develop flight commit criteria and related provisions for
implementation as part of the launch operator's flight safety plan
and hazard area surveillance and clearance plan developed under §§
417.111(b) and 417.111(j), respectively.
(4) Evacuation of populated areas within a toxic hazard
area. For a launch where there is a populated area that is
contained or partially contained within a toxic hazard area, the
launch operator does not have to satisfy paragraph (c)(5) of this
section if the launch operator evacuates all people from all
populated areas at risk and ensures that no member of the public is
present within the toxic hazard area during preflight fueling and
flight. A launch operator must develop flight commit criteria and
provisions for implementation of the evacuations as part of the
launch operator's flight safety plan, hazard area surveillance and
clearance plan, and local agreements and public coordination plan
developed according to §§ 417.111(b), 417.111(j) and 417.111(i),
(5) Flight meteorological constraints. For a launch where
there is a populated area that is contained or partially contained
within a toxic hazard area and that will not be evacuated under
paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the launch is exempt from any
further requirements of this section if the launch operator
constrains the flight of a launch vehicle to favorable wind
conditions or during times when atmospheric conditions result in
reduced toxic hazard distances such that any potentially affected
populated area is outside the toxic hazard area. A launch operator
must employ wind and other meteorological constraints as
(i) When employing wind constraints, a launch operator must
re-define the toxic hazard area by reducing the circular toxic
hazard area determined under paragraph (c)(3) of this section to
one or more arc segments that do not contain any populated area.
Each arc segment toxic hazard area must have the same radius as the
circular toxic hazard area and must be defined by a range of
downwind bearings.
(ii) The launch operator must demonstrate that there are no
populated areas within any arc segment toxic hazard area and that
no member of the public is present within an arc segment toxic
hazard area during preflight fueling, launch countdown, and
immediate postflight operations at the launch site.
(iii) A launch operator must establish wind constraints to
ensure that any winds present at the time of flight will transport
any toxicant into an arc segment toxic hazard area and away from
any populated area. For each arc segment toxic hazard area, the
wind constraints must consist of a range of downwind bearings that
are within the arc segment toxic hazard area and that provide a
safety buffer, in both the clockwise and counterclockwise
directions, that accounts for any uncertainty in the spatial and
temporal variations of the transport winds. When determining the
wind uncertainty, a launch operator must account for the variance
of the mean wind directions derived from measurements of the winds
through the first 6000 feet in altitude at the launch point. Each
clockwise and counterclockwise safety buffer must be no less than
20 degrees of arc width within the arc segment toxic hazard area. A
launch operator must ensure that the wind conditions at the time of
flight satisfy the wind constraints. To accomplish this, a launch
operator must monitor the launch site vertical profile of winds
from the altitude of the launch point to no less than 6,000 feet
above ground level. The launch operator must proceed with a launch
only if all wind vectors within this vertical range satisfy the
wind constraints. A launch operator must develop wind constraint
flight commit criteria and implementation provisions as part of the
launch operator's flight safety plan and its hazard area
surveillance and clearance plan developed according to §§
417.111(b) and 417.111(j), respectively.
(iv) A launch operator may reduce the radius of the circular
toxic hazard area determined in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of
this section by imposing operational meteorological restrictions on
specific parameters that mitigate potential toxic downwind
concentrations levels at any potentially affected populated area to
levels below the toxic concentration threshold of each toxicant in
question. The launch operator must establish meteorological
constraints to ensure that flight will be allowed to occur only if
the specific meteorological conditions that would reduce the toxic
hazard area exist and will continue to exist throughout the
(d) Statistical toxic risk management for flight. If a
launch that involves the use of a toxic propellant does not satisfy
the containment requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, the
launch operator must use statistical toxic risk management to
protect public safety. For each such case, a launch operator must
perform a toxic risk assessment and develop launch commit criteria
that protect the public from unacceptable risk due to planned and
potential toxic release. A launch operator must ensure that the
resultant toxic risk meets the collective and individual risk
criteria requirements contained in § 417.107(b). A launch
operator's toxic risk assessment must account for the
(1) All credible vehicle failure and non-failure modes, along
with the consequent release and combustion of propellants and other
vehicle combustible materials.
(2) All vehicle failure rates.
(3) The effect of positive or negative buoyancy on the rise or
descent of each released toxicant.
(4) The influence of atmospheric physics on the transport and
diffusion of each toxicant.
(5) Meteorological conditions at the time of launch.
(6) Population density, location, susceptibility (health
categories) and sheltering for all populations within each
potential toxic hazard area.
(7) Exposure duration and toxic propellant concentration or
dosage that would result in casualty for all populations.
(e) Flight toxic release hazard analysis products. The
products of a launch operator's toxic release hazard analysis for
launch vehicle flight to be filed in accordance with § 417.203(e)
must include the following:
(1) For each launch, a listing of all propellants used on all
launch vehicle components and any payloads.
(2) The chemical composition of each toxic propellant and all
toxic combustion products.
(3) The quantities of each toxic propellant and all toxic
combustion products involved in the launch.
(4) For each toxic propellant and combustion product,
identification of the toxic concentration threshold used in the
toxic risk analysis and a description of how the toxic
concentration threshold was determined if other than specified in
table I417.2.
(5) When using the toxic containment approach of paragraph (c)
of this section:
(i) The hazard distance for each toxic propellant and combustion
product and a description of how it was determined.
(ii) A graphic depiction of the toxic hazard area or areas.
(iii) A listing of any wind or other constraints on flight, and
any plans for evacuation.
(iv) A description of how the launch operator determines
real-time wind direction in relation to the launch site and any
populated area and any other meteorological condition in order to
implement constraints on flight or to implement evacuation
(6) When using the statistical toxic risk management approach of
paragraph (d) of this section:
(i) A description of the launch operator's toxic risk management
process, including an explanation of how the launch operator
ensures that any toxic risk from launch meets the toxic risk
criteria of § 417.107(b).
(ii) A listing of all models used.
(iii) A listing of all flight commit criteria that protect the
public from unacceptable risk due to planned and potential toxic
(iv) A description of how the launch operator measures and
displays real-time meteorological conditions in order to determine
whether conditions at the time of flight are within the envelope of
those used by the launch operator for toxic risk assessment and to
develop flight commit criteria, or for use in any real-time physics
models used to ensure compliance with the toxic flight commit
I417.7 Toxic release hazard analysis for launch processing
(a) General. A launch operator must perform a toxic
release hazard analysis to determine potential public hazards from
toxic releases that will occur during normal launch processing and
that will occur in the event of a mishap during launch processing.
This section implements the ground safety requirements of §
417.407(g). A launch operator must use the results of the toxic
release hazard analysis to establish hazard controls for protecting
the public. A launch operator must include the toxic release hazard
analysis results in the ground safety plan as required by §
(b) Process hazards analysis. A launch operator must
perform an analysis on all processes to identify toxic hazards and
determine the potential for release of a toxic propellant. The
analysis must account for the complexity of the process and must
identify and evaluate the hazards and each hazard control involved
in the process. An analysis that complies with 29 CFR 1910.119(e)
satisfies paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section. A launch
operator's process hazards analysis must include the following:
(1) Identify and evaluate each hazard of a process involving a
toxic propellant using an analysis method, such as a failure mode
and effects analysis or fault tree analysis.
(2) Describe:
(i) Each toxic hazard associated with the process and the
potential for release of toxic propellants;
(ii) Each mishap or incident experienced which has a potential
for catastrophic consequences;
(iii) Each engineering and administrative control applicable to
each hazard and their interrelationships, such as application of
detection methodologies to provide early warning of releases and
evacuation of toxic hazard areas prior to conducting an operation
that involves a toxicant;
(iv) Consequences of failure of engineering and administrative
(v) Location of the source of the release;
(vi) All human factors;
(vii) Each opportunity for equipment malfunction or human error
that can cause an accidental release;
(viii) Each safeguard used or needed to control each hazard or
prevent equipment malfunctions or human error;
(ix) Each step or procedure needed to detect or monitor
releases; and
(x) A qualitative evaluation of a range of the possible safety
and health effects of failure of controls.
(3) The process hazards analysis must be updated for each
launch. The launch operator must conduct a review of all the
hazards associated with each process involving a toxic propellant
for launch processing. The review must include inspection of
equipment to determine whether the process is designed, fabricated,
maintained, and operated according to the current process hazards
analysis. A launch operator must revise a process hazards analysis
to reflect changes in processes, types of toxic propellants stored
or handled, or other aspects of a source of a potential toxic
release that can affect the results of overall toxic release hazard
(4) The personnel who perform a process hazard analysis must
possess expertise in engineering and process operations, and at
least one person must have experience and knowledge specific to the
process being evaluated. At least one person must be knowledgeable
in the specific process hazard analysis methodology being used.
(5) A launch operator must resolve all recommendations resulting
from a process hazards analysis in a timely manner prior to launch
processing and the resolution must be documented. The documentation
must identify each corrective action and include a written schedule
of when any such actions are to be completed.
(c) Evaluating toxic hazards of launch processing. A
launch operator must protect the public from each potential toxic
hazard identified by the process hazards analysis required by
paragraph (b) of this section, the exclusion requirements of
section I417.3(b), the containment requirements of paragraph (d) of
this section, or the statistical risk management requirements of
paragraph (l) of this section, to prevent any casualty that could
arise out of exposure to any toxic release.
(d) Toxic containment for launch processing. A launch
operator's toxic release hazard analysis must determine a toxic
hazard area surrounding the potential release site for each toxic
propellant based on the amount and toxicity of the propellant and
the meteorological conditions involved. A launch operator must
determine whether there are populated areas located within a toxic
hazard area that satisfy paragraph (h) of this section. If
necessary to achieve toxic containment, a launch operator must
evacuate the public in order to satisfy paragraph (i) of this
section or employ meteorological constraints that satisfy paragraph
(j) of this section. A launch operator, in determining a toxic
hazard area, must first perform a worst-case release scenario
analysis that satisfies paragraph (e) of this section or a
worst-case alternative release scenario analysis that satisfies
paragraph (f) of this section for each process that involves a
toxic propellant. The launch operator must then determine a toxic
hazard distance for each process that satisfies paragraph (g) of
this section.
(e) Worst-case release scenario analysis. A launch
operator's worst-case release scenario analysis must account for
the following:
(1) Determination of worst-case release quantity. A
launch operator must determine the worst-case release quantity of a
toxic propellant by selecting the greater of the following:
(i) For substances in a vessel, the greatest amount held in a
single vessel, accounting for administrative controls that limit
the maximum quantity; or
(ii) For toxic propellants in pipes, the greatest amount in a
pipe, accounting for administrative controls that limit the maximum
(2) Worst-case release scenario for toxic liquids. A
launch operator must determine the worst-case release scenario for
a toxic liquid propellant as follows:
(i) A launch operator must assume that for toxic propellants
that are normally liquids at ambient temperature, the quantity in
the vessel or pipe, as determined in paragraph (e)(1) of this
section, is spilled instantaneously to form a liquid pool.
(ii) The launch operator must determine surface area of the pool
by assuming that the liquid spreads to one centimeter deep unless
passive mitigation systems are in place that serve to contain the
spill and limit the surface area. Where passive mitigation is in
place, the launch operator must use the surface area of the
contained liquid to calculate the volatilization rate.
(iii) If the release occurs on a surface that is not paved or
smooth, the launch operator may account for actual surface
(iv) The volatilization rate must account for the highest daily
maximum temperature occurring in the past three years, the
temperature of the substance in the vessel, and the concentration
of the toxic propellants if the liquid spilled is a mixture or
(v) The launch operator must determine rate of release to the
air from the volatilization rate of the liquid pool. A launch
operator must use either the methodology provided in the Risk
Management Plan (RMP) Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance, dated
April 1999, available at, or an air
dispersion modeling technique that satisfies paragraph (g) of this
(3) Worst-case release scenario for toxic gases. A launch
operator must determine the worst-case release scenario for a toxic
gas as follows:
(i) For toxic propellants that are normally gases at ambient
temperature and handled as a gas or as a liquid under pressure, the
launch operator must assume that the quantity in the vessel, or
pipe, as determined in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, is
released as a gas over 10 minutes. The launch operator must assume
a release rate that is the total quantity divided by 10 unless
passive mitigation systems are in place.
(ii) For gases handled as refrigerated liquids at ambient
pressure, if the released toxic propellant is not contained by
passive mitigation systems or if the contained pool would have a
depth of 1 cm or less, the launch operator must assume that the
toxic propellant is released as a gas in 10 minutes.
(iii) For gases handled as refrigerated liquids at ambient
pressure, if the released toxic propellant is contained by passive
mitigation systems in a pool with a depth greater than 1 cm, the
launch operator must assume that the quantity in the vessel or
pipe, as defined in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, is spilled
instantaneously to form a liquid pool. The launch operator must
calculate the volatilization rate at the boiling point of the toxic
propellant and at the conditions defined in paragraph (e)(2) of
this section.
(4) Consideration of passive mitigation. The launch
operator must account for passive mitigation systems in the
analysis of a worst case release scenario if the passive mitigation
system is capable of withstanding the release event triggering the
scenario and would function as intended.
(5) Additional factors in selecting a worst-case
scenario. A launch operator's worst-case release scenario for a
toxic propellant must account for each factor that would result in
a greater toxic hazard distance, such as a smaller quantity of the
toxic propellant than required by paragraph (e)(1) of this section,
that is handled at a higher process temperature or pressure.
(f) Worst-case alternative release scenario analysis. A
launch operator's worst-case alternative release scenario analysis
must account for the following:
(1) The worst-case release scenario for each toxic propellant
and for each toxic propellant handling process;
(2) Each release event that is more likely to occur than the
worst-case release scenario that is determined in paragraph (e) of
this section;
(3) Each release scenario that exceeds a toxic concentration
threshold at a distance that reaches the general public;
(4) Each potential transfer hose release due to splits or sudden
hose uncoupling;
(5) Each potential process piping release from failures at
flanges, joints, welds, valves, valve seals, and drain bleeds;
(6) Each potential process vessel or pump release due to cracks,
seal failure, or drain, bleed, or plug failure;
(7) Each vessel overfilling and spill, or over pressurization
and venting through relief valves or rupture disks;
(8) Shipping container mishandling and breakage or puncturing
leading to a spill;
(9) Mishandling or dropping flight or ground hardware that
contains toxic commodities;
(10) Each active and passive mitigation system provided they are
capable of withstanding the event that triggered the release and
would still be functional;
(11) History of each accident experienced by the launch operator
involving the release of a toxic propellant; and
(12) Each failure scenario.
(g) Toxic hazard distances for launch processing. For
each process involving a toxic propellant, a launch operator must
perform an air dispersion analysis to determine the hazard distance
for the worst-case release scenario or the worst-case alternative
release scenario as determined under paragraphs (e) and (f) of this
section. A launch operator must use either the methodology provided
in the RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance, dated April 1999,
or an air dispersion modeling technique that is applicable to the
proposed launch. A launch operator's air dispersion modeling
technique must account for the following analysis parameters:
(1) Toxic concentration thresholds. A launch operator
must use the toxic concentration thresholds defined by section
(2) Wind speed and atmospheric stability class. A launch
operator, for the worst-case release analysis, must use a wind
speed of 1.5 meters per second and atmospheric stability class F.
If the launch operator demonstrates that local meteorological data
applicable to the source of a toxic release show a higher wind
minimum wind speed or less stable atmosphere during the three
previous years, the launch operator may use these minimums. The
launch operator, for analysis of the worst-case alternative
scenario, must use statistical meteorological conditions for the
location of the source.
(3) Ambient temperature and humidity. For a worst-case
release scenario analysis of a toxic propellant, the launch
operator must use the highest daily maximum temperature from the
last three years and average humidity for the site, based on
temperature and humidity data gathered at the source location or at
a local meteorological station. For analysis of a worst-case
alternative release scenario, the launch operator must use typical
temperature and humidity data gathered at the source location or at
a local meteorological station.
(4) Height of release. The launch operator must analyze
the worst-case release of a toxic propellant assuming a ground
level release. For a worst-case alternative scenario analysis of a
toxic propellant, the release scenario may determine release
(5) Surface roughness. The launch operator must use
either an urban or rural topography, as appropriate. Urban means
that there are many obstacles in the immediate area; obstacles
include buildings or trees. Rural means there are no buildings in
the immediate area and the terrain is generally flat and
(6) Dense or neutrally buoyant gases. Models or tables
used for dispersion analysis of a toxic propellant must account for
gas density.
(7) Temperature of release substance. For a worst-case
release scenario, the launch operator must account for the release
of liquids other than gases liquefied by refrigeration at the
highest daily maximum temperature, based on data for the previous
three years appropriate to the source of the potential toxic
release, or at process temperature, whichever is higher. For a
worst-case alternative scenario, the launch operator may consider
toxic propellants released at a process or ambient temperature that
is appropriate for the scenario.
(h) Toxic hazard areas for launch processing. A launch
operator, having determined the toxic hazard distance for the toxic
concentration threshold for each toxic propellant involved in a
process using either a worst-case release scenario or a worst-case
alternative release scenario, must determine the toxic hazard area
for the process as a circle centered at the potential release point
with a radius equal to the greatest toxic hazard distance for the
toxic propellants involved in the process. A launch operator does
not have to satisfy this section if:
(1) There are no populated areas contained or partially
contained within the toxic hazard area; and
(2) There is no member of the public present within the toxic
hazard area during the process.
(i) Evacuation of populated areas within a toxic hazard
area. For a process where there is a populated area that is
contained or partially contained within the toxic hazard area, the
launch processing operation does not have to satisfy this section
if the launch operator evacuates the public from the populated area
and ensures that no member of the public is present within the
toxic hazard area during the operation. A launch operator must
coordinate notification and evacuation procedures with the Local
Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and ensure that notification
and evacuation occurs according to its launch plans, including the
launch operator's ground safety plan, hazard area surveillance and
clearance plan, accident investigation plan, and local agreements
and public coordination plan.
(j) Meteorological constraints for launch processing. For
a launch processing operation with the potential for a toxic
release where there is a populated area that is contained or
partially contained within the toxic hazard area and that will not
be evacuated as required by paragraph (i) of this section, the
operation is exempt from further requirements in this section if
the launch operator constrains the process to favorable wind
conditions or during times when atmospheric conditions result in
reduced toxic hazard distances such that the potentially affected
populated area is outside the toxic hazard area. A launch operator
must employ wind and other meteorological constraints that satisfy
the following:
(1) A launch operator must limit a launch processing operation
to times during which prevailing winds will transport a toxic
release away from populated areas that would otherwise be at risk.
If the mean wind speed during the operation is equal to or greater
than four knots, the launch operator must re-define the toxic
hazard area by reducing the circular toxic hazard area as
determined in paragraph (h) of this section to one or more arc
segments that do not contain a populated area. Each arc segment
toxic hazard area must have the same radius as the circular toxic
hazard area and must be defined by a range of downwind bearings. If
the mean wind speed during the operation is less than four knots,
the toxic hazard area for the operation must be the full 360-degree
toxic hazard area as defined by paragraph (h) of this section. The
total arc width of an arc segment hazard area for launch processing
must be greater than or equal to 30 degrees. If the launch operator
determines the standard deviation of the measured wind direction,
the total arc width of an arc segment hazard area must include all
azimuths within the mean measured wind direction plus three sigma
and the mean measured wind direction minus three sigma; otherwise,
the following apply for the conditions defined by the
Pasquil-Gifford meteorological stability classes:
(i) For stable classes D-F, if the mean wind speed is less than
10 knots, the total arc width of the arc segment toxic hazard area
must be no less than 90 degrees;
(ii) For stable classes D-F, if the mean wind speed is greater
than or equal to 10 knots, the total arc width of the arc segment
toxic hazard area must be no less than 45 degrees;
(iii) For neutral class C, the total arc width of the arc
segment toxic hazard area must be no less than 60 degrees;
(iv) For slightly unstable class B, the total arc width of the
arc segment toxic hazard area must be no less than 105 degrees;
(v) For mostly unstable class A, the total arc width of the arc
segment toxic hazard area must be no less than 150 degrees.
(2) The launch operator must ensure that there are no populated
areas within an arc segment toxic hazard area and that no member of
the public is present within an arc segment toxic hazard area
during the process as defined by paragraph (i) of this section.
(3) A launch operator must establish wind constraints to ensure
that winds present at the time of an operation will transport
toxicants into an arc segment toxic hazard area and away from
populated areas. For each arc segment toxic hazard area, the wind
constraints must consist of a range of downwind bearings that are
within the arc segment toxic hazard area and that provide a safety
buffer, in both the clockwise and counterclockwise directions, that
accounts for uncertainty in the spatial and temporal variations of
the transport winds.
(4) A launch operator may reduce the radius of the circular
toxic hazard area as determined under paragraph (h) of this section
by imposing operational meteorological restrictions on specific
parameters that mitigate potential toxic downwind concentrations
levels at a potentially affected populated area to levels below the
toxic concentration threshold of the toxicant in question. The
launch operator must establish meteorological constraints to ensure
that the operation will be allowed to occur only if the specific
meteorological conditions that would reduce the toxic hazard area
exist and will continue to exist throughout the operation, or the
operation will be terminated.
(k) Implementation of meteorological constraints. A
launch operator must use one or more of the following approaches to
determine wind direction or other meteorological conditions in
order to establish constraints on a launch processing operation or
evacuate the populated area in a potential toxic hazard area:
(1) The launch operator must ensure that the wind conditions at
the time of the process comply with the wind constraints used to
define each arc segment toxic hazard area. The launch operator must
monitor the vertical profile of winds at the potential toxic
release site from ground level to an altitude of 10 meters or the
maximum height above ground of the potential release, whichever is
larger. The launch operator may proceed with a launch processing
operation only if wind vectors meet the wind constraints used to
define each arc segment toxic hazard area.
(2) A launch operator must monitor the specific meteorological
parameters that affect toxic downwind concentrations at a potential
toxic release site for a process and for the sphere of influence
out to each populated area within the potential toxic hazard area
as defined by paragraph (h) of this section. The launch operator
must monitor spatial variations in the wind field that could affect
the transport of toxic material between the potential release site
and populated areas. The launch operator must acquire real-time
meteorological data from sites between the potential release site
and each populated area sufficient to demonstrate that the toxic
hazard area, when adjusted to the spatial wind field variations,
excludes populated areas. Meteorological parameters that affect
toxic downwind concentrations from the potential release site and
covering the sphere of influence out to the populated areas must
fall within the conditions as determined in paragraph (j)(4) of
this section. A launch operator must use one of the following
methods to determine the meteorological conditions that will
constrain a launch processing operation:
(i) A launch operator may employ real-time air dispersion models
to determine the toxic hazard distance for the toxic concentration
threshold and proximity of a toxicant to populated areas. A launch
operator, when employing this method, must proceed with a launch
processing operation only if real-time modeling of the potential
release demonstrates that the toxic hazard distance would not reach
populated areas. The launch operator's process for carrying out
this method must include the use of an air dispersion modeling
technique that complies with paragraph (g) of this section and
providing real-time meteorological data for the sphere of influence
around a potential toxic release site as input to the air
dispersion model. The launch operator's process must also include a
review of the meteorological conditions to identify changing
conditions that could affect the toxic hazard distance for a toxic
concentration threshold prior to proceeding with the operation.
(ii) A launch operator may use air dispersion modeling
techniques to define the meteorological conditions that, when
present, would prevent a toxic hazard distance for a toxic
concentration threshold from reaching populated areas. The launch
operator, when employing this method, must constrain the associated
launch processing operation to be conducted only when the
prescribed meteorological conditions exist. A launch operator's air
dispersion modeling technique must comply with paragraph (g) of
this section.
(l) Statistical toxic risk management for launch
processing. The launch operator must use statistical toxic risk
management to protect public safety if a process that involves the
use of a toxic propellant does not satisfy the containment
requirements of paragraph (d) of this section. A launch operator,
for each such case, must perform a toxic risk assessment and
develop criteria that protect the public from risks due to planned
and potential toxic release. A launch operator must ensure that the
resultant toxic risk meets the collective and individual risk
criteria requirements defined in § 417.107(b). A launch operator's
toxic risk assessment must account for the following:
(1) All credible equipment failure and non-failure modes, along
with the consequent release and combustion of toxic
(2) Equipment failure rates;
(3) The effect of positive or negative buoyancy on the rise or
descent of the released toxic propellants;
(4) The influence of atmospheric physics on the transport and
diffusion of toxic propellants released;
(5) Meteorological conditions at the time of the process;
(6) Population density, location, susceptibility (health
categories) and sheltering for populations within each potential
toxic hazard area; and
(7) Exposure duration and toxic propellant concentration or
dosage that would result in casualty for populations.
(m) Launch processing toxic release hazard analysis
products. The products of a launch operator's toxic release
hazards analysis for launch processing must include the
(1) For each worst-case release scenario, a description of the
vessel or pipeline and toxic propellant selected as the worst case
for each process, assumptions and parameters used, and the
rationale for selection of that scenario. Assumptions must include
use of administrative controls and passive mitigation that were
assumed to limit the quantity that could be released. The
description must include the anticipated effect of the controls and
mitigation on the release quantity and rate;
(2) For each worst-case alternative release scenario, a
description of the scenario identified for each process,
assumptions and parameters used, and the rationale for the
selection of that scenario. Assumptions must include use of
administrative controls and passive mitigation that were assumed to
limit the quantity that could be released. The description must
include the anticipated effect of the controls and mitigation on
the release quantity and rate;
(3) Estimated quantity released, release rate, and duration of
release for each worst-case scenario and worst-case alternative
scenario for each process;
(4) A description of the methodology used to determine the toxic
hazard distance for each toxic concentration threshold;
(5) Data used to estimate off-site population receptors
potentially affected; and
(6) The following data for each worst-case scenario and
worst-case alternative release scenario:
(i) Chemical name;
(ii) Physical state;
(iii) Basis of results (provide model name if used, or other
(iv) Scenario (explosion, fire, toxic gas release, or liquid
spill and vaporization);
(v) Quantity released in pounds;
(vi) Release rate;
(vii) Release duration;
(viii) Wind speed and atmospheric stability class;
(ix) Topography;
(x) Toxic hazard distance;
(xi) All members of the public within the toxic hazard
(xii) Any passive mitigation considered; and
(xiii) Active mitigation considered (worst-case alternative
release scenario only).
[Docket No. FAA-2000-7953, 71 FR 50537, Aug. 25, 2006, as amended
by Amdt. No. 417-5, 81 FR 59439, Aug. 30, 2016]