Appendix E to Part 417 - Flight Termination System Testing and Analysis
14: : Appendix E
Appendix E to Part 417 - Flight Termination System Testing and
Analysis E417.1 General
(a) Scope and compliance. This appendix contains
requirements for tests and analyses that apply to all flight
termination systems and the components that make up each flight
termination system. Section 417.301 requires that a launch
operator's flight safety system employ a flight termination system
that complies with this appendix. Section 417.301 also contains
requirements that apply to a launch operator's demonstration of
compliance with the requirement of this appendix. A launch operator
must employ on its launch vehicle only those flight termination
system components that satisfy the requirements of this
(b) Component tests and analyses. A component must
satisfy each test or analysis required by any table of this
appendix to demonstrate that the component satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to non-operating and
operating environments. A launch operator must identify and
implement any additional test or analysis for any new technology or
any unique application of an existing technology.
(c) Test plans. Each test of a component, subsystem, or
system must follow a written plan that specifies the test
parameters, including pass/fail criteria, and a testing sequence
that satisfy the requirements of this appendix. For any component
that is used for more than one flight, the test plan must provide
for component reuse qualification, refurbishment, and acceptance as
required by section E417.7(g). The test plan must include any
alternate procedures for testing a component when it is in place on
the launch vehicle.
(d) Test failures. If a test of a component results in a
failure, the component does not satisfy the test requirement. Each
of the following is a test failure:
(1) Any component sample that does not satisfy a performance
(2) Any failure to accomplish a test objective;
(3) Any component sample with a test result that indicates that
the component is out-of-family when compared to other samples of
the component, even if the component satisfies other test
(4) Any unexpected change in the performance of a component
sample occurring at any time during testing;
(5) Any component sample that exhibits any sign that a part is
stressed beyond its design limit, such as a cracked circuit board,
bent clamps, worn part, or loose connector or screw, even if the
component passes the final functional test;
(6) When component examination shows any defect that could
adversely affect the component's performance;
(7) Any discontinuity or dropout in a measured performance
parameter that could prevent the component from satisfying a
performance specification;
(8) Any inadvertent output; or
(9) Any indication of internal component damage.
(e) Failure analysis. In the event of a test failure, the
test item, procedures and equipment must undergo a written failure
analysis. The failure analysis must identify the cause of the
failure, the mechanism of the failure, and isolate the failure to
the smallest replaceable item or items and ensure that there are no
generic design, workmanship, or process problems with other flight
components of similar configuration.
(f) Test tolerances. Each test must apply to the nominal
values specified by this appendix tolerances that satisfy the
(1) The tolerance of any measurement taken during a functional
test must provide the accuracy needed to detect any out-of-family
or out-of-specification anomaly.
(2) An environmental level, such as for vibration or
temperature, used to satisfy a component test requirement of this
appendix must include the environment design margin required by
appendix D of this part. The environmental level must account for
any test equipment tolerance to ensure that the component
experiences the required margin.
(g) Test equipment. All equipment used during
environmental testing must provide for the test item to experience
the required environmental test levels. Any test fixture used to
simultaneously test multiple component samples must ensure that
each component sample, at each mounting location on the fixture
experiences each required environmental test level. Any difference
in a qualification or acceptance test fixture or cable must undergo
an evaluation to ensure that flight hardware is not subjected to
stresses greater than that which the unit experiences during
(h) Rework and repair of components. Components that fail
a test may undergo rework and repair and must then complete the
failed test and each remaining test. If a repair requires
disassembly of the component or soldering operations, the component
must repeat any test necessary to demonstrate that the repair
corrected the original anomaly and did not cause other damage. The
total number of acceptance tests experienced by a repaired
component must not exceed the environments for which the component
is qualified.
(i) Test and analysis reports. A launch operator must
prepare or obtain one or more written reports that:
(1) Describe all flight termination system test results and test
(2) Describe any analysis performed instead of testing;
(3) Identify, by serial number or other identification, each
test result that applies to each system or component;
(4) Describe any family performance data to be used for
comparison to any subsequent test of a component or system;
(5) Describe all performance parameter measurements made during
component testing for comparison to each previous and subsequent
test to identify any performance variations that may indicate a
potential workmanship or other defect that could lead to a failure
of the component during flight; and
(6) Identify any test failure or anomaly, including any
variation from an established performance baseline, with a
description of the failure or anomaly, each corrective action
taken, and all results of additional tests.
E417.3 Component test and analysis tables
(a) General. This section applies to each test and
analysis table of this appendix. Each component or system that is
identified by a table must satisfy each test or analysis identified
by the table. Each component or system must satisfy a test by
undergoing and passing the test as described in the paragraph that
the table lists. In cases where the listed paragraph allows a test
or analysis, any analysis must satisfy any specific requirement
listed in the paragraph and must demonstrate one of the
(1) The test environment does not apply to the component;
(2) The test environment does not degrade the component's
performance; or
(3) Another test or combination of tests that the component
undergoes places equal or greater stress on the component than the
test in question.
(b) Test sequence. A component or system must undergo
each test in the same order as the table identifies the test. A
launch operator may deviate from the test sequence if the launch
operator demonstrates that another order will detect any component
anomaly that could occur during testing.
(c) Quantity of sample components tested. (1) For a new
component, each table identifies the quantity of component samples
that must undergo each test identified by the table.
(2) A launch operator may test fewer samples than the quantity
identified for a new component if the launch operator demonstrates
one of the following:
(i) That the component has experienced comparable environmental
tests; or
(ii) The component is similar to a design that has experienced
comparable environmental tests.
(3) Any component that a launch operator uses for any comparison
to a new component must have undergone all the environmental tests
required for the new component to develop cumulative effects.
(d) Performance verification tests. Each performance
verification test identified by any table of this appendix must
satisfy all of the following:
(1) Each test must measure one or more of a component or
system's performance parameters to demonstrate that the component
or system satisfies all its performance specifications;
(2) The component must undergo each test:
(i) Before the component is exposed to each test environment;
(ii) After the component is exposed to the test environment to
identify any performance degradation due to the environment;
(3) Any electronic component must undergo each performance
verification test at:
(i) The lowest operating voltage;
(ii) Nominal operating voltage; and
(iii) Highest operating voltage that the component could
experience during pre-flight and flight operations.
(e) Abbreviated performance verification tests. Each
abbreviated performance verification test required by any table of
this appendix must satisfy all of the following:
(1) Each test must exercise all of a component's functions that
are critical to a flight termination system's performance during
(i) while the component is subjected to each test environment;
(ii) for short duration environments such as shock, before and
after each test;
(2) Each test must measure a sampling of the component's
critical performance parameters while the component is subjected to
each test environment to demonstrate that the component satisfies
all its performance specifications; and
(3) Any electronic component must undergo each abbreviated
performance verification test at the component's nominal operating
(f) Status-of-health tests. Each status-of-health test
required by any table of this appendix must satisfy all of the
(1) Each test must measure one or more critical performance
parameter to demonstrate that a component or system satisfies all
its performance specifications;
(2) The critical performance parameters must include those
parameters that act as an indicator of an internal anomaly that a
functional performance test might not detect; and
(3) Each test must compare the results to any previous test
results to identify any degradation in performance.
E417.5 Component examination
(a) General. This section applies to each component
examination identified by any table of this appendix. Each
component examination must identify any manufacturing defect that
the performance tests might not detect. The presence of a defect
that could adversely affect the component's performance constitutes
a failure.
(b) Visual examination. A visual examination must verify
that good workmanship was employed during manufacture of a
component and that the component is free of any physical defect
that could adversely affect performance. A visual examination may
include the use of optical magnification, mirrors, or specific
lighting, such as ultraviolet illumination.
(c) Dimension measurement. A dimension measurement of a
component must verify that the component satisfies all its
dimensional specifications.
(d) Weight measurement. A weight measurement of a
component must verify that the component satisfies its weight
(e) Identification check. An identification check of a
component must verify that the component has one or more
identification tags that contain information that allows for
configuration control and tracing of the component.
(f) X-ray and N-ray examination. An X-ray or N-ray
examination of a component must have a resolution that allows
detailed inspection of the internal parts of the component and must
identify any internal anomalous condition. The examination must
include enough photographs, taken from different angles, to allow
complete coverage of the component's internal parts. When utilized
as a recurring inspection technique to accept production hardware,
the examination must use the same set of angles for each sample of
a component to allow for comparison. A certified technician must
evaluate X-ray and N-ray photographs.
(g) Internal inspection. An internal inspection of a
component must demonstrate that there is no wear or damage,
including any internal wear or damage, to the component that could
adversely affect its performance after exposure to any test
environment. An internal inspection must satisfy all of the
(1) All internal components and subassemblies, such as circuit
board traces, internal connectors, welds, screws, clamps,
electronic piece parts, battery cell plates and separators, and
mechanical subassemblies must undergo examination to satisfy this
paragraph using an inspection method such as a magnifying lens or
radiographic inspection;
(2) For a component that can be disassembled, the component must
undergo complete disassembly to the point needed to satisfy this
paragraph; and
(3) For a component that cannot be disassembled, such as an
antenna, potted component, or welded structure, the component must
undergo any special procedures needed to satisfy this paragraph,
such as depotting the component, cutting the component into
cross-sections, or radiographic inspection.
(h) Leakage. A leakage test must demonstrate that a
component's seal satisfies all its performance specifications
before and after the component is subjected to any test environment
as follows:
(1) The test must have the resolution and sample rate to
demonstrate that the component's leak rate is no greater than its
design limit.
(2) For an electronic component, the test must demonstrate a
leak rate of no greater than the equivalent of 10−4 standard cubic
centimeters/second (scc/sec) of helium.
(3) For an ordnance component, the test must demonstrate a leak
rate of no greater than the equivalent of 5 × 10−6 scc/sec of
E417.7 Qualification testing and analysis
(a) This section applies to each qualification non-operating and
operating test or analysis identified by any table of this
appendix. A qualification test or analysis must demonstrate that a
component will satisfy all its performance specifications when
subjected to the design environmental levels required by section
(b) Before a component sample undergoes a qualification
environmental test, the component sample must pass all the required
acceptance tests.
(c) A component must undergo each qualification test in a flight
representative configuration, with all flight representative
hardware such as connectors, cables, and any cable clamps, and with
all attachment hardware, such as dynamic isolators, brackets and
bolts, as part of that flight representative configuration.
(d) A component must undergo re-qualification tests if there is
a change in the design of the component or if the environmental
levels to which it will be exposed exceed the levels for which the
component is qualified. A component must undergo re-qualification
if the manufacturer's location, parts, materials, or processes have
changed since the previous qualification. A change in the name of
the manufacturer as a result of a sale does not require
re-qualification if the personnel, factory location or the parts,
material and processes remain unchanged since the last component
qualification. The extent of any re-qualification tests must be the
same as the initial qualification tests except where paragraph (f)
of this section applies.
(e) A launch operator must not use for flight any component
sample that has been subjected to a qualification test
(f) A launch operator may reduce the testing required to qualify
or re-qualify a component's design through qualification by
similarity to tests performed on identical or similar hardware. To
qualify component “A” based on similarity to component “B” that has
already been qualified for use, a launch operator must demonstrate
that all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) “B” must have been qualified through testing, not by
(2) The environments encountered by “B” during its qualification
or flight history must have been equal to or more severe than the
qualification environments required for “A;”
(3) “A” must be a minor variation of “B.” The demonstration that
A is a minor variation of B must account for all of the
(i) Any difference in weight, mechanical configuration, thermal
effects, or dynamic response;
(ii) Any change in piece-part quality level; and
(iii) Any addition or subtraction of an electronic piece-part,
moving part, ceramic or glass part, crystal, magnetic device, or
power conversion or distribution equipment;
(4) “A” and “B” must perform the same functions, with “A” having
equivalent or better capability; and
(5) The same manufacturer must produce “A” and “B” in the same
location using identical tools and manufacturing processes;
(g) For any flight termination system component used for more
than one flight, the component qualification tests must demonstrate
that the component satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to:
(1) Each qualification test environment; and
(2) The total number of exposures to each maximum predicted
environment for the total number of flights.
E417.9 Qualification non-operating environments
(a) General. This section applies to each qualification
non-operating environment test or analysis identified by any table
of this appendix. A qualification non-operating test or analysis
must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to each maximum predicted
non-operating environment that the component could experience,
including all storage, transportation, and installation
(b) Storage temperature. A storage temperature test or
analysis must demonstrate that a component will satisfy all its
performance specifications when subjected to the maximum predicted
high and low temperatures, thermal cycles, and dwell-times at the
high and low temperatures that the component could experience under
storage conditions as follows:
(1) Any storage temperature test must subject the component to
the range of temperatures from 10 °C lower than the maximum
predicted storage thermal range to 10 °C higher. The rate of change
from one thermal extreme to the other must be no less than the
maximum predicted thermal rate of change. All thermal dwell-times
and thermal cycles must be no less than those of the maximum
predicted storage environment.
(2) Any analysis must demonstrate that the qualification
operating thermal cycle environment is more severe than the storage
thermal environment by satisfying one of the following:
(i) The analysis must include thermal fatigue equivalence
calculations that demonstrate that the large change in temperature
for a few thermal cycles experienced during flight is a more severe
environment than the relatively small change in temperature for
many thermal cycles that would be experienced during storage;
(ii) The analysis must demonstrate that the component's
operating qualification thermal cycle range encompasses −34 °C to
71 °C and that any temperature variation that the component
experiences during storage does not exceed 22 °C.
(c) High-temperature storage of ordnance. A component may
undergo a high-temperature storage test to extend the service-life
of an ordnance component production lot from one year to three or
five years as permitted by any test table of this appendix. The
test must demonstrate that each component sample satisfies all its
performance specifications after being subjected to + 71 °C and 40
to 60 percent relative humidity for no less than 30 days each.
(d) Transportation shock. A transportation shock test or
analysis must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its
performance specifications after being subjected to the maximum
predicted transportation induced shock levels that the component
could experience when transported in its transported configuration.
Any analysis must demonstrate that the qualification operating
shock environment is more severe than the transportation shock
(e) Bench handling shock. A bench handling shock test
must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its performance
specifications after being subjected to maximum predicted bench
handling induced shock levels. The test must include, for each
orientation that could occur during servicing; a drop from the
maximum predicted handling height onto a representative
(f) Transportation vibration. A transportation vibration
test or analysis must demonstrate that a component satisfies all
its performance specifications after being subjected to a maximum
predicted transportation-induced vibration level when transported
in its transportation configuration as follows:
(1) Any transportation vibration test must subject a component
to vibration in three mutually perpendicular axes for 60 minutes
per axis. The test must subject each axis to the following
vibration profile:
(i) 0.01500 g 2/Hz at 10 Hz to 40 Hz;
(ii) 0.01500 g 2/Hz at 40 Hz to 0.00015 g 2/Hz at 500 Hz;
(iii) If the component is resonant below 10 Hz, the test
vibration profile must extend to the lowest resonant frequency.
(2) Any analysis must demonstrate that the qualification
operating vibration environment is more severe than the
transportation vibration environment. The analysis must include
vibration fatigue equivalence calculations that demonstrate that
the high vibration levels with short duration experienced during
flight creates a more severe environment than the relatively
low-vibration levels with long duration that would be experienced
during transportation.
(g) Fungus resistance. A fungus resistance test or
analysis must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its
performance specifications after being subjected to a fungal growth
environment. Any analysis must demonstrate that all unsealed and
exposed surfaces do not contain nutrient materials for fungus.
(h) Salt fog. For a component that will be exposed to
salt fog, a salt fog test or analysis must demonstrate that the
component satisfies all its performance specifications after being
subjected to the effects of a moist, salt-laden atmosphere. The
test or analysis must demonstrate the ability of all externally
exposed surfaces to withstand a salt-fog environment. The test or
analysis must demonstrate the ability of each internal part of a
component to withstand a salt-fog environment unless the component
is environmentally sealed, and acceptance testing verifies that the
seal works.
(i) Fine sand. For a component that will be exposed to
fine sand or dust, a fine sand test or analysis must demonstrate
that the component satisfies all its performance specifications
after being subjected to the effects of dust or fine sand particles
that may penetrate into cracks, crevices, bearings and joints. The
test or analysis must demonstrate the ability of all externally
exposed surfaces to withstand a fine sand environment. The test or
analysis must demonstrate the ability of each internal part of a
component to withstand a fine sand environment unless the component
is environmentally sealed and acceptance testing verifies that the
seal works.
(j) Tensile load. A tensile load test must demonstrate
that a component satisfies all its performance specifications after
being exposed to tensile and compression loads of no less than
twice the maximum predicted level during transportation and
installation. In addition, the test load must satisfy one of the
following where applicable:
(1) For an explosive transfer system and its associated
fittings, a pull of no less than 100 pounds unless the launch
operator establishes procedural controls or tests that prevent or
detect mishandling;
(2) For a destruct charge and its associated fittings, a pull of
no less than 50 pounds;
(3) For a flight radio frequency connector, a pull of no less
than one-half the manufacturer specified limit;
(4) For an electro-explosive device wire, a pull of no less than
18 pounds; or
(5) For an electrical pin of an exploding bridgewire device, no
less than an 18-pound force in axial and compression modes.
(k) Handling drop of ordnance. A handling drop test must
demonstrate that an ordnance component satisfies all its
performance specifications after experiencing the more severe of
the following:
(1) The maximum predicted drop and resulting impact that could
occur and go undetected during storage, transportation, or
installation; or
(2) A six-foot drop onto a representative surface in any
orientation that could occur during storage, transportation, or
(l) Abnormal drop of ordnance. An abnormal drop test must
demonstrate that an ordnance component does not initiate and allows
for safe disposal after experiencing the maximum predicted drop and
resulting impact onto a representative surface in any orientation,
that could occur during storage, transportation, or installation.
The component need not function after this drop.
E417.11 Qualification operating environments
(a) General. This section applies to each qualification
operating environment test or analysis identified by any table of
this appendix. A qualification operating environment test must
demonstrate that a component satisfies all of its performance
specifications when subjected to each qualification operating
environment including each physical environment that the component
will experience during acceptance testing, launch countdown, and
flight. The test must employ each margin required by this
(b) Qualification sinusoidal vibration. (1) A
qualification sinusoidal vibration test or analysis of a component
must demonstrate that the component and each connection to any item
that attaches to the component satisfy all their performance
specifications when subjected to the qualification sinusoidal
vibration environment. The attached items must include any
vibration or shock isolator, grounding strap, bracket, explosive
transfer system, or cable to the first tie-down. Any cable that
interfaces with the component during any test must be
representative of the cable used for flight.
(2) The qualification sinusoidal vibration environment must be
no less than 6dB greater than the maximum predicted sinusoidal
vibration environment for no less than three times the maximum
predicted duration.
(3) The sinusoidal frequency must range from 50% lower than the
maximum predicted frequency range to 50% higher than the maximum
predicted frequency range.
(4) Any test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must subject each of three mutually perpendicular
axes of the component to the qualification sinusoidal vibration
environment, one axis at a time. For each axis, the duration of the
vibration must be no less than three times the maximum predicted
sinusoidal vibration duration.
(ii) The sinusoidal sweep rate must be no greater than one-third
the maximum predicted sweep rate;
(iii) The sinusoidal vibration test amplitude must have an
accuracy of ±10%; and
(iv) For any component that uses one or more shock or vibration
isolators, the component must undergo the test mounted on its
isolator or isolators as a unit. Each isolator must satisfy the
requirements of section E417.35.
(5) Any analysis must demonstrate that the qualification random
vibration environment of paragraph (c) of this section encompasses
the qualification sinusoidal vibration environment.
(c) Qualification random vibration. (1) A qualification
random vibration test of a component must demonstrate that the
component and each connection to any item that attaches to the
component satisfy all their performance specifications when
subjected to the qualification random vibration environment. The
attached items must include any isolator, grounding strap, bracket,
explosive transfer system, or cable to the first tie-down. Any
cable that interfaces with the component during any test must be
representative of the cable used for flight.
(2) For each component required by this appendix to undergo 100%
acceptance testing, the minimum qualification random vibration
environment must be no less than a 3 dB margin greater than the
maximum acceptance random vibration test environment for all
frequencies from 20 Hz to 2,000 Hz. The minimum and maximum test
environments must account for all the test tolerances to ensure
that the test maintains the 3 dB margin.
(3) For each component that is not required by this appendix to
undergo 100% acceptance testing, the minimum qualification random
vibration environment must be no less than a 4.5-dB margin greater
than the greater of the maximum predicted random vibration
environment or the minimum workmanship test levels of table
E417.11-1 for all frequencies from 20 Hz to 2000 Hz. The minimum
qualification test environment must account for all the test
tolerances to ensure that the test maintains the 4.5 dB margin.
(4) If a component is mounted on one or more shock or vibration
isolators during flight, the component must undergo the
qualification random vibration test while hard-mounted or
isolator-mounted as follows:
(i) Any qualification random vibration test with the component
hard-mounted must subject the component to a qualification random
vibration environment that:
(A) Accounts for the isolator attenuation and amplification due
to the maximum predicted operating random vibration environment,
including any thermal effects and acceleration pre-load performance
variability, and adds a 1.5 dB margin to account for any isolator
attenuation variability;
(B) Adds the required qualification random vibration margin of
paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section after accounting for the
isolator effects of paragraph (c)(4)(i)(A) of this section and
accounts for all tolerances that apply to the isolator's
performance specifications to ensure that the qualification test
margin is maintained; and
(C) Is no less than the minimum workmanship screening
qualification random vibration level of table E417.11-1.
(ii) Any qualification random vibration test with the component
isolator-mounted must:
(A) Use an isolator or isolators that passed the tests required
by section E417.35;
(B) Have an input to each isolator of no less than the required
qualification random vibration environment of paragraph (c)(1) or
(c)(2) of this section; and
(C) Subject the component to no less than the minimum
workmanship screening qualification random vibration level of table
E417.11-1. If the isolator or isolators prevent the component from
experiencing the minimum workmanship level, the component must
undergo a test while hard-mounted that subjects the component to
the workmanship level.
(5) The test must subject each component sample to the
qualification random vibration environment in each of three
mutually perpendicular axes. For each axis, the test must last
three times as long as the acceptance test duration or a minimum
workmanship qualification duration of 180 seconds, whichever is
(6) For a component sample that must experience the acceptance
random vibration environment before it experiences the
qualification random vibration environment, such as a command
receiver decoder, the test must use the same configuration and
methods for the acceptance and qualification environments.
(7) If the duration of the qualification random vibration
environment leaves insufficient time to complete any required
performance verification test while the component is subjected to
the full qualification environment, the test must continue at no
less than the acceptance random vibration environment. The test
need only continue for the additional time needed to complete the
performance verification test.
(8) The test must continuously monitor and record all
performance and status-of-health parameters while the component is
subjected to the qualification environment. This monitoring must
have a sample rate that will detect any component performance
degradation. Any electrical component must undergo the test while
subjected to its nominal operating voltage.
(9) A launch operator may substitute a random vibration test for
another required dynamic test, such as acceleration, acoustic, or
sinusoidal vibration if the launch operator demonstrates that the
forces, displacements, and test duration imparted on a component
during the random vibration test are no less severe than the other
test environment.
(d) Qualification acoustic. (1) A qualification acoustic
vibration test or analysis of a component must demonstrate that the
component and each connection to any item that attaches to the
component satisfy all their performance specifications when
subjected to the qualification acoustic vibration environment. The
attached items must include any isolator, grounding strap, bracket,
explosive transfer system, or cable to the first tie-down. Any
cable that interfaces with the component during any test must be
representative of the cable used for flight.
(2) For each component required by this appendix to undergo 100%
acoustic acceptance testing, the minimum qualification acoustic
vibration environment must be greater than the maximum acceptance
acoustic vibration test environment for all frequencies from 20 Hz
to 2000 Hz. The minimum and maximum test environments must account
for all the test tolerances to ensure that the test maintains a
positive margin between the minimum qualification environment and
the maximum acceptance environment. For each acoustic vibration
test required by this appendix to have a tolerance of ±3 dB, the
qualification test level must be 6 dB greater than the acceptance
test level.
(3) For each component that is not required by this appendix to
undergo 100% acceptance testing, such as ordnance, the minimum
qualification acoustic vibration environment must be no less than a
3 dB margin greater than the maximum predicted acoustic vibration
environment or a minimum workmanship screening test level of 144
dBA for all frequencies from 20 Hz to 2000 Hz. The minimum
qualification test environment must account for all the test
tolerances to ensure that the test maintains the 3 dB margin. For
each acoustic vibration test required by this appendix to have a
tolerance of ±3.0 dB, the qualification test level must be 6 dB
greater than the greater of the maximum predicted environment or
the minimum workmanship test level.
(4) For any component that uses one or more shock or vibration
isolators during flight, the component must undergo any
qualification acoustic vibration test mounted on its isolator or
isolators as a unit. Each isolator must satisfy the test
requirements of section E417.35.
(5) Any test must continuously monitor and record all
performance and status-of-health parameters while the component is
subjected to the qualification environment. This monitoring must
have a sample rate that will detect any component performance
(6) Any analysis must demonstrate that the qualification random
vibration test environment of paragraph (c) of this section
encompasses the qualification acoustic vibration environment. The
analysis must demonstrate that the qualification random vibration
environment is more severe than the qualification acoustic
vibration environment. The analysis must account for all peak
vibration levels and durations.
(e) Qualification shock. (1) A qualification shock test
of a component must demonstrate that the component and each
connection to any item that attaches to the component satisfies all
their performance specifications when subjected to the
qualification shock environment. The attached items must include
any isolator, grounding strap, bracket, explosive transfer system,
or cable to the first tie-down. Any cable that interfaces with the
component during the test must be representative of the cable used
for flight.
(2) The minimum qualification shock environment must be no less
than a 3 dB margin plus the greater of the maximum predicted
environment or the minimum breakup levels identified in table
E417.11-2 for all frequencies from 100 Hz to 10000 Hz. The minimum
qualification test environment must account for all the test
tolerances to ensure that the test maintains the 3dB margin. For a
shock test required by this appendix to have a ±3 dB tolerance, the
qualification test environment must be 6 dB greater than the
greater of the maximum predicted shock environment or the minimum
breakup test level.
(3) The test must subject the component simultaneously to a
shock transient and all the required frequencies.
(4) The test must subject each component to three shocks in each
direction along each of the three orthogonal axes.
(5) The shock must last as long as the maximum predicted shock
(6) The test must continuously monitor each component's critical
performance parameters for any discontinuity or inadvertent output
while the component is subjected to the shock environment.
(7) The test must continuously monitor and record all
performance and status-of-health parameters while the component is
subjected to the qualification environment. This monitoring must
have a sample rate of once every millisecond or better.
(8) For any component that uses one or more shock or vibration
isolators during flight, the component must undergo the
qualification shock test mounted on its isolator or isolators. Each
isolator must satisfy the test requirements of section E417.35.
(f) Qualification acceleration. (1) A qualification
acceleration test or analysis of a component must demonstrate that
the component and each connection to any item that attaches to the
component satisfy all their performance specifications when
subjected to the qualification acceleration environment. The
attached items must include any isolator, grounding strap, bracket,
explosive transfer system, or cable to the first tie-down. Any
cable that interfaces with the component during any test must be
representative of the cable used for flight.
(2) The qualification acceleration test environment must be no
less than 200% greater than the maximum predicted acceleration
(3) The qualification acceleration must last three times as long
as the maximum predicted environment lasts in each direction for
each of the three orthogonal axes.
(4) For any test, if the test tolerance is more than ±10%, the
qualification acceleration test environment of paragraph (f)(1) of
this section must account for the test tolerance to ensure that the
test maintains the 200% margin between the minimum qualification
acceleration test and the maximum predicted environment.
(5) Any analysis must demonstrate that the qualification
operating random vibration test required by paragraph (c) of this
section encompasses the qualification acceleration environment. The
analysis must demonstrate that the qualification random vibration
environment is equal to or more severe than the qualification
acceleration environment. The analysis must account for the peak
vibration and acceleration levels and durations.
(6) Any test must continuously monitor and record all
performance and status-of-health parameters while the component is
subjected to the qualification environment. This monitoring must
have a sample rate that will detect any component performance
(7) For any component that uses one or more shock and vibration
isolators during flight, the component must undergo any
qualification acceleration test mounted on its isolator or
isolators. Each isolator must satisfy the test requirements of
section E417.35.
(g) Qualification humidity. A qualification humidity test
or analysis must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to the maximum predicted
relative humidity environment that the component could experience
when stored, transported, or installed as follows:
(1) The test or analysis must demonstrate the ability of all
externally exposed surfaces to withstand the maximum predicted
relative humidity environment.
(2) The test or analysis must demonstrate the ability of each
internal part of a component to withstand the maximum predicted
relative humidity environment unless the component is
environmentally sealed and an acceptance test demonstrates that the
seal works.
(3) Each test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must subject the component to no less than four
thermal cycles while the component is exposed to a relative
humidity of no less than 95%;
(ii) The test must measure each electrical performance parameter
at the cold and hot temperatures during the first, middle and last
thermal cycles; and
(iii) The test must continuously measure and record all
performance and status-of-health parameters with a resolution and
sample rate that will detect any component performance degradation
throughout each thermal cycle.
(h) Qualification thermal cycle. A qualification thermal
cycle test must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to the qualification
thermal cycle environment as follows:
(1) Electronic components. For any command receiver
decoder or other electronic component that contains piece-part
circuitry, such as microcircuits, transistors, diodes and relays, a
qualification thermal cycle test must satisfy all of the
(i) The qualification thermal cycle environment must range from
10 °C above the acceptance test high temperature to 10 °C below the
acceptance test low temperature;
(ii) The test must subject a component to no less than three
times the acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component,
the acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy section
E417.13(d)(1). For each cycle, the dwell-time at each of the high
and low temperatures must last long enough for the component to
achieve internal thermal equilibrium and must last no less than one
hour. The test must begin each dwell-time at each high and low
temperature with the component turned off. The component must
remain off until the temperature stabilizes. Once the temperature
stabilizes, the component must be turned on and the test must
complete each dwell-time with the component turned on;
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater;
(iv) The test must measure all performance parameters with the
component powered at its low and high operating voltages when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle. The test must
measure all performance parameters with the component powered at
its low and high operating voltages when the component is at the
high and low temperatures during the first, middle, and last
thermal dwell cycles; and
(v) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters during all cycles and
thermal transitions and with the component operating at its nominal
operating voltage. The monitoring and recording must have a
resolution and sample rate that will detect any component
performance degradation.
(2) Passive components. For any passive component that
does not contain an active electronic piece-part, such as a radio
frequency antenna, coupler, or cable, a qualification thermal cycle
test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The qualification thermal cycle environment must range from
10 °C above the acceptance test high temperature to 10 °C below the
acceptance test low temperature;
(ii) The test must subject a component to no less than three
times the acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component,
the acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy section
E417.13(d)(1). For each cycle, the dwell-time at each high and low
temperature must last long enough for the component to achieve
internal thermal equilibrium and must last no less than one
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater;
(iv) The test must measure all performance parameters when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle. The test must
measure all performance parameters when the component is at the
high and low temperatures during the first, middle, and last
thermal cycles; and
(v) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters with a resolution and
sample rate that will detect any component performance degradation
during all cycles and thermal transitions.
(3) Safe-and-Arm Devices. For any electro-mechanical
safe-and-arm device with an internal explosive, a qualification
thermal cycle test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The qualification thermal cycle must range from 10 °C above
the acceptance test high temperature to 10 °C below the acceptance
test low temperature;
(ii) The test must subject the component to no less than three
times the acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component,
the acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy section
E417.13(d)(1). For each cycle, the dwell-time at each high and low
temperature must last long enough for the component to achieve
internal thermal equilibrium and must last no less than one
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater;
(iv) The test must measure all performance parameters when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle. The test must measure all performance parameters
when the component is at the high and low temperatures during the
first, middle, and last thermal cycles. The test must measure all
performance parameters when the component is at ambient temperature
after completing the last cycle; and
(v) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters during all temperature
cycles and transitions using a resolution and sample rate that will
detect any component performance degradation.
(4) Ordnance components. For any ordnance component, a
qualification thermal cycle test must satisfy all of the
(i) The qualification thermal cycle must range from 10 °C above
the predicted highest temperature, or 71 °C, whichever is higher,
to 10 °C below the predicted lowest temperature, or −54 °C,
whichever is lower;
(ii) The test must subject each ordnance component to no less
than the acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component,
the acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy section
E417.13(d)(1). For an ordnance component that is used inside a
safe-and-arm device, the test must subject the component to three
times the acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each cycle, the
dwell-time at each high and low temperature must last long enough
for the component to achieve internal thermal equilibrium and must
last no less than two hours; and
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 3 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater.
(i) Qualification thermal vacuum. A qualification thermal
vacuum test or analysis must demonstrate that a component satisfies
all its performance specifications, including structural integrity,
when subjected to the qualification thermal vacuum environment as
(1) The qualification thermal vacuum environment must satisfy
all of the following:
(i) The thermal vacuum pressure gradient must equal or exceed
the maximum predicted rate of altitude change that the component
will experience during flight;
(ii) The final vacuum dwell-time must last long enough for the
component to achieve pressure equilibrium and equal or exceed the
greater of the maximum predicted dwell-time or 12 hours;
(iii) During the final vacuum dwell-time, the environment must
include no less than three times the maximum predicted number of
thermal cycles; and
(iv) Each thermal cycle must range from 10 °C above the
acceptance thermal vacuum range, to 10 °C below the acceptance
thermal vacuum range. The acceptance thermal vacuum temperature
range is described in section E417.13(e);
(2) Any test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must measure all performance parameters with the
component powered at its low and high operating voltages when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle;
(ii) The test must measure all performance parameters while the
component is powered at its low and high operating voltages when
the component is at the high and low temperatures during the first,
middle and last thermal cycles;
(iii) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters during chamber pressure
reduction and the final vacuum dwell-time, with the component at
its high operating voltage and using a resolution and sample rate
that will detect any component performance degradation; and
(3) Any analysis must satisfy all of the following:
(i) For any low voltage component of less than 50 volts, the
analysis must demonstrate that the component is not susceptible to
corona, arcing, or structural failure; and
(ii) For any high voltage component of 50 volts or greater, the
component must undergo a thermal vacuum test unless the component
is environmentally sealed and the analysis demonstrates that any
low voltage externally exposed part is not susceptible to corona,
arcing, or structural failure. A component with any high voltage
externally exposed part of 50 volts or greater must undergo a
thermal vacuum test.
(j) Electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic
compatibility. An electromagnetic interference and
electromagnetic compatibility test must demonstrate that a
component satisfies all its performance specifications when
subjected to radiated or conducted emissions from all flight
vehicle systems and external ground transmitter sources. In
addition, the test must demonstrate that the component does not
radiate or conduct electromagnetic interference that would degrade
the performance of any other flight termination system
(k) Explosive atmosphere. An explosive atmosphere test or
analysis must demonstrate that a component is capable of operating
in an explosive atmosphere without creating an explosion or that
the component is not used in an explosive environment.
E417.13 Acceptance testing and analysis
(a) General. This section applies to each acceptance test
or analysis identified by any table of this appendix. An acceptance
test or analysis must demonstrate that a component does not have
any material or workmanship defect that could adversely affect the
component's performance and that the component satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to each acceptance
environment, including each workmanship and maximum predicted
operating environment.
(1) An acceptance test of a component must subject the component
to one or more of the component's maximum predicted environments as
determined under section D417.7. An acceptance test must not
subject a component to a force or environment that is not tested
during qualification testing.
(2) Each component sample that is intended for flight must
undergo each acceptance test identified by any table of this
appendix. A single-use component, such as ordnance or a battery,
must undergo the production lot sample acceptance tests identified
by any tables of this appendix.
(3) If a launch vehicle uses a previously flown and recovered
flight termination system component, the component must undergo one
or more reuse acceptance tests before each next flight to
demonstrate that the component still satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to each maximum predicted
environment. Each reuse acceptance test must be the same as the
initial acceptance test for the component's first flight. Each
reuse acceptance test must follow a written component reuse
qualification, refurbishment, and acceptance plan and procedures.
Each acceptance reuse test must compare performance parameter
measurements taken during the test to all previous acceptance test
measurements to ensure that the data show no trends that indicate
any degradation in performance that could prevent the component
from satisfying all its performance specifications during
(4) Each acceptance test of a component must use test tolerances
that are consistent with the test tolerances used by each
qualification test of the component.
(b) Acceptance random vibration. An acceptance random
vibration test must demonstrate that a component satisfies all its
performance specifications when exposed to the acceptance random
vibration environment as follows:
(1) The acceptance random vibration environment must equal or
exceed the greater of the maximum predicted random vibration level
or the minimum workmanship acceptance test level of table
E417.13-1, for all frequencies from 20 Hz to 2000 Hz, in each of
three mutually perpendicular axes.
(2) For each axis, the vibration must last the greater of three
times the maximum predicted duration or a minimum workmanship
screening level of 60 seconds.
(3) For a component sample that undergoes qualification testing
and must experience the acceptance environment before it
experiences the qualification environment, such as a command
receiver decoder, the test must use the same configuration and
methods for the acceptance and qualification random vibration
environments. An acceptance random vibration test of a flight
component sample must use a configuration and method that is
representative of the component's qualification tests to ensure
that the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are
(4) For any component that is mounted on one or more vibration
or shock isolators during flight, the component must undergo the
acceptance random vibration test in the same isolator-mounted
configuration or hard-mounted configuration as the component's
qualification random vibration test as follows:
(i) Any hard-mounted acceptance random vibration test must
subject the component to an acceptance random vibration environment
(A) Accounts for the isolator attenuation and amplification due
to the maximum predicted operating random vibration environment,
including any thermal effects and acceleration pre-load performance
variability, and adds a 1.5 dB margin to account for any isolator
attenuation variability; and
(B) Is no less than the minimum workmanship screening acceptance
random vibration level of table E417.13-1.
(ii) Any isolator-mounted acceptance random vibration test
(A) Use an isolator or isolators that passed the tests required
by section E417.35;
(B) Have an input to each isolator of no less than the required
acceptance random vibration environment of paragraphs (b)(1) and
(b)(2) of this section; and
(C) Subject the component to no less than the minimum
workmanship screening acceptance random vibration level of table
E417.13-1. If the isolator or isolators prevent the component from
experiencing the minimum workmanship level, the component must
undergo a hard-mount test that subjects the component to the
workmanship level.
(5) If the duration of the acceptance random vibration
environment leaves insufficient time to complete any required
performance verification test while the component is subjected to
the full acceptance environment, the test must continue at no lower
than 6 dB below the acceptance environment. The test need only
continue for the additional time needed to complete the performance
verification test.
(6) The test must continuously monitor all performance and
status-of-health parameters with any electrical component at its
nominal operating voltage. This monitoring must have a sample rate
that will detect any component performance degradation.
(c) Acceptance acoustic vibration. An acceptance acoustic
vibration test or analysis must demonstrate that a component
satisfies all its performance specifications when exposed to the
acceptance acoustic vibration environment as follows:
(1) The acceptance acoustic vibration environment must satisfy
all of the following:
(i) The vibration level must equal or exceed the maximum
predicted acoustic level for all frequencies from 20 Hz to 2,000 Hz
in each of three mutually perpendicular axes; and
(ii) For each axis, the vibration must last the maximum
predicted duration or 60 seconds, whichever is greater.
(2) Any test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must continuously monitor all performance and
status-of-health parameters with any electrical component at its
nominal operating voltage. This monitoring must have a sample rate
that will detect any component performance degradation; and
(ii) If the duration of the acceptance acoustic vibration
environment leaves insufficient time to complete any required
performance verification test while the component is subjected to
the full acceptance environment, the test must continue at no lower
than 6 dB below the acceptance environment. The test need only
continue for the additional time needed to complete the performance
verification test.
(3) Any analysis must demonstrate that the acceptance random
vibration environment of paragraph (b) of this section encompasses
the acceptance acoustic vibration environment. The analysis must
demonstrate that the peak acceptance random vibration levels and
duration are equal to or are more severe than the acceptance
acoustic vibration environment.
(d) Acceptance thermal cycle. An acceptance thermal cycle
test of a component must demonstrate that the component satisfies
all its performance specifications when exposed to the acceptance
thermal cycle environment as follows:
(1) Acceptance-number of thermal cycles. The
acceptance-number of thermal cycles for a component means the
number of thermal cycles that the component must experience during
the test. The test must subject each component to no less than the
greater of eight thermal cycles or 1.5 times the maximum number of
thermal cycles that the component could experience during launch
processing and flight, including all launch delays and recycling,
rounded up to the nearest whole number.
(2) Electronic components. For any electronic component,
an acceptance thermal cycle test must satisfy all of the
(i) The acceptance thermal cycle environment must range from the
higher of the maximum predicted environment high temperature or 61
°C workmanship screening level, to the lower of the predicted low
temperature or a −24 °C workmanship screening level.
(ii) The test must subject a component to no fewer than 10 plus
the acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component, the
acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy this paragraph.
For each cycle, the dwell-time at each high and low temperature
must last long enough for the component to achieve internal thermal
equilibrium and must last no less than one hour. The test must
begin each dwell-time at each high and low temperature with the
component turned off. The component must remain off until the
temperature stabilizes. Once the temperature stabilizes, the test
must complete each dwell-time with the component turned on.
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater.
(iv) The test must measure all performance parameters with the
component powered at its low and high operating voltages when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle.
(v) The test must measure all performance parameters with the
component at its low and high operating voltages when the component
is at the high and low temperatures during the first, middle, and
last thermal cycles.
(vi) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters during all cycles and
thermal transitions and with the component at its nominal operating
voltage. The monitoring and recording must have a resolution and
sample rate that will detect any component performance
(3) Passive components. For any passive component that
does not contain any active electronic piece-part, such as any
radio frequency antenna, coupler, or cable, an acceptance thermal
cycle test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) Unless otherwise noted, the acceptance thermal cycle
environment must range from the higher of the maximum predicted
environment high temperature or a 61 °C workmanship screening
temperature, to the lower of the predicted lowest temperature or a
−24 °C workmanship screening temperature;
(ii) The test must subject a component to no fewer than the
acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component, the
acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy this paragraph.
For each cycle, the dwell-time at each high and low temperature
must last long enough for the component to achieve internal thermal
equilibrium and must last no less than one hour;
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater;
(iv) The test must measure all performance parameters when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle;
(v) The test must measure all performance parameters when the
component is at the high and low temperatures during the first,
middle, and last thermal cycles; and
(vi) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters throughout each thermal
cycle with a resolution and sample rate that will detect any
component performance degradation.
(4) Safe-and-arm devices. For any electro-mechanical
safe-and-arm device with an internal explosive, an acceptance
thermal cycle test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The acceptance thermal cycle environment must range from the
higher of the maximum predicted environment high temperature or the
minimum workmanship screening temperature of 61 °C to the lower of
the predicted lowest temperature or the minimum workmanship
screening temperature of −24 °C.
(ii) The test must subject a component to no fewer than the
acceptance-number of thermal cycles. For each component, the
acceptance-number of thermal cycles must satisfy this paragraph.
For each cycle, the dwell-time at each high and low temperature
must last long enough for the component to achieve internal thermal
equilibrium and must last no less than one hour.
(iii) When heating or cooling the component, the temperature
must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or the maximum
predicted rate, whichever is greater.
(iv) The test must measure all performance parameters when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle.
(v) The test must measure all performance parameters including
each critical electrical parameter, when the component is at the
high and low temperatures during the first, middle, and last
thermal cycles.
(vi) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters throughout each thermal
cycle with a resolution and sample rate that will detect whether
the component satisfies all its performance specifications.
(e) Acceptance thermal vacuum. An acceptance thermal
vacuum test or analysis must demonstrate that a component satisfies
all its performance specifications when exposed to the acceptance
thermal vacuum environment as follows:
(1) The acceptance thermal vacuum environment must satisfy all
of the following:
(i) The thermal vacuum pressure gradient must equal or exceed
the maximum predicted rate of altitude change that the component
will experience during flight. The pressure gradient must allow for
no less than ten minutes for reduction of chamber pressure at the
pressure zone from ambient pressure to 20 Pascal;
(ii) The final vacuum dwell-time must last long enough for the
component to achieve pressure equilibrium and must last no less
than the maximum predicted dwell-time or 12 hours, whichever is
(iii) During the final vacuum dwell-time, the environment must
include no less than the maximum predicted number of thermal
cycles; and
(iv) Each thermal cycle must range from the higher of the
maximum predicted environment high temperature or the workmanship
screening high temperature of 61 °C, to the lower of the predicted
low temperature or the workmanship screening low temperature of −24
(2) Any test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must measure all performance parameters with the
component powered at its low and high operating voltages when the
component is at ambient temperature before beginning the first
thermal cycle and after completing the last cycle.
(ii) The test must measure all performance parameters with the
component powered at its low and high operating voltages when the
component is at the high and low temperatures during the first,
middle, and last thermal cycles; and
(iii) The test must continuously monitor all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters during chamber pressure
reduction and during the final vacuum dwell-time with the component
at its high operating voltage. This monitoring must have a
resolution and sample rate that will detect any component
performance degradation.
(3) Any analysis must satisfy all of the following:
(i) For any low voltage component of less than 50 volts, any
analysis must demonstrate that the component is not susceptible to
corona, arcing, or structural failure; and
(ii) Any high voltage component of 50 volts or greater must
undergo a thermal vacuum test unless the component is
environmentally sealed and the analysis demonstrates that any low
voltage externally exposed part of less than 50 volts is not
susceptible to corona, arcing, or structural failure. A component
with any high voltage externally exposed part must undergo an
acceptance thermal vacuum test.
(f) Tensile loads. An acceptance tensile load test of a
component must demonstrate that the component is not damaged and
satisfies all its performance specifications after experiencing
twice the maximum predicted pull-force that the component could
experience before, during, or after installation.
E417.15 Ordnance service-life extension testing
(a) General. This section applies to each service-life
extension test of an ordnance component that is identified by any
table of this appendix. A service-life extension test must
demonstrate that an ordnance component will satisfy all its
performance specifications when subjected to non-operating and
operating environments throughout its initial service-life and
throughout any extension to the service-life. An ordnance component
must undergo a service-life extension test to extend its
service-life if its initial service-life and any previous extension
will expire before the component is used for flight.
(b) Service-life. An ordnance component must undergo any
service-life extension test before the component's initial
service-life expires and again before each service-life extension
expires. The initial service-life of an ordnance component,
including any component that contains ordnance or is used to
directly initiate ordnance, must start upon completion of the
initial production lot sample acceptance tests and must include
both storage time and time after installation until completion of
flight. The test tables of this appendix identify the options for
the length of any service-life extension for each type of ordnance
(c) Test samples. The tables of this appendix identify
the number of ordnance component samples that must undergo any
service-life extension test. Each component sample must be:
(i) From the same production lot;
(ii) Consist of identical parts and materials;
(iii) Manufactured through identical processes; and
(iv) Stored with the flight ordnance component or in an
environment that duplicates the storage conditions of the flight
ordnance component.
E417.17 Radio frequency receiving system
(a) General. (1) This section applies to a radio
frequency receiving system, which includes each flight termination
system antenna and radio frequency coupler and any radio frequency
cable or other passive device used to connect a flight termination
system antenna to a command receiver.
(2) The components of a radio frequency receiving system must
satisfy each test or analysis identified by any table of this
section to demonstrate that:
(i) The system is capable of delivering command control system
radio frequency energy to each flight termination system receiver;
(ii) The system satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to each non-operating and operating environment and
any performance degradation source. Such sources include any
command control system transmitter variation, non-nominal launch
vehicle flight condition, and flight termination system performance
(b) Status-of-health. A status-of-health test of a radio
frequency receiving system must satisfy section E417.3(f) and
include antenna voltage standing wave ratio testing that measures
the assigned operating frequency at the high and low frequencies of
the operating bandwidth to verify that the antenna satisfies all
its performance specifications.
(c) Link performance. A link performance test of a radio
frequency component or subsystem must demonstrate that the
component or subsystem satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to performance degradation caused by ground
transmitter variations and non-nominal vehicle flight. This must
include demonstrating all of the following:
(1) The radio frequency receiving system provides command
signals to each command destruct receiver at an electromagnetic
field intensity of 12 dB above the level required for reliable
receiver operation over 95% of the antenna radiation sphere
surrounding the launch vehicle;
(2) The radio frequency coupler insertion loss and voltage
standing wave ratio at the assigned operating frequency and at the
high and low frequencies of the operating bandwidth satisfy all
their performance specifications; and
(3) The cable insertion loss at the assigned operating frequency
and at the high and low frequencies of the operating bandwidth
satisfies all its performance specifications.
(d) Isolation. An isolation test of a radio frequency
receiving system must demonstrate that each of the system's radio
frequency couplers isolate the redundant antennas and receiver
decoders from one another. The test must demonstrate that an open
or short-circuit in one string of the redundant system, antenna or
receiver decoder, will not prevent functioning of the other side of
the redundant system. The test must demonstrate that the system
satisfies all its performance specifications for isolation and is
(e) Abbreviated status-of-health. An abbreviated
status-of health test of a radio frequency receiving system
component must determine any internal anomaly while the component
is under environmental stress conditions. The test must include
continuous monitoring of the voltage standing wave ratio and any
other critical performance parameter that indicates an internal
anomaly during environmental testing to detect any variations in
amplitude. Any amplitude variation constitutes a test failure. The
monitoring must have a sample rate that will detect any component
performance degradation.
(f) Antenna pattern. An antenna pattern test must
demonstrate that the radiation gain pattern of the entire radio
frequency receiving system, including the antenna, radio frequency
cables, and radio frequency coupler will satisfy all the system's
performance specifications during vehicle flight. This must include
all of the following:
(1) The test must determine the radiation gain pattern around
the launch vehicle and demonstrate that the system is capable of
providing command signals to each command receiver decoder with
electromagnetic field intensity at a 12 dB link margin above the
level required for reliable receiver operation. The test must
demonstrate the 12-dB margin over 95 percent of the antenna
radiation sphere surrounding the launch vehicle.
(2) All test conditions must emulate flight conditions,
including ground transmitter polarization, using a simulated flight
vehicle and a flight configured radio frequency command destruct
(3) The test must measure the radiation gain for 360 degrees
around the launch vehicle in degree increments that are small
enough to identify any deep pattern null and to verify that the
required 12 dB link margin is maintained throughout flight. Each
degree increment must not exceed two degrees.
(4) The test must generate each antenna pattern in a data format
that is compatible with the format needed to perform the flight
safety system radio frequency link analysis required by §
(g) Abbreviated antenna pattern. An abbreviated antenna
pattern test must determine any antenna pattern changes that might
have occurred due to damage to an antenna resulting from exposure
to test environments. This must include all of the following:
(1) The antenna must undergo the test before and after exposure
to the qualification or acceptance test environments.
(2) The test must use a standard ground plane test fixture. The
test configuration need not generate antenna pattern data that is
representative of the actual system-level patterns.
(3) The test must include gain measurements in the 0° and 90°
plane vectors and a conical cut at 80°.
E417.19 Command receiver decoder
(a) General. A command receiver decoder must satisfy each
test or analysis identified by any table of this section to
demonstrate that the receiver decoder satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to each non-operating and operating
environment and any command control system transmitter
(b) Status-of-health. A status-of-health test of a
command receiver decoder must satisfy section E417.3(f) and must
measure each pin-to-pin and pin-to-case resistance, input current,
voltage standing wave ratio, and radio frequency threshold
sensitivity. Each measurement must demonstrate that all wiring and
connectors are installed according to the manufacturer's design.
The test must demonstrate that each pin-to-pin and pin-to-case
resistance satisfies its performance specification and is
(c) Functional performance. A functional performance test
must demonstrate that a command receiver decoder satisfies all the
requirements for an electronic component of section D417.27 that
apply to the receiver decoder. This test must:
(1) Response time. Demonstrate that the receiver decoder
satisfies all its performance specifications for response time,
from receipt of destruct sequence to initiation of destruct
(2) Input current. Monitor the input current into the
receiver decoder to demonstrate reliable functioning of all
internal components. The test must demonstrate that the receiver
decoder's electrical characteristics satisfy all its performance
specifications and are in-family;
(3) Leakage current. Demonstrate that the maximum leakage
current through any command output port is at a level that cannot
degrade performance of down-string electrical or ordnance
initiation systems or result in an unsafe condition. The test must
demonstrate no less than a 20-dB safety margin between the receiver
leakage output and the lowest level that could degrade performance
of down-string electrical or ordnance initiation systems or result
in an unsafe condition;
(4) Output Functions. Function all receiver outputs to
demonstrate that all the output performance specifications are
satisfied. The test must include drawing the expected current at
the receiver's low, nominal and high input specified voltages using
output impedances that simulate the flight-configured load. The
test must demonstrate that a command receiver is capable of
simultaneously outputting arm, destruct, and check channel signals;
(5) Warm Up Time. Demonstrate that the receiver decoder
satisfies all its performance specifications after being powered
for the manufacturer specified warm-up time.
(d) Circuit protection. A circuit protection test must
demonstrate that a receiver decoder's circuit protection provides
for the receiver decoder to satisfy all its performance
specifications when subjected to any improper launch processing,
abnormal flight condition, or any non-flight termination system
vehicle component failure. This test must:
(1) Abnormal voltage. Demonstrate that any circuit
protection allows the receiver decoder to satisfy all its
performance specifications when powered with the open circuit
voltage of the receiver decoder's power source for no less than
twice the expected duration of the open circuit voltage and then
when powered with the minimum input voltage of the loaded voltage
of the power source for no less than twice the expected duration of
the loaded voltage. The test must also demonstrate that the
receiver decoder satisfies all its performance specifications when
subjected to increasing voltage from zero volts to the nominal
voltage and then decreasing voltage from nominal back to zero;
(2) Power dropout. Demonstrate that, in the event of an
input power dropout, any control or switching circuit that
contributes to the reliable operation of a receiver decoder,
including solid-state power transfer switches, does not change
state for 50 milliseconds or more;
(3) Watchdog circuits. Demonstrate that any watchdog
circuit satisfies all its performance specifications;
(4) Output circuit protection. Demonstrate that the
receiver decoder's performance does not degrade when any of its
monitoring circuits or non-destruct output ports are subjected to a
short circuit or the highest positive or negative voltage capable
of being supplied by the monitor batteries or other power supplies,
for no less than five minutes;
(5) Reverse polarity. Demonstrate that the receiver
decoder satisfies all of its performance specifications when
subjected to a reverse polarity voltage that could occur before
flight, for no less than five minutes; and
(6) Memory. Demonstrate by test or analysis that any
memory device that is part of the receiver decoder satisfies all
its performance specifications. The test or analysis must
demonstrate that the data stored in memory is retained in
accordance with the performance specifications. For any secure
receiver decoder, the test or analysis must demonstrate that the
command codes remain in memory for the specified time interval
while the receiver decoder is not powered.
(e) Radio frequency processing. (1) General. A
radio frequency processing test must demonstrate that a receiver
decoder's radio frequency processing satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to command control system
transmitting equipment tolerances and flight generated signal
degradation. The environment must include locally induced radio
frequency noise sources, vehicle plume, the maximum predicted
noise-floor, ground transmitter performance variations, and
abnormal launch vehicle flight.
(2) Tone-based system. For any tone-based system, a radio
frequency processing test must demonstrate that the receiver
decoder satisfies all the design requirements of section D417.29(b)
of appendix D of this part and must satisfy all of the
(i) Decoder channel deviation. The test must demonstrate
that the receiver decoder reliably processes the intended tone
deviated signal at the minimum and maximum number of expected
tones. The test must demonstrate that the receiver decoder
satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected to a
nominal tone deviation plus twice the maximum and minus half the
minimum of the total combined tolerances of all applicable radio
frequency performance factors. The tone deviation must be no less
than ±3 KHz per tone.
(ii) Operational bandwidth. The testing must demonstrate
that the receiver decoder satisfies all its performance
specifications at twice the worst-case command control system
transmitter radio frequency shift, Doppler shifts of the carrier
center frequency, and shifts in flight hardware center frequency
during flight at the manufacturer guaranteed receiver sensitivity.
The test must demonstrate an operational bandwidth of no less than
±45KHz. The test must demonstrate that the operational bandwidth
accounts for any tone deviation and that the receiver sensitivity
does not vary by more than 3dB across the bandwidth.
(iii) Radio frequency dynamic range. The test must
demonstrate that the receiver decoder satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to variations of the radio frequency
input signal level that it will experience during checkout and
flight. The test must subject the receiver decoder to no less than
five uniformly distributed radio frequency input levels. The test
must demonstrate that the receiver outputs the destruct command
from the radio frequency threshold level up to:
(A) The maximum radio frequency level that it will experience
from the command control system transmitter during checkout and
flight plus a 3 dB margin; or
(B) 13 dBm, whichever is greater.
(iv) Capture ratio. The test must demonstrate that the
receiver cannot be captured by another transmitter with less than
80% of the power of the command transmitter system for the launch.
The test must show that the application of any unmodulated radio
frequency at a power level of up to 80% of the command control
system transmitter's modulated carrier signal does not capture the
receiver or interfere with a signal from the command control
(v) Radio frequency monitor. The test must demonstrate
that the receiver decoder's monitoring circuit accurately monitors
and outputs the strength of the radio frequency input signal and
must satisfy all of the following:
(A) The test must show that the output of the monitor circuit is
directly related and proportional to the strength of the radio
frequency input signal from the threshold level to saturation.
(B) The dynamic range of the radio frequency input from the
threshold level to saturation must be no less than 50 dB. The
monitor circuit output from threshold to saturation must have a
corresponding range that is greater than 18 dB.
(C) The test must perform periodic samples sufficient to
demonstrate that the monitor satisfies all its performance
(D) The test must include the following radio frequency input
levels: Quiescent; threshold; manufacturer guaranteed; beginning of
saturation; and 13 dBm.
(E) The test must demonstrate that the slope of the monitor
circuit output does not change polarity.
(vi) Radio frequency threshold sensitivity. The test must
determine the radio frequency threshold sensitivity or each
receiver decoder output command to demonstrate reliable radio
frequency processing capability. The threshold sensitivity values
must satisfy all their performance specifications, be repeatable,
and be in-family. In-family performance may be met with a tolerance
of ±3 dB.
(vii) Noise level margin. The test must demonstrate that
the receiver decoder's guaranteed input sensitivity is no less than
6 dB higher than the maximum predicted noise-floor.
(viii) Voltage standing wave ratio. The test must
demonstrate that any radio frequency losses within the receiver
decoder interface to the antenna system satisfy the required 12 dB
margin. The test must determine the radio frequency voltage
standing wave ratio at the high, low, and assigned operating
frequencies of the operating bandwidth and demonstrate that it
satisfies its performance specifications and is in-family. The test
must also demonstrate that the impedance of the radio frequency
receiving system and the impedance of the receiver decoder are
matched closely enough to ensure that the receiver decoder
satisfies all its performance specifications.
(ix) Decoder channel bandwidth. The test must demonstrate
that the receiver decoder provides for reliable recognition of any
command signal when subjected to variations in ground transmitter
tone frequency and frequency modulation deviation variations. The
test must demonstrate that the receiver decoder satisfies all its
performance specifications within the specified tone filter
frequency bandwidth using a frequency modulated tone deviation from
2 dB to 20 dB above the measured threshold level.
(x) Tone balance. For any secure receiver decoder, the
test must demonstrate that the receiver decoder can reliably decode
a valid command with an amplitude imbalance between two tones
within the same message.
(xi) Message timing. For any secure receiver decoder, the
test must demonstrate that the receiver decoder functions reliably
during any errors in timing caused by any ground transmitter
tolerances. The test must demonstrate that the receiver decoder can
process commands at twice the maximum and one-half the minimum
timing specification of the ground system. These tolerances must
include character dead-time, character on-time and inter-message
(xii) Check tone. The test must demonstrate that the
decoding and output of a tone, such as a pilot tone or check tone,
is representative of link and command closure. The test must also
demonstrate that the presence or absence of the tone signal will
have no effect on the receiver decoder's command processing and
output capability.
(xiii) Self-test. The test must demonstrate that the
receiver decoder's self-test capability functions and satisfies all
its performance specifications and does not inhibit functionality
of the command destruct output. The test must include initiating
the self-test while issuing valid command outputs.
(xiv) Reset. For any receiver decoder with a reset
capability, the test must demonstrate that the reset will unlatch
any command output that has been latched by a previous command.
(f) Inadvertent command output. Each of the following
inadvertent command output tests must demonstrate that the receiver
decoder does not provide an output other than when it receives a
valid command.
(1) Dynamic stability. The test must demonstrate that the
receiver decoder does not produce an inadvertent output when
subjected to any radio frequency input short-circuit, open-circuit,
or change in input voltage standing wave ratio.
(2) Out of band rejection. The test must demonstrate that
the receiver decoder does not degrade in performance when subjected
to any out-of-band vehicle or ground transmitter source that it
could encounter from liftoff to the planned safe flight state. The
test must ensure the receiver decoder does not respond to
frequencies, from 10 MHz to 1000 MHz except at the receiver
specified operational bandwidth. The test must demonstrate that the
radio frequency rejection of out of band signals provides a minimum
of 60 dB beyond eight times the maximum specified operational
bandwidth. The test frequencies must include all expected
interfering transmitting sources using a minimum bandwidth of 20%
of each transmitter center frequency, receiver image frequencies
and harmonics of the assigned center frequency.
(3) Decoder channel bandwidth rejection. The test must
demonstrate that the receiver decoder rejects any out-of-band
command tone frequency. The test must demonstrate that each tone
filter will not respond to another tone outside the specified tone
filter frequency bandwidth using a frequency modulated tone
deviation from 2 dB to 20 dB above the measured threshold
(4) Adjacent tone decoder channel rejection. The test
must demonstrate that none of the tone decoder channels responds to
any adjacent frequency modulated tone channel when they are
frequency modulated with a minimum of 150% of the expected tone
(5) Logic sequence. The test must demonstrate that the
receiver issues the required commands when commanded and does not
issue false commands during any abnormal logic sequence including
issuing a destruct command prior to the arm command.
(6) Destruct sequence. The test must demonstrate that the
receiver decoder requires two commanded steps to issue a destruct
command. The test must demonstrate that the receiver processes an
arm command as a prerequisite for the destruct command.
(7) Receiver abnormal logic. The test must demonstrate
that the receiver decoder will not respond to any combination of
tones or tone pairs other than the correct command sequence.
(8) Noise immunity. The test must demonstrate that a
receiver decoder will not respond to a white noise frequency
modulated radio frequency input at a minimum frequency modulated
deviation of 12 dB above the measured threshold deviation.
(9) Tone drop. The test must demonstrate that the
receiver decoder will not respond to a valid command output when
one tone in the sequence is dropped.
(10) Amplitude modulation rejection. The test must
demonstrate that the receiver decoder will not respond to any tone
or amplitude modulated noise when subjected to maximum pre-flight
and flight input power levels. An acceptance test must subject the
receiver decoder to 50% amplitude modulation. A qualification test
must subject the receiver decoder to 100% amplitude modulation.
(11) Decoder channel deviation rejection. The test must
demonstrate that the receiver decoder does not inadvertently
trigger on frequency-modulated noise. The test must demonstrate
that the receiver decoder does not respond to tone modulations 10
dB below the nominal tone modulation.
(g) Input current monitor. An input current monitor test
must continuously monitor command receiver decoder power input
current during environmental stress conditions to detect any
variation in amplitude. Any variation in input current indicates
internal component damage and constitutes a test failure. Any
fluctuation in nominal current draw when the command receiver
decoder is in the steady state indicates internal component damage
and constitutes a test failure.
(h) Output functions. An output functions test must
subject the receiver decoder to the arm and destruct commands
during environmental stress conditions and continuously monitor all
command outputs to detect any variation in amplitude. Any variation
in output level indicates internal component damage and constitutes
a test failure.
(i) Radio frequency level monitor. A radio frequency
level monitor test must subject a receiver decoder to the
guaranteed radio frequency input power level during environmental
stress conditions and continuously monitor the radio frequency
level monitor, also known as radio frequency signal strength,
signal strength telemetry output, or automatic gain control. Any
unexpected fluctuations or dropout constitutes a test failure.
(j) Thermal performance. A thermal performance test must
demonstrate that the receiver decoder satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to operating and workmanship thermal
environments. The receiver decoder must undergo the thermal
performance test during a thermal cycle test and during a thermal
vacuum test. The receiver decoder must undergo the thermal
performance test at its low and high operating voltage while the
receiver decoder is at the high and low temperatures during the
first, middle, and last thermal cycles. The thermal performance
test at each high and low temperature must include each of the
following sub-tests of this section:
(1) Response time, paragraph (c)(1) of this section;
(2) Input current, paragraph (c)(2) of this section;
(3) Output functions, paragraph (c)(4) of this section;
(4) Decoder channel deviation, paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this
(5) Operational bandwidth, paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this
(6) Radio frequency dynamic range, paragraph (e)(2)(iii) of this
(7) Capture ratio, paragraph (e)(2)(iv) of this section;
(8) Radio frequency monitor, paragraph (e)(2)(v) of this
(9) Message timing, paragraph (e)(2)(xi) of this section;
(10) Check tone, paragraph (e)(2)(xii) of this section; and
(11) Self test, paragraph (e)(2)(xiii) of this section.
E417.21 Silver-zinc batteries
(a) General. This section applies to any silver-zinc
battery that is part of a flight termination system. Any
silver-zinc battery must satisfy each test or analysis identified
by any table of this section to demonstrate that the battery
satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected to each
non-operating and operating environment.
(b) Cell capacity. (1) Single electrical cycle.
For a sample silver-zinc cell from a battery that has only one
charge-discharge cycle, a capacity test must satisfy all of the
(i) The cell must undergo activation that satisfies paragraph
(j) of this section;
(ii) At the end of the manufacturer-specified wet stand time,
the cell must undergo a discharge of the nameplate capacity;
(iii) The test must then subject the cell to the electrical
performance test of paragraph (k) of this section using the
qualification electrical load profile described in paragraph
(k)(7)(ii) of this section;
(iv) The cell must then undergo a final discharge to determine
the positive and negative plate capacity; and
(v) The test must demonstrate that each capacity satisfies the
manufacturer's specification and is in-family.
(2) Multiple electrical cycles. For a silver-zinc cell
from a battery that has more than one charge-discharge cycle, a
capacity test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The cell must undergo activation that satisfies paragraph
(j) of this section;
(ii) The test must subject the cell to the maximum predicted
number of charge-discharge cycles that the battery will experience
during normal operations;
(iii) At the end of each cycle life after each charge, the test
must satisfy all of the following:
(A) The cell must undergo a discharge of the manufacturer's
nameplate capacity;
(B) The cell must then undergo the electrical performance test
of paragraph (k) of this section using the qualification electrical
load profile described in paragraph (k)(7)(ii) of this section;
(C) The cell must then undergo a discharge to determine the
positive plate capacity;
(iv) At the end of the cycle life of the last charge-discharge
cycle, in addition to determining the positive plate capacity, the
cell must undergo a discharge to determine the negative plate
capacity; and
(v) The test must demonstrate that each capacity for each cycle
satisfies the manufacturer's specification and is in-family.
(c) Silver-zinc battery status-of-health tests. (1)
500-volt insulation. A 500-volt insulation test of a
silver-zinc battery must satisfy the status-of-health test
requirements of section E417.3(f). The test must measure insulation
resistance between mutually insulated pin-to-pin and pin-to-case
points using a minimum 500-volt workmanship voltage prior to
connecting any battery harness to the cells. The test must measure
the continuity of the battery harness after completion of all
wiring, but before battery activation to demonstrate that the
insulation and continuity resistances satisfy their performance
(2) Continuity and isolation. A continuity and isolation
test of a silver zinc battery must satisfy the status-of-health
test requirements of section E417.3(f). The test must demonstrate
that all battery wiring and connectors are installed according to
the manufacturer's specifications. The test must measure all
pin-to-pin and pin-to-case resistances and demonstrate that each
satisfies all its performance specifications and are in-family.
(3) No-load voltage. A no-load voltage test must satisfy
the status-of-health test requirements of section E417.3(f). The
test must demonstrate that each battery cell satisfies its
performance specification for voltage without any load applied. A
battery must undergo this test just after introduction of
electrolyte to each cell, after electrical conditioning of the
battery, before and after each electrical performance test and, for
a flight battery, just before installation into the launch
(4) Pin-to-case isolation. A pin-to-case isolation test
must satisfy the status-of-health test requirements of section
E417.3(f). The test must measure voltage isolation between each pin
and the battery case to demonstrate that no current leakage path
exists as a result of electrolyte leakage. This measurement must
use a voltmeter with an internal resistance of no less than 100K
ohms and have a resolution that detects any leakage current of 0.1
milliamps or greater.
(d) Proof pressure. (1) Cells. Each individual
cell or each cell within a battery must undergo pressurization to
1.5 times the worst case operating differential pressure or highest
setting of the cell vent valve for no less than 15 seconds. The
test must demonstrate that the leak rate satisfies its performance
specification. After pressurization, each cell must remain sealed
until activation. For a battery, the test must demonstrate the
integrity of each cell seal when in the battery configuration.
(2) Battery cases. Each battery case must undergo
pressurization to 1.5 times the worst case operating differential
pressure for no less than 15 minutes. The test must demonstrate no
loss of structural integrity and no hazardous condition. For any
sealed battery, the test must demonstrate that the leak rate
satisfies its performance specification.
(e) Electrolyte. A test of each electrolyte lot for
battery activation must demonstrate that the electrolyte satisfies
the manufacturer's specifications, including volume and
(f) Battery mounting and case integrity. A battery
mounting and case integrity test must demonstrate that any welds in
the battery's mounting hardware or case are free of workmanship
defects using X-ray examination that satisfies section
(g) Pre-activation. A pre-activation test must
demonstrate that a battery or cell will not experience a loss of
structural integrity or create a hazardous condition when subjected
to predicted operating conditions and all required margins. This
must include all of the following:
(1) The test must demonstrate that any battery or cell pressure
relief device satisfies all its performance specifications;
(2) The test must exercise 100% of all pressure relief devices
that can function repeatedly without degradation; and
(3) The test must demonstrate that each pressure relief device
opens within ±10% of its performance specification.
(h) Monitoring capability. A monitoring capability test
must demonstrate that each device that monitors a silver-zinc
battery's voltage, current, or temperature satisfies all its
performance specifications.
(i) Heater circuit verification. A heater circuit
verification test must demonstrate that any battery heater,
including its control circuitry, satisfies all its performance
(j) Activation. (1) The activation of a battery or cell
must follow a procedure that is approved by the manufacturer and
includes the manufacturer's activation steps.
(2) The activation procedure and equipment for acceptance
testing must be equivalent to those used for qualification and
storage life testing.
(3) The activation procedure must include verification that the
electrolyte satisfies the manufacturer's specification for
percentage of potassium hydroxide.
(4) The quantity of electrolyte for activation of the batteries
and cells for any qualification test must satisfy all of the
(i) One of the three required qualification battery samples and
six of the 12 required individual qualification cell samples must
undergo activation with no less than the manufacturer specified
maximum amount of electrolyte; and
(ii) One of the three required qualification battery samples and
six of the 12 required individual qualification cell samples must
undergo activation with no greater than the manufacturer specified
minimum amount of electrolyte.
(k) Electrical performance. An electrical performance
test must demonstrate that a battery or cell satisfies all its
performance specifications and is in-family while the battery is
subjected to the electrical load profile described in paragraph
(k)(7) of this section and include all of the following:
(1) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell supplies
the required current while maintaining the required voltage
regulation that satisfies the manufacturer's specifications and is
in family with previous test results;
(2) The test must monitor each of the battery or cell's critical
electrical performance parameters; including voltage, current, and
temperature, with a resolution and sample rate that detects any
failure to satisfy a performance specification. For a battery, the
test must monitor the battery's performance parameters and the
voltage of each cell within the battery. During the current pulse
portion of the load profile, the voltage monitoring must have a
sample rate of once every 0.1 millisecond or better;
(3) The test must measure a battery or cell's no-load voltage
before and after the application of any load to the battery or
(4) A silver-zinc battery or cell must undergo this test after
the battery or cell is activated and after the manufacturer's
specified soak period;
(5) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell voltage
does not fall below the voltage needed to provide the minimum
acceptance voltage of each electronic component that the battery
powers while the battery or cell is subjected to the steady state
portion of the load profile;
(6) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell voltage
does not fall below the voltage needed to provide the minimum
qualification voltage of each electronic component that the battery
powers while the battery or cell is subjected to the pulse portion
of the load profile; and
(7) The test load profile must satisfy one of the following:
(i) For acceptance testing, the load profile must begin with a
steady-state flight load that lasts for no less than 180 seconds
followed without interruption by a current pulse. The pulse width
must be no less than 1.5 times the ordnance initiator qualification
pulse width or a minimum workmanship screening pulse width of 100
milliseconds, whichever is greater. The pulse amplitude must be no
less than 1.5 times the ordnance initiator qualification pulse
amplitude. After the pulse, the acceptance load profile must end
with the application of a steady-state flight load that lasts for
no less than 15 seconds; or
(ii) For qualification testing or any storage life testing, the
load profile must begin with a steady-state flight load that lasts
for no less than 180 seconds followed by a current pulse. The pulse
width must be no less than three times the ordnance initiator
qualification pulse width or a minimum workmanship screening pulse
width of 200 milliseconds, whichever is greater. The pulse
amplitude must be no less than 1.5 times the ordnance initiator
qualification pulse amplitude. After the pulse, the qualification
load profile must end with a steady-state flight load that lasts
for no less than 15 seconds.
(l) Activated stand time. An activated stand time test
must demonstrate that a silver-zinc battery or cell satisfies all
its performance specifications after it is activated and subjected
to the environments that the battery or cell will experience from
the time it is activated until flight. This must include all of the
(1) The test environment must simulate the pre-flight battery or
cell conditioning environments, including the launch vehicle
installation environment;
(2) The test environment must simulate the worst case
temperature exposure and any thermal cycling, such as due to any
freezer storage, and any diurnal cycling on the launch vehicle;
(3) The test must measure the battery or cell's open-circuit
voltage at the beginning and again at the end of the activated
stand time to demonstrate that it satisfies its performance
specifications; and
(4) The test must apply an electrical load to the battery or
cell at the end of the activated stand time to demonstrate whether
the battery or cell is in a peroxide or monoxide chemical state
that satisfies its performance specifications before undergoing any
other operating environmental test.
(m) Overcharge. An overcharge test only applies to a
battery or cell that undergoes charging during normal operations.
The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell satisfies all
its performance specifications when subjected to an overcharge of
no less than the manufacturer's specified overcharge limit using
the nominal charging rate.
(n) Charge-discharge cycles. This test only applies to a
battery or cell that undergoes charging during normal operations.
The test must satisfy all of the following:
(1) The test must subject the battery or cell sample to the
maximum predicted number of charge-discharge cycles that the
battery or cell will experience during normal operations;
(2) After activation, each battery or cell sample must undergo
three thermal cycles at the end of the first cycle life and three
thermal cycles at the end of each cycle life after each
intermediate charge before the final charge;
(3) During each set of three thermal cycles for each
charge-discharge cycle, the test must satisfy the thermal cycle
test requirements of paragraphs (o)(2)-(o)(5) of this section;
(4) For a battery, after the three thermal cycles for each
charge-discharge cycle, the battery must undergo a pin-to-case
isolation test that satisfies paragraph (c)(4) of this section;
(5) Each battery or cell must undergo a discharge of its
nameplate capacity before each charge; and
(6) The battery or cell must undergo any further operating
environment tests only after the final charge.
(o) Thermal cycle. A thermal cycle test must demonstrate
that a silver-zinc battery or cell satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to pre-flight thermal cycle
environments, including acceptance testing, and flight thermal
cycle environments. This must include all of the following:
(1) The test must subject the battery or cell to no less than
the acceptance-number of thermal cycles that satisfies section
(2) The thermal cycle environment must satisfy all of the
(i) Each thermal cycle must range from 10 °C above the maximum
predicted temperature range to 5.5 °C below. If the launch
vehicle's telemetry system does not provide the battery's
temperature before and during flight as described in section
D417.17(b)(9), each thermal cycle must range from 10 °C above the
maximum predicted temperature range to 10 °C below;
(ii) For each cycle, the dwell-time at each high and low
temperature must last long enough for the battery or cell to
achieve internal thermal equilibrium and must last no less than one
hour; and
(iii) When heating and cooling the battery or cell, the
temperature change at a rate that averages 1 °C per minute or the
maximum predicted rate, whichever is greater;
(3) Each battery or cell must undergo the electrical performance
test of paragraph (k) of this section when the battery or cell is
at ambient temperature before beginning the first thermal cycle and
after completing the last cycle;
(4) Each battery or cell must undergo the electrical performance
test of paragraph (k) of this section, at the high and low
temperatures during the first, middle and last thermal cycles;
(5) The test must continuously monitor and record all critical
performance and status-of-health parameters, including the battery
or cell's open circuit voltage, during all thermal cycle dwell
times and transitions with a resolution and sample rate that will
detect any performance degradation.
(p) Discharge and pulse capacity. A discharge and pulse
capacity test must demonstrate that a silver zinc battery or cell
satisfies all its electrical performance specifications at the end
of its specified capacity limit for the last operating charge and
discharge cycle. The test must include all of the following:
(1) The battery or cell must undergo discharge at flight loads
until the total capacity consumed during this discharge and during
all previous qualification tests reaches the manufacturer's
specified capacity.
(2) The test must demonstrate that the total amount of capacity
consumed during the discharge test and all previous qualification
tests satisfies the battery or cell's minimum performance
(3) After satisfying paragraphs (p)(1) and (p)(2) of this
section, the test must measure the battery or cell's no-load
voltage and then apply a qualification load profile that satisfies
all of the following:
(i) The load profile must begin with a steady state flight load
for no less than 180 seconds followed by a current pulse;
(ii) The pulse width must be no less than three times the
ordnance initiator qualification pulse width or a minimum
workmanship screening pulse width of 200 milliseconds; whichever is
(iii) The pulse amplitude must be no less than 1.5 times the
ordnance initiator qualification pulse amplitude; and
(iv) After the pulse, the qualification load profile must end
with a steady state flight load that lasts for no less than 15
(4) The test must monitor each of the battery or cell's critical
electrical performance parameters; including voltage, current, and
temperature, with a resolution and sample rate that detects any
failure to satisfy a performance specification. For a battery, the
test must monitor the battery's performance parameters and the
voltage of each cell within the battery. During the current pulse
portion of the load profile, the voltage monitoring must have
sample rate that will detect any component performance
(5) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell voltage
does not fall below the voltage needed to provide the minimum
acceptance voltage of each electronic component that the battery
powers while the battery or cell is subjected to the steady state
portion of the load profile.
(6) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell voltage
does not fall below the voltage needed to provide the minimum
qualification voltage of each electronic component that the battery
powers while the battery or cell is subjected to the pulse portion
of the load profile.
(7) After satisfying paragraphs (p)(1) through (p)(6) of this
section, the battery or cell must undergo a complete discharge and
the test must demonstrate that the total silver plate capacity is
(q) Internal inspection. An internal inspection must
identify any excessive wear or damage to a silver-zinc battery,
including any of its cells, or an individual cell after the battery
or cell is exposed to all the qualification test environments. An
internal inspection must satisfy section E417.5(g) and include all
of the following:
(1) An internal examination of any battery to verify that there
was no movement of any component within the battery that could
stress that component beyond its design limit during flight:
(2) An examination to verify the integrity of all cell and
wiring interconnects.
(3) An examination to verify the integrity of all potting and
shimming materials.
(4) The removal of all cells from the battery and examination of
each cell for any physical damage.
(5) A destructive physical analysis to verify the integrity of
all plate tab to cell terminal connections and the integrity of
each plate and separator. For each battery sample required to
undergo all the qualification tests, one cell from each corner and
two cells from the middle of the battery must undergo the
destructive physical analysis. For storage life testing, one of the
two cells required to undergo all the storage life tests must
undergo destructive physical analysis. The inspection must verify
the integrity of each plate tab, identify any anomaly in each
plate, including its color or shape, and identify any anomaly in
each separator, including its condition, silver migration, and any
oxalate crystals.
(6) A test that demonstrates that the zinc plate capacity of the
cells satisfies the manufacturer's specification. For each battery
sample required to undergo all the qualification tests, the test
must determine the zinc plate capacity for three cells from the
battery, other than the cells of paragraph (q)(5) of this section.
For storage life testing, the test must determine the zinc plate
capacity for one cell that is required to undergo all the storage
life tests, other than the cell of paragraph (q)(5) of this
(r) Coupon cell acceptance. A coupon cell acceptance test
must demonstrate that the silver zinc cells that make up a flight
battery were manufactured the same as the qualification battery
cells and satisfy all their performance specifications after being
subjected to the environments that the battery experiences from the
time of manufacture until activation and installation. This must
include all of the following:
(1) One test cell that is from the same production lot as the
flight battery, with the same lot date code as the cells in the
flight battery, must undergo the test.
(2) The test cell must have been attached to the battery from
the time of the manufacturer's acceptance test and have experienced
the same non-operating environments as the battery.
(3) The test must occur immediately before activation of the
flight battery.
(4) The test cell must undergo activation that satisfies
paragraph (j) of this section.
(5) The test cell must undergo discharge at a moderate rate,
using the manufacturer's specification, undergo two qualification
load profiles of paragraph (k)(7)(ii) of this section at the
nameplate capacity, and then undergo further discharge until the
minimum manufacturer specified voltage is achieved. The test must
demonstrate that the cell's amp-hour capacity and voltage
characteristics satisfy all their performance specifications and
are in-family.
(6) For a silver-zinc battery that will undergo charging during
normal operations, the test cell must undergo the requirements of
paragraph (r)(5) of this section for each qualification
charge-discharge cycle. The test must demonstrate that the cell
capacity and electrical characteristics satisfy all their
performance specifications and are in family for each
charge-discharge cycle.
E417.22 Commercial nickel-cadmium batteries
(a) General. This section applies to any nickel-cadmium
battery that uses one or more commercially produced nickel-cadmium
cells and is part of a flight termination system.
(1) Compliance. Any commercial nickel-cadmium battery
must satisfy each test or analysis identified by any table of this
section to demonstrate that the battery satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to each non-operating and
operating environment.
(2) Charging and discharging of nickel-cadmium batteries and
cells. Each test required by any table of this section that
requires a nickel-cadmium battery or cell to undergo a charge or
discharge must include all of the following:
(i) The rate of each charge or discharge must prevent any damage
to the battery or cell and provide for the battery or cell's
electrical characteristics to remain consistent. Unless otherwise
specified, the charge or discharge rate used for qualification
testing must be identical to the rate that the flight battery
experiences during acceptance and preflight testing;
(ii) A discharge of a cell must subject the cell to the
discharge rate until the cell voltage reaches no greater than 0.9
volt. A discharge of a battery, must subject the battery to the
discharge rate until the battery voltage reaches no greater than
0.9 volt times the number of cells in the battery. Any discharge
that results in a cell voltage below 0.9 volt must use a discharge
rate that is slow enough to prevent cell damage or cell reversal.
Each discharge must include monitoring of voltage, current, and
time with sufficient resolution and sample rate to determine
capacity and demonstrate that the battery or cell is in-family;
(iii) A charge of a battery or cell must satisfy the
manufacturer's charging specifications and procedures. The charging
input to the battery or cell must be no less than 160% of the
manufacturer's specified capacity. The charge rate must not exceed
C/10 unless the launch operator demonstrates that a higher charge
rate does not damage the battery or cell and results in repeatable
battery or cell performance. The cell voltage must not exceed 1.55
volts during charging to avoid creating a hydrogen gas explosion
hazard; and
(iv) The test must monitor each of the battery or cell's
critical electrical performance parameters with a resolution and
sample rate to detect any failure to satisfy a performance
specification. For a battery, the test must monitor the battery's
performance parameters and those of each cell within the battery.
During the current pulse portion of the load profile, the
monitoring must have a resolution and sample rate that will detect
any component performance degradation.
(b) Venting devices. A test of a battery or cell venting
device must demonstrate that the battery or cell will not
experience a loss of structural integrity or create a hazardous
condition when subjected to any electrical discharge, charging, or
short-circuit condition and satisfy the following paragraphs:
(1) Reusable venting devices. For a venting device that
is capable of functioning repeatedly without degradation, such as a
vent valve, the test must exercise the device and demonstrate that
it satisfies all its performance specifications.
(2) Non-reusable venting devices. For a venting device
that does not function repeatedly without degradation, such as a
burst disc, the test must exercise a lot sample to demonstrate that
the venting device satisfies all its performance specifications.
The test must demonstrate that each device sample vents within ±10%
of the manufacturer specified average vent pressure with a maximum
vent pressure no higher than 350 pounds per square inch.
(c) Cell inspection and preparation. A cell inspection
and preparation must:
(1) Record the manufacturer's lot-code;
(2) Demonstrate that the cell is clean and free of manufacturing
(3) Use a chemical indicator to demonstrate that the cell has no
leak; and
(4) Discharge each cell to no greater than 0.9 volt using a
discharge rate that will not cause damage to the cell.
(d) Cell conditioning. Conditioning of a nickel-cadmium
cell must stabilize the cell and ensure repeatable electrical
performance throughout the cell's service-life. Conditioning of a
cell must include both of the following:
(1) Before any testing, each cell must age for no less than 11
months after the manufacturer's lot date code to ensure consistent
electrical performance of the cell for its entire service-life;
(2) After aging, each cell must undergo a first charge at a
charging rate of no greater than its capacity divided by 20 (C/20),
to initialize the chemistry within the cell. Any battery stored for
over one month after the first charge must undergo recharging at
the same rate.
(e) Cell characterization. Characterization of a
nickel-cadmium cell must stabilize the cell chemistry and determine
the cell's capacity. A cell characterization must satisfy both of
the following:
(1) Each cell must repeatedly undergo charge and discharge
cycles until the capacities for three consecutive cycles agree to
within 1% of each other; and
(2) During characterization, each cell must remain at a
temperature of 20 °C ±2 °C to ensure that the cell is not
overstressed and to allow repeatable performance.
(f) Charge retention. A charge retention test must
demonstrate that a nickel-cadmium battery or cell consistently
retains its charge and provides its required capacity, including
the required capacity margin, from the final charge used prior to
flight to the end of flight. The test must satisfy the
status-of-heath test requirements of § E417.3(f) and satisfy all of
the following steps in the following order:
(1) The test must begin with the battery or cell fully charged.
The battery or cell must undergo an immediate capacity discharge to
develop a baseline capacity for comparison to its charge retention
(2) The battery or cell must undergo complete charging and then
storage at 20 °C ±2 °C for 72 hours;
(3) The battery or cell must undergo discharging to determine
its capacity; and
(4) The test must demonstrate that each cell or battery's
capacity is greater than 90% of the baseline capacity of paragraph
(f)(1) of this section and the test must demonstrate that the
capacity retention is in-family.
(g) Capacity and overcharge at 0 °C. A 0 °C test of a
nickel-cadmium cell must validate the cell's chemistry
status-of-health and determine the cell's capacity when subjected
to a high charge efficiency temperature. The test must include all
of the following:
(1) Each cell must undergo repeated charge and discharge cycles
at 0 °C ±2 °C until all the capacities for three consecutive cycles
agree to within 1% of each other; and
(2) After the charge and discharge cycles of paragraph (g)(1) of
this section, each cell must undergo an inspection to demonstrate
that it is not cracked.
(h) Post acceptance discharge and storage. Post
acceptance discharge and storage of a nickel-cadmium battery or
cell must prevent any damage that could affect electrical
performance. This must include all of the following:
(1) Any battery must undergo discharge to a voltage between 0.05
volts and 0.9 volts to prevent cell reversal, allow safe handling,
and minimize any aging degradation;
(2) Any individual cell must undergo discharge to no greater
than 0.05 volts to allow safe handling and minimize any aging
(3) After the discharge, each battery or cell must undergo
storage in an open circuit configuration and under storage
conditions that protect against any performance degradation and are
consistent with the qualification tests. This must include a
storage temperature of no greater than 5 °C.
(i) Cycle life. A cycle life test of a nickel-cadmium
cell or battery must demonstrate that the cell or battery satisfies
all its performance specifications for no less than five times the
number of operating charge and discharge cycles expected of the
flight battery, including acceptance testing, pre-flight checkout,
and flight.
(j) Status-of-health. A status-of-health test of a
nickel-cadmium battery must satisfy section E417.3(f) and include
continuity and isolation measurements that demonstrate that all
battery wiring and connectors are installed according to the
manufacturer's specifications. The test must also measure all
pin-to-pin and pin-to-case resistances to demonstrate that each
satisfies all its performance specifications and are in-family.
(k) Battery case integrity. A battery case integrity test
of a sealed nickel-cadmium battery must demonstrate that the
battery will not lose structural integrity or create a hazardous
condition when subjected to all predicted operating conditions and
all required margins and that the battery's leak rate satisfies all
its performance specifications. This must include all of the
(1) The test must monitor the battery's pressure while
subjecting the battery case to no less than 1.5 times the greatest
operating pressure differential that could occur under
qualification testing, pre-flight, or flight conditions;
(2) The pressure monitoring must have a resolution and sample
rate that allows accurate determination of the battery's leak
(3) The test must demonstrate that the battery's leak rate is no
greater than the equivalent of 10−4 scc/sec of helium; and
(4) The battery must undergo examination to identify any
condition that indicates that the battery might loose structural
integrity or create a hazardous condition.
(l) Monitoring capability. A monitoring capability test
must demonstrate that each device that monitors a nickel-cadmium
battery's voltage, current, or temperature satisfies all its
performance specifications.
(m) Heater circuit verification. A heater circuit
verification test must demonstrate that any battery heater,
including its control circuitry, satisfies all its performance
(n) Electrical performance. An electrical performance
test of a nickel-cadmium battery or cell must demonstrate that the
battery or cell satisfies all its performance specifications and is
in-family while the battery or cell is subjected to an acceptance
or qualification electrical load profile. The test must also
demonstrate that the battery or cell satisfies all its electrical
performance specifications at the beginning, middle, and end of its
specified preflight and flight capacity plus the required margin.
The test must include and satisfy each of the following:
(1) The test must measure a battery or cell's no-load voltage
before applying any load to ensure it is within the manufacturer's
specification limits.
(2) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell voltage
does not violate the manufacturer's specification limits while the
battery or cell is subjected to the steady-state flight load. The
test must also demonstrate that the battery provides the minimum
acceptance voltage of each electronic component that the battery
(3) The test must demonstrate that the battery or cell supplies
the required current while maintaining the required voltage
regulation that satisfies the manufacturer's specification. The
test must demonstrate that the battery or cell voltage does not
fall below the voltage needed to provide the minimum qualification
voltage of each electronic component that the battery powers while
the battery or cell is subjected to the pulse portion of the load
profile. The test must subject the battery or cell to one of the
following load profiles:
(i) For acceptance testing, the test load profile must satisfy
all of the following:
(A) The load profile must begin with a steady-state flight load
that lasts for no less than 180 seconds followed without
interruption by a current pulse;
(B) The pulse width must be no less than 1.5 times the ordnance
initiator qualification pulse width or a minimum workmanship
screening pulse width of 100 milliseconds, whichever is
(C) The pulse amplitude must be no less than 1.5 times the
ordnance initiator qualification pulse amplitude; and
(D) After the pulse, the acceptance load profile must end with a
steady state flight load that lasts for no less than 15
(ii) For qualification testing, the test load profile must
satisfy all of the following:
(A) The load profile must begin with a steady-state flight load
that lasts for no less than 180 seconds followed by a current
(B) The pulse width must be no less than three times the
ordnance initiator qualification pulse width or a minimum
workmanship screening pulse width of 200 milliseconds, whichever is
(C) The pulse amplitude must be no less than 1.5 times the
ordnance initiator qualification pulse amplitude; and
(D) After the pulse, the qualification load profile must end
with a steady-state flight load that lasts for no less than 15
(4) The test must repeat, satisfy, and accomplish paragraphs
(n)(1)-(n)(3) of this section with the battery or cell at each of
the following levels of charge-discharge and in the following
(A) Fully charged;
(B) After the battery or cell undergoes a discharge that removes
50% of the capacity required for launch and all required margins;
(C) After the battery or cell undergoes a discharge that removes
an additional 50% of the capacity required for launch.
(5) The test must subject the battery or cell the a final
discharge that determines the remaining capacity. The test must
demonstrate that the total capacity removed from the battery during
all testing, including this final discharge, satisfies all the
battery's performance specifications and is in-family.
(o) Acceptance thermal cycle. An acceptance thermal cycle
test must demonstrate that a nickel-cadmium battery satisfies all
it performance specifications when subjected to workmanship and
maximum predicted thermal cycle environments. This must include
each of the following:
(1) The acceptance-number of thermal cycles for a component
means the number of thermal cycles that the component must
experience during the acceptance thermal cycle test. The test must
subject each component to no less than eight thermal cycles or 1.5
times the maximum number of thermal cycles that the component could
experience during launch processing and flight, including all
launch delays and recycling, rounded up to the nearest whole
number, whichever is greater.
(2) The acceptance thermal cycle high temperature must be a 30
°C workmanship screening level or the maximum predicted environment
high temperature, whichever is higher. The acceptance thermal cycle
low temperature must be a −24 °C workmanship screening temperature
or the predicted environment low temperature, whichever is
(3) When heating or cooling the battery during each cycle, the
temperature must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or
the maximum predicted rate, whichever is greater. The dwell time at
each high and low temperature must be long enough for the battery
to achieve internal thermal equilibrium and must be no less than
one hour.
(4) The test must measure all of a battery's critical
status-of-health parameters at the thermal extremes on all cycles
and during thermal transition to demonstrate that the battery
satisfies all its performance specifications. The battery must
undergo monitoring of its open circuit voltage throughout the test
to demonstrate that it satisfies all its performance specifications
throughout testing. The sample rate must be once every 10 seconds
or more often.
(5) The battery must undergo an electrical performance test that
satisfies paragraph (n) of this section while the battery is at the
high, ambient, and low temperatures, during the first, middle, and
last thermal cycles.
(6) If either the workmanship high or low temperature exceeds
the battery's maximum predicted operating temperature range and the
battery is not capable of passing the electrical performance test
at the workmanship temperature, the battery may undergo the
electrical performance test at an interim temperature during the
cycle. This must include all of the following:
(i) Any interim high temperature must be no less than the
maximum predicted high temperature;
(ii) Any interim low temperature must be no greater than the
maximum predicted low temperature;
(iii) The dwell-time at any interim temperature must be long
enough for the battery to reach thermal equilibrium; and
(iv) After any electrical performance test at an interim
temperature, the thermal cycle must continue until the battery
reaches its workmanship temperature.
(p) Qualification thermal cycle. A qualification thermal
cycle test must demonstrate that a nickel-cadmium battery satisfies
all its performance specifications when subjected to pre-flight,
acceptance test, and flight thermal cycle environments. This must
include each of the following:
(1) The test must subject the fully charged battery to no less
than three times the acceptance-number of thermal cycles of
paragraph (o)(1) of this section.
(2) The qualification thermal cycle high temperature must be a
40 °C workmanship screening level or the maximum predicted
environment high temperature plus 10 °C, whichever is higher. The
qualification thermal cycle low temperature must be a −34 °C
workmanship screening temperature or the predicted environment low
temperature minus 10 °C, whichever is lower.
(3) When heating or cooling the battery during each cycle, the
temperature must change at an average rate of 1 °C per minute or
the maximum predicted rate, whichever is greater. The dwell time at
each high and low temperature must be long enough for the battery
to achieve internal thermal equilibrium and must be no less than
one hour.
(4) The test must measure the battery's critical
status-of-health parameters at the thermal extremes on all cycles
and during thermal transition to demonstrate that the battery
satisfies all its performance specifications. The battery must
undergo monitoring of its open circuit voltage throughout the test
to demonstrate that it satisfies all it performance specifications.
The sample rate must be once every 10 seconds or more often.
(5) The battery must undergo an electrical performance test that
satisfies paragraph (n) of this section while the battery is at the
high, ambient, and low temperatures, during the first, middle, and
last thermal cycles.
(6) If either the workmanship high or low temperature exceeds
the battery's maximum predicted operating temperature range and the
battery is not capable of passing the electrical performance test
at the workmanship temperature, the battery may undergo the
discharge and pulse capacity test at an interim temperature during
the cycle. This must include all of the following:
(i) Any interim high temperature must be no less than the
maximum predicted high temperature plus 10 °C;
(ii) Any interim low temperature must be no greater than the
maximum predicted low temperature minus 10 °C;
(iii) The dwell-time at any interim temperature must last long
enough for the battery to reach thermal equilibrium; and
(iv) After any electrical performance test at an interim
temperature, the thermal cycle must continue to the workmanship
(q) Operational stand time. An operational stand time
test must demonstrate that a nickel-cadmium battery will maintain
its required capacity, including all required margins, from the
final charge that the battery receives before flight until the
planned safe flight state. This must include each of the
(1) The battery must undergo a charge to full capacity and then
an immediate capacity discharge to establish a baseline capacity
for comparison to the capacity after the battery experiences the
operational stand time.
(2) The battery must undergo a charge to full capacity. The test
must then subject the battery to the maximum predicted pre-flight
temperature for the maximum operating stand time between final
battery charging to the planned safe flight state while in an open
circuit configuration. The maximum operating stand time must
account for all launch processing and launch delay contingencies
that could occur after the battery receives its final charge.
(3) After the maximum operating stand time has elapsed, the
battery must undergo a capacity discharge to determine any capacity
loss due to any self-discharge by comparing the operational stand
time capacity with the baseline capacity in paragraph (q)(1) of
this section.
(4) The test must demonstrate that the battery's capacity,
including all required margins, and any loss in capacity due to the
operational stand time satisfy all associated performance
(r) Internal inspection. An internal inspection of a
nickel-cadmium battery must identify any excessive wear or damage
to the battery, including any of its cells, after the battery is
exposed to all the qualification test environments. An internal
inspection must satisfy section E417.5(g) and include all of the
(1) An internal examination to verify that there was no movement
of any component within the battery that stresses that component
beyond its design limit;
(2) An examination to verify the integrity of all cell and
wiring interconnects;
(3) An examination to verify the integrity of all potting and
shimming materials;
(4) The removal of all cells from the battery and examination of
each cell for any physical damage;
(5) A test with a chemical indicator to demonstrate that none of
the cells leaked; and
(6) Destructive physical analysis of one cell from each corner
and one cell from the middle of each battery that undergoes all the
qualification tests. The destructive physical analysis must verify
the integrity of all connections between all plate tabs and cell
terminals, and the integrity of each plate and separator.
(s) Cell leakage. A leakage test of a cell must
demonstrate the integrity of the cell case seal using one of the
following approaches:
(1) Leak test 1:
(i) The test must measure each cell's weight to 0.001 grams to
create a baseline for comparison.
(ii) The test must subject each cell, fully charged, to a vacuum
of less than 10−2 torr for no less than 20 hours. While under
vacuum, the cell must undergo charging at a C/20 rate. The test
must control each cell's temperature to ensure that its does not
exceed the cell's maximum predicted thermal environment.
(iii) The test must measure each cell's weight after the 20-hour
vacuum and demonstrate that the cell does not experience a weight
loss greater than three-sigma from the average weight loss for each
cell in the lot.
(iv) Any cell that fails the weight-loss test of paragraph
(h)(3) of this section must undergo cleaning and discharge. The
cell must then undergo a full charge and then inspection with a
chemical indicator. If the chemical indicator shows that the cell
has a leak, a launch operator may not use the cell in any further
test or flight.
(2) Leak test 2:
(i) The cell must develop greater than one atmosphere
differential pressure during the 0 °C capacity and overcharge test
of paragraph (g) of this section.
(ii) After the 0 °C capacity and overcharge test of paragraph
(g) of this section, the cell must undergo a full charge and then
inspection with a chemical indicator. If the chemical indicator
shows that the cell has a leak, a launch operator may not use the
cell in any further test or flight.
E417.23 Miscellaneous components
This section applies to any component that is critical to the
reliability of a flight termination system and is not otherwise
identified by this appendix. This includes any new technology or
any component that may be unique to the design of a launch vehicle,
such as any auto-destruct box, current limiter, or timer. A
miscellaneous component must satisfy each test or analysis
identified by any table of this section to demonstrate that the
component satisfies all its performance specifications when
subjected to each non-operating and operating environment. For any
new or unique component, the launch operator must identify any
additional test requirements necessary to ensure its

Safe-and-arm devices, electro-explosive devices, rotor leads, and
booster charges
(a) General. This section applies to any safe-and-arm
device that is part of a flight termination system, including each
electro-explosive device, rotor lead, or booster charge used by the
safe-and-arm device. Any safe-and-arm device, electro-explosive
device, rotor lead, or booster charge must satisfy each test or
analysis identified by any table of this section to demonstrate
that it satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected
to each non-operating and operating environment.
(b) Safe-and-arm device status-of-health. A safe-and-arm
device status-of-health test must satisfy section E417.3(f). This
must include measuring insulation resistance from pin-to-pin and
pin-to-case, safe-and-arm transition time, and bridgewire
resistance consistency through more than one safe-and-arm
transition cycle.
(c) Safe-and-arm transition. This test must demonstrate
that the safe-and-arm transition, such as rotational or sliding
operation, satisfies all its performance specifications. This must
include all of the following:
(1) The test must demonstrate that the safe-and-arm monitors
accurately determine safe-and-arm transition and whether the
safe-and-arm device is in the proper configuration;
(2) The test must demonstrate that a safe-and-arm device is not
susceptible to inadvertent initiation or degradation in performance
of the electro-explosive device during pre-flight processing;
(3) The test must demonstrate the ability of a safe-and-arm
device to satisfy all its performance specifications when subjected
to five times the maximum predicted number of safe-to-arm and
arm-to-safe cycles.
(d) Stall. A stall test must demonstrate that a
safe-and-arm device satisfies all its performance specifications
after being locked in its safe position and subjected to an
operating arming voltage for the greater of:
(i) Five minutes; or
(ii) The maximum time that could occur inadvertently and the
device still be used for flight.
(e) Safety tests. The following safety tests must
demonstrate that a safe-and-arm device can be handled safely:
(1) Containment. A containment test must demonstrate that
a safe-and-arm device will not fragment when any internal
electro-explosive device or rotor charge is initiated. A
safe-and-arm device must undergo the test in the arm position and
with any shipping cap or plug installed in each output port.
(2) Barrier functionality. A barrier functionality test
must demonstrate that, when in the safe position, if a safe-and-arm
device's internal electro-explosive device is initiated, the
ordnance output will not propagate to an explosive transfer system.
This demonstration must include all of the following:
(i) The test must consist of firings at high and low temperature
extremes, the explosive transfer system must be configured for
(ii) Each high-temperature firing must be initiated at the
manufacturer specified high temperature or a 71 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is higher; and
(iii) Each low-temperature firing must be initiated at the
manufacturer specified low temperature or a −54 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is lower.
(3) Extended stall. An extended stall test must
demonstrate that a safe-and-arm device does not initiate when
locked in its safe position and is subjected to a continuous
operating arming voltage for the maximum predicted time that could
occur accidentally or one hour, whichever is greater.
(4) Manual safing. A manual safing test must demonstrate
that a safe-and-arm device can be manually safed in accordance with
all its performance specifications.
(5) Safing-interlock. A safing-interlock test must
demonstrate that when a safe-and-arm device's safing-interlock is
in place and operational arming current is applied, the interlock
prevents arming in accordance with all the interlock's performance
(6) Safing verification. A safing verification test must
demonstrate that, while a safe-and-arm device is in the safe
position, any internal electro-explosive device will not initiate
if the safe-and-arm device input circuit is accidentally subjected
to a firing voltage, such as from a command receiver or inadvertent
separation destruct system output.
(f) Thermal performance. A thermal performance test must
demonstrate that a safe-and-arm device satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to operating and
workmanship thermal environments. This demonstration must include
all of the following:
(1) The safe-and-arm device must undergo the test while
subjected to each required thermal environment;
(2) The test must continuously monitor the bridgewire continuity
with the safe-and-arm device in its arm position to detect each and
any variation in amplitude. Any variation in amplitude constitutes
a test failure;
(3) The test must measure the bridgewire resistance for the
first and last thermal cycle during the high and low temperature
dwell times to demonstrate that the bridgewire resistance satisfies
the manufacturer specification;
(4) The test must subject the safe-and-arm device to five
safe-and-arm cycles and measure the bridgewire continuity during
each cycle to demonstrate that the continuity is consistent;
(5) The test must measure the safe-and-arm cycle time to
demonstrate that it satisfies the manufacturer specification.
(g) Dynamic performance. A dynamic performance test must
demonstrate that a safe-and-arm device satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to the dynamic
operational environments, such as vibration and shock. This
demonstration must include all of the following:
(1) The safe-and-arm device must undergo the test while
subjected to each required dynamic operational environment;
(2) The test must continuously monitor the bridgewire continuity
with the safe-and-arm device in the arm position to detect each and
any variation in amplitude. Any amplitude variation constitutes a
test failure. The monitoring must have a sample rate that will
detect any component performance degradation;
(3) The test must continuously monitor each safe-and-arm device
monitor circuit to detect each and any variation in amplitude. Any
variation in amplitude constitutes a test failure. This monitoring
must have a sample rate that will detect any component performance
degradation; and
(4) The test must continuously monitor the safe-and-arm device
to demonstrate that it remains in the fully armed position
throughout all dynamic environment testing.
(h) Electro-explosive device status-of-health. An
electro-explosive device status of health test must satisfy section
E417.3(f). The test must include measuring insulation resistance
and bridgewire continuity.
(i) Static discharge. A static discharge test must
demonstrate that an electro-explosive device can withstand an
electrostatic discharge that it could experience from personnel or
conductive surfaces without firing and still satisfy all its
performance specifications. The test must subject the
electro-explosive device to the greater of:
(1) A 25k-volt, 500-picofarad pin-to-pin discharge through a
5k-ohm resistor and a 25k-volt, 500-picofarad pin-to-case discharge
with no resistor; or
(2) The maximum predicted pin-to-pin and pin-to-case
electrostatic discharges.
(j) Firing tests. (1) General. Each firing test of
a safe-and-arm device, electro-explosive device, rotor lead, or
booster charge must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must demonstrate the initiation and transfer of all
ordnance charges and that the component does not fragment. For a
safe-and-arm device that has more than one internal
electro-explosive device, each firing test must also demonstrate
that the initiation of one internal electro-explosive device does
not adversely affect the performance of any other internal
electro-explosive device;
(ii) The number of component samples that the test must fire and
the test conditions, including firing current and temperature must
satisfy each table of this section;
(iii) Before initiation, each component sample must experience
the required temperature for enough time to achieve thermal
(iv) Each test must measure ordnance output using a measuring
device, such as a swell cap or dent block, to demonstrate that the
output satisfies all its performance specifications; and
(v) Each test of a safe-and-arm device or electro-explosive
device must subject each sample device to a current source that
duplicates the operating output waveform and impedance of the
flight current source. Each test of a rotor lead or booster charge
must subject the component to an energy source that simulates the
flight energy source.
(2) All-fire current. Each all-fire current test must
subject each component sample to the manufacturer's specified
all-fire current value.
(3) Operating current. Each operating current test must
subject each component sample to the launch vehicle operating
current value if known at the time of testing. If the operating
current is unknown, the test must use no less than 200% of the
all-fire current value.
(4) 22-amps current. This test must subject each
component sample to a firing current of 22 amps.
(5) Ambient-temperature. This test must initiate each
ordnance sample while it is subjected to ambient-temperature.
(6) High-temperature. Each high-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to the
qualification high-temperature level or a + 71 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is higher.
(7) Low-temperature. Each low-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to the
qualification low-temperature level or a −54 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is lower.
(k) Radio frequency impedance. This test must determine
the radio frequency impedance of an electro-explosive device for
use in any flight termination system radio frequency susceptibility
(l) Radio frequency sensitivity. This test must consist
of a statistical firing series of electro-explosive device lot
samples to determine the radio frequency no-fire energy level for
the remainder of the lot. The firing series must determine the
highest continuous radio frequency energy level to which the device
can be subjected and not fire with a reliability of 0.999 at a 95%
confidence level. Any demonstrated radio frequency no-fire energy
level that is less than the level used in the flight termination
system design and analysis constitutes a test failure.
(m) No-fire energy level. This test must consist of a
statistical firing series of electro-explosive device lot samples
to determine the no-fire energy level for the remainder of the lot.
The firing series must determine the highest electrical energy
level at which the device will not fire with a reliability of 0.999
at a 95% confidence level when subjected to a continuous current
pulse. Any demonstrated no-fire energy level that is less than the
no-fire energy level used in the flight termination system design
and analysis constitutes a test failure.
(n) All-fire energy level. This test must consist of a
statistical firing series of electro-explosive device lot samples
to determine the all-fire energy level for the remainder of the
lot. This firing series must determine the lowest electrical energy
level at which the device will fire with a reliability of 0.999 at
a 95% confidence level when subjected to a current pulse that
simulates the launch vehicle flight termination system firing
characteristics. Any demonstrated all-fire energy level that
exceeds the all-fire energy level used in the flight termination
system design and analysis constitutes a test failure.
(o) Barrier alignment. A barrier alignment test must
consist of a statistical firing series of safe-and-arm device
samples. The test must demonstrate that the device's safe to arm
transition motion provides for ordnance initiation with a
reliability of 0.999 at a 95% confidence level. The test must also
demonstrate that the device's arm to safe transition motion
provides for no ordnance initiation with a reliability of 0.999 at
a 95% confidence level. This test may employ a reusable
safe-and-arm subassembly that simulates the flight
(p) No-fire verification. This test must demonstrate that
a flight configured electro-explosive device will not inadvertently
initiate when exposed to the maximum predicted circuit leakage
current and will still satisfy all its performance specifications.
The test must subject each sample electro-explosive device to the
greater of:
(1) The worst-case leakage current level and duration that could
occur in an operating condition; or
(2) One amp/one watt for five minutes.
(q) Auto-ignition. This test must demonstrate that an
electro-explosive device does not experience auto-ignition,
sublimation, or melting when subjected to any high-temperature
environment during handling, testing, storage, transportation,
installation, or flight. The test must include all of the
(1) The test environment must be no less than 30 °C higher than
the highest non-operating or operating temperature that the device
could experience;
(2) The test must last the maximum predicted high-temperature
duration or one hour, whichever is greater; and
(3) After exposure to the test environment, each sample device
must undergo external and internal examination, including any
dissection needed to identify any auto-ignition, sublimation, or
E417.27 Exploding bridgewire firing units and exploding bridgewires
(a) General. This section applies to any exploding
bridgewire firing unit that is part of a flight termination system,
including each exploding bridgewire that is used by the firing
unit. Any firing unit or exploding bridgewire must satisfy each
test or analysis identified by any table of this section to
demonstrate that it satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to each non-operating and operating environment.
(b) Firing unit status-of-health. A firing unit
status-of-health test must satisfy section E417.3(f). This must
include measuring input current, all pin-to-pin and pin-to-case
resistances, trigger circuit threshold, capacitor charge time and
arming time.
(c) Input command processing. An input command processing
test must demonstrate that an exploding bridgewire firing unit's
input trigger circuit satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to any variation in input that it could experience
during flight. The firing unit must undergo this test before the
first and after the last environmental test to identify any
degradation in performance due to any of the test environments. The
test must demonstrate all of the following:
(1) The amplitude sensitivity of the firing unit trigger circuit
provides margin over the worst-case trigger signal that could be
delivered on the launch vehicle as follows:
(i) The firing unit triggers at 50% of the amplitude and 50% of
the pulse duration of the lowest trigger signal that could be
delivered during flight; and
(ii) The firing unit triggers at 120% amplitude and 120% of the
pulse duration of the highest trigger signal that could be
delivered during flight;
(2) The firing unit satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to the maximum input voltage of the open circuit
voltage of the power source, ground or airborne, and the minimum
input voltage of the loaded voltage of the power source;
(3) Each control and switching circuit that is critical to the
reliable operation of an exploding bridgewire firing unit does not
change state when subjected to a minimum input power drop-out for a
period of 50 milliseconds;
(4) The firing unit's response time satisfies all its
performance specifications with input at the specified minimum and
maximum vehicle supplied trigger signal; and
(5) If the firing unit has differential input, the unit
satisfies all its performance specifications with all input
combinations at the specified trigger amplitude input signals.
(d) High voltage circuitry. This test must demonstrate
that a firing unit's high voltage circuitry satisfies all its
performance specifications for initiating the exploding bridgewire
when subjected to any variation in input that the circuitry could
experience during flight. The firing unit must undergo the test
before the first and after the last environmental test to identify
any degradation in performance due to any of the test environments.
The test must demonstrate all of the following:
(1) The firing unit satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to the worst-case high and low arm voltages that it
could experience during flight;
(2) The firing unit's charging and output circuitry has an
output waveform, rise-time, and amplitude that delivers no less
than a 50% voltage margin to the exploding bridgewire. The test
must use the identical parameters, such as capacitor values and
circuit and load impedance, as those used to provide the exploding
bridgewire all-fire energy level;
(3) The firing unit does not experience any arcing or corona
during high voltage discharge; and
(4) Each high-energy trigger circuit used to initiate the main
firing capacitor has an output signal that delivers no less than a
50% voltage margin with an input to the circuit at the nominal
trigger threshold level.
(e) Output monitoring. (1) An output monitoring test must
measure the voltage of each high voltage capacitor and the arm
power to a firing unit and demonstrate that it satisfies all its
performance specifications.
(2) An output monitoring test conducted while the firing unit is
subjected to an operating environment, must continuously monitor
the voltage of each high voltage capacitor and the arm power to the
firing unit to detect any variation in amplitude. Any amplitude
variation constitutes a test failure. The monitoring must use a
sample rate that will detect any component performance
(f) Abbreviated status-of-health. An abbreviated
status-of-health test must measure all a firing unit's critical
performance parameters while the unit is subjected to each required
operating environment to identify any degradation in performance
while exposed to each environment. This must include continuous
monitoring of the firing unit's input to detect any variation in
amplitude. Any amplitude variation constitutes a test failure. The
monitoring must have a sample rate that will detect any component
performance degradation.
(g) Abbreviated command processing. An abbreviated
command processing test must exercise all of a firing unit's flight
critical functions while the unit is subjected to each required
operating environment. This must include subjecting the firing unit
to the fire command throughout each environment while monitoring
function time and the high voltage output waveform to demonstrate
that each satisfies all its performance specifications.
(h) Circuit protection. A circuit protection test must
demonstrate that any circuit protection allows a firing unit to
satisfy all its performance specifications, when subjected to any
improper launch processing, abnormal flight condition, or any
failure of another launch vehicle component. The demonstration must
include all of the following:
(1) Any circuit protection allows an exploding bridgewire firing
unit to satisfy all its performance specifications when subjected
to the maximum input voltage of the open circuit voltage of the
unit's power source and when subjected to the minimum input voltage
of the loaded voltage of the power source;
(2) In the event of an input power dropout, any control or
switching circuit that contributes to the reliable operation of an
exploding bridgewire firing unit, including solid-state power
transfer switches, does not change state for at least 50
(3) Any watchdog circuit satisfies all its performance
(4) The firing unit satisfies all its performance specifications
when any of its monitoring circuits' output ports are subjected to
a short circuit or the highest positive or negative voltage capable
of being supplied by the monitor batteries or other power supplies;
(5) The firing unit satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to any reverse polarity voltage that could occur
during launch processing.
(i) Repetitive functioning. This test must demonstrate
that a firing unit satisfies all its performance specifications
when subjected to repetitive functioning for five times the
worst-case number of cycles required for acceptance, checkout and
operations, including any retest due to schedule delays.
(j) Static discharge. A static discharge test must
demonstrate that an exploding bridgewire will not fire and
satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected to any
electrostatic discharge that it could experience from personnel or
conductive surfaces. The test must subject an exploding bridgewire
to the greater of:
(1) A 25k-volt, 500-picofarad pin-to-pin discharge through a
5k-ohm resistor and a 25k-volt, 500-picofarad pin-to-case discharge
with no resistor; or
(2) The maximum predicted pin-to-pin and pin-to-case
electrostatic discharge.
(k) Exploding bridgewire status-of-health. An exploding
bridgewire status-of-health test must satisfy section E417.3(f).
This must include measuring the bridgewire insulation resistance at
operating voltage.
(l) Safety devices. This test must demonstrate that any
protection circuitry that is internal to an exploding bridgewire,
such as a spark gap, satisfies all its performance specifications
and will not degrade the bridgewire's performance or reliability
when exposed to the qualification environments. The test must
include static gap breakdown, dynamic gap breakdown, and
specification hold-off voltage under sustained exposure.
(m) Firing tests - (1) General. Each firing test
of an exploding bridgewire must satisfy all of the following:
(i) Each test must demonstrate that the exploding bridgewire
satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected to
qualification stress conditions;
(ii) The number of exploding bridgewire samples that each test
must fire and the test conditions, including firing voltage and
temperature, must satisfy each table of this section;
(iii) Before initiation, each component sample must experience
the required temperature for enough time to achieve thermal
(iv) Each test must subject each exploding bridgewire sample to
a high voltage initiation source that duplicates the exploding
bridgewire firing unit output waveform and impedance, including
high voltage cabling; and
(v) Each test must measure ordnance output using a measuring
device, such as a swell cap or dent block, to demonstrate that the
ordnance output satisfies all its performance specifications.
(2) All-fire voltage. Each all-fire voltage test must
subject each exploding bridgewire sample to the manufacturer
specified all-fire energy level for voltage, current, and pulse
(3) Operating voltage. Each operating voltage test must
subject each exploding bridgewire sample to the firing unit's
manufacturer specified operating voltage, current, and pulse
duration. If the operating energy is unknown, the test must use no
less than 200% of the all-fire voltage.
(4) Twice-operating voltage. This test must subject each
exploding bridgewire sample to 200% of the operating voltage.
(5) Ambient-temperature. This test must initiate each
exploding bridgewire sample while at ambient temperature.
(6) High-temperature. Each high-temperature test must
initiate each exploding bridgewire sample while it is subjected to
the manufacturer specified high-temperature level or at a + 71 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is higher.
(7) Low-temperature. Each low-temperature test must
initiate each exploding bridgewire sample while it is subjected to
the manufacturer specified low-temperature level or at a −54 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is lower.
(n) Radio frequency impedance. A radio frequency
impedance test must determine an exploding bridgewire's radio
frequency impedance for use in any system radio frequency
susceptibility analysis.
(o) Radio frequency sensitivity. A radio frequency
sensitivity test must consist of a statistical firing series of
exploding bridgewire lot samples to determine the radio frequency
sensitivity of the exploding bridgewire. The test must demonstrate
that the radio frequency no-fire energy level does not exceed the
level used in the flight termination system design and
(p) No-fire energy level. A no-fire energy level test
must consist of a statistical firing series of exploding bridgewire
lot samples to determine the highest electrical energy level at
which the exploding bridgewire will not fire with a reliability of
0.999 with a 95% confidence level when subjected to a continuous
current pulse. The test must demonstrate that the no-fire energy
level is no less than the no-fire energy level used in the flight
termination system design and analysis.
(q) All-fire energy level. An all-fire energy level test
must consist of a statistical firing series of exploding bridgewire
lot samples to determine the lowest electrical energy level at
which the exploding bridgewire will fire with a reliability of
0.999 with a 95% confidence level when subjected to a current pulse
simulating the firing unit output waveform and impedance
characteristics. Each exploding bridgewire sample must be in its
flight configuration, and must possess any internal safety devices,
such as a spark gap, employed in the flight configuration. The test
must demonstrate that the all-fire energy level does not exceed the
all-fire energy level used in the flight termination system design
and analysis.
(r) Auto-ignition. This test must demonstrate that an
exploding bridgewire does not experience auto-ignition,
sublimation, or melting when subjected to any high-temperature
environment during handling, testing, storage, transportation,
installation, or flight. The test must include all of the
(1) The test environment must be no less than 30 °C higher than
the highest non-operating or operating temperature that the device
could experience;
(2) The test duration must be the maximum predicted
high-temperature duration or one hour, whichever is greater;
(3) After exposure to the test environment, each exploding
bridgewire sample must undergo external and internal examination,
including any dissection needed to identify any auto-ignition,
sublimation, or melting.
E417.29 Ordnance interrupter
(a) General. This section applies to any ordnance
interrupter that is part of a flight termination system, including
any rotor lead or booster charge that is used by the interrupter.
Any ordnance interrupter, rotor lead, or booster charge must
satisfy each test or analysis identified by any table of this
section to demonstrate that it satisfies all its performance
specifications when subjected to each non-operating and operating
(b) Status-of-health. An ordnance interrupter
status-of-health test must satisfy section E45417.3(f). This must
include measuring the interrupter's safe-and-arm transition
(c) Safe-and-arm position monitor. This test must
demonstrate all of the following:
(1) That an ordnance interrupter's safe-and-arm transition
operation, such as rotation or sliding, satisfies all its
performance specifications;
(2) That any ordnance interrupter-monitoring device can
determine, before flight, if the ordnance interrupter is in the
proper flight configuration;
(3) The presence of the arm indication when the ordnance
interrupter is armed; and
(4) The presence of the safe indication when the ordnance
interrupter is safed.
(d) Safety tests - (1) General. Each safety test
must demonstrate that an ordnance interrupter is safe to handle and
use on the launch vehicle.
(2) Containment. For any ordnance interrupter that has an
internal rotor charge, a containment test must demonstrate that the
interrupter will not fragment when the internal charge is
(3) Barrier functionality. A barrier functionality test
must demonstrate that, when the ordnance interrupter is in the safe
position, if the donor transfer line or the internal rotor charge
is initiated, the ordnance output will not propagate to an
explosive transfer system. The test must consist of firing tests at
high- and low-temperature extremes with an explosive transfer
system that simulates the flight configuration. The number of
samples that the test must fire and the test conditions must
satisfy each table of this section and all of the following:
(i) High-temperature. A high-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no lower
than the qualification high-temperature level or a 71 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is higher; and
(ii) Low-temperature. A low-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no higher
than the qualification low-temperature level or a −54 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is lower.
(4) Extended stall. For an ordnance interrupter with an
internal rotor or booster charge, an extended stall test must
demonstrate that the interrupter does not initiate when:
(i) Locked in its safe position; and
(ii) Subjected to a continuous operating arming voltage for the
maximum predicted time that could occur accidentally or one hour,
whichever is greater.
(5) Manual safing. A manual safing test must demonstrate
that an ordnance interrupter can be manually safed.
(6) Safing-interlock. A safing-interlock test must
demonstrate that when an ordnance interrupter's safing-interlock is
in place and operating arming current is applied, the interlock
prevents arming and satisfies any other performance specification
of the interlock.
(e) Interrupter abbreviated performance. An interrupter
abbreviated performance test must satisfy section E417.3(e). This
must include continuous monitoring of the interrupter's arm
monitoring circuit. An ordnance interrupter must undergo this test
while armed.
(f) Firing tests. (1) General. A firing test of an
ordnance interrupter, rotor lead, or booster charge must satisfy
all of the following:
(i) The test must demonstrate that the initiation and output
energy transfer of each ordnance charge satisfies all its
performance specifications and that the component does not
(ii) The number of samples that the test must fire and the test
conditions, including firing current and temperature, must satisfy
each table of this section;
(iii) Before initiation, each component sample must experience
the required temperature for enough time to achieve thermal
(iv) The test of an ordnance interrupter must simulate the
flight configuration, including the explosive transfer system lines
on the input and output;
(v) Each test of a rotor lead or booster charge must subject the
component to an energy source that simulates the flight energy
(vi) Each test must measure each ordnance output using a
measuring device, such as a swell cap or dent block, to demonstrate
that the output satisfies all its performance specifications;
(vii) For a single interrupter that contains more than one
firing path, the test must demonstrate that the initiation of one
firing path does not adversely affect the performance of any other
(2) Ambient-temperature. This test must initiate each
ordnance sample while it is at ambient temperature.
(3) High-temperature. A high-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no lower
than the qualification high-temperature level or a + 71 °C
workmanship level, whichever is higher.
(4) Low-temperature. A low-temperature test must initiate
each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no higher than the
qualification low-temperature level or a − 54 °C workmanship level,
whichever is lower.
(g) Barrier alignment. A barrier alignment test must
consist of a statistical firing series of ordnance interrupter
samples. The test must demonstrate that the interrupter's safe to
arm transition motion provides for ordnance initiation with a
reliability of 0.999 at a 95% confidence level. The test must also
demonstrate that the interrupter's arm to safe transition motion
provides for no ordnance initiation with a reliability of 0.999 at
a 95% confidence level. The test may employ a reusable ordnance
interrupter subassembly that simulates the flight
(h) Repetitive function. A repetitive function test must
demonstrate the ability of an ordnance interrupter to satisfy all
its performance specifications when subjected to five times the
maximum predicted number of safe-to-arm and arm-to-safe cycles.
(i) Stall. A stall test must demonstrate that an ordnance
interrupter satisfies all its performance specifications after
being locked in its safe position and subjected to an operating
arming voltage for the greater of:
(1) Five minutes; or
(2) The maximum predicted time that could occur inadvertently
and the interrupter would still be used for flight.
E417.31 Percussion-activated device (PAD)
(a) General. This section applies to any
percussion-activated device that is part of a flight termination
system, including any primer charge it uses. Any
percussion-activated device or primer charge must satisfy each test
or analysis identified by any table of this section to demonstrate
that it satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected
to each non-operating and operating environment.
(b) Safety tests - (1) General. Each safety test
must demonstrate that a percussion-activated device is safe to
handle and use on the launch vehicle.
(2) No-fire impact. A no-fire impact test must
demonstrate that a percussion-activated device, when pulled with
the guaranteed no-fire pull force:
(i) Will not fire;
(ii) The device's primer initiation assembly will not disengage;
(iii) The device will continue to satisfy all its performance
(3) Safing-interlock locking. A safing-interlock test
must demonstrate that, a percussion-activated device, with its
safing-interlock in place, will continue to satisfy all its
performance specifications and the device's firing assembly will
not move more than half the no-fire pull distance when subjected to
the greater of:
(i) A 200-pound pull force;
(ii) The device's all-fire pull-force; or
(iii) Twice the worst-case pull force that the device can
experience after it is installed on the vehicle.
(4) Safing-interlock retention test. A safing-interlock
retention test must demonstrate that a percussion-activated
device's safing-interlock is not removable when a no-fire pull or
greater force is applied to the percussion-activated device
lanyard. The test must also demonstrate that the force needed to
remove the safing-interlock with the lanyard in an unloaded
condition satisfies its performance specification.
(c) Status-of-health. A status-of-health test of a
percussion-activated device must satisfy section E417.3(f). This
test must include measuring the spring constant and firing pull
(d) Percussion-activated-device firing tests - (1)
General. Each firing test of a percussion-activated device
must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must demonstrate that the device satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to all qualification
stress conditions;
(ii) The number of samples that the test must fire and the test
conditions, including temperature, must satisfy each table of this
(iii) Before initiation, each component sample must experience
the required temperature for enough time to achieve thermal
(iv) The test must subject the device to the manufacturer
specified pull-force;
(v) The test must simulate the flight configuration, including
the explosive transfer system lines on the output; and
(vi) The test must measure each ordnance output using a
measuring device, such as a swell cap or dent block, to demonstrate
that the output satisfies all its performance specifications.
(2) Ambient-temperature. This test must initiate each
ordnance sample while it is subjected to ambient temperature.
(3) High-temperature. A high-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no lower
than the qualification high-temperature level or a + 71 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is higher.
(4) Low-temperature. A low-temperature test must initiate
each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no higher than the
qualification low-temperature level or a −54 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is lower.
(e) All-fire energy level. An all-fire energy level test
must consist of a statistical firing series of primer charge lot
samples to determine the lowest energy impact at which the primer
will fire with a reliability of 0.999 at a 95% confidence level.
The test must use a firing pin and configuration that is
representative of the flight configuration.
(f) Primer charge firing tests. (1) General. Each
firing test of a primer charge must satisfy all of the
(i) The test must demonstrate that the primer charge, including
any booster charge or ordnance delay as an integral unit, satisfies
all its performance specifications when subjected to all
qualification stress conditions;
(ii) The number of samples that the test must fire and the test
conditions, including impact energy and temperature, must satisfy
each table of this section;
(iii) Before initiation, each component sample must experience
the required temperature for enough time to achieve thermal
(iv) The test must use a firing pin and configuration that is
representative of the flight configuration; and
(v) The test must measure ordnance output using a measuring
device, such as a swell cap or dent block, to demonstrate that the
ordnance output satisfies all its performance specifications.
(2) Ambient-temperature. This test must initiate each
ordnance sample while it is subjected to ambient temperature.
(3) High-temperature. A high-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no lower
than the qualification high-temperature level or a + 71 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is higher.
(4) Low-temperature. A low-temperature test must initiate
each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no higher than the
qualification low-temperature level or a −54 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is lower.
(g) Auto-ignition. This test must demonstrate that any
ordnance internal to a percussion-activated device does not
experience auto-ignition, sublimation, or melting when subjected to
any high-temperature environment during handling, testing, storage,
transportation, installation, or flight. The test must include all
of the following:
(1) The test environment must be no less than 30 °C higher than
the highest non-operating or operating temperature that the device
could experience;
(2) The test duration must be the maximum predicted
high-temperature duration or one hour, whichever is greater;
(3) After exposure to the test environment, each ordnance
component must undergo external and internal examination, including
any dissection needed to identify any auto-ignition, sublimation,
or melting.
E417.33 Explosive transfer system, ordnance manifold, and destruct
(a) General. This section applies to any explosive
transfer system, ordnance manifold, or destruct charge that is part
of a flight termination system. Any explosive transfer system,
ordnance manifold, or destruct charge must satisfy each test or
analysis identified by any table of this section to demonstrate
that it satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected
to each non-operating and operating environment.
(b) Firing tests - (1) General. A firing test of
an explosive transfer system, explosive manifold, or destruct
charge must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must demonstrate that each ordnance sample
satisfies all its performance specifications when subjected to all
qualification stress conditions;
(ii) The number of samples that the test must fire and the test
conditions, including temperature, must satisfy each table of this
(iii) Before initiation, each ordnance sample must experience
the required temperature for enough time to achieve thermal
(iv) For any destruct charge, the test must initiate the charge
against a witness plate to demonstrate that the charge satisfies
all its performance specifications and is in-family;
(v) For any explosive transfer system component, the test must
measure ordnance output using a measuring device, such as a swell
cap or dent block, to demonstrate that the ordnance output
satisfies all its performance specifications; and
(vi) For any explosive manifold that contains ordnance, the test
must initiate the ordnance using an explosive transfer system in a
flight representative configuration.
(2) Ambient-temperature. This test must initiate each
ordnance sample while it is subjected to ambient temperature.
(3) High-temperature. A high-temperature test must
initiate each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no lower
than the qualification high-temperature level or a + 71 °C
workmanship screening level, whichever is higher.
(4) Low-temperature. A low-temperature test must initiate
each ordnance sample while it is subjected to no higher than the
qualification low-temperature level or a −54 °C workmanship
screening level, whichever is lower.
(c) Penetration margin. A penetration margin test must
demonstrate a destruct charge's ability to accomplish its intended
flight termination function, such as to destroy the pressure
integrity of any solid propellant stage or motor or rupture any
propellant tank. This must include penetrating no less than 150% of
the thickness of the target material. Each test must also
demonstrate that the charge is in-family by correlating equivalent
penetration depth into a witness plate and comparing the results
from each test.
(d) Propellant detonation. A propellant detonation test
or analysis must demonstrate that a destruct charge will not
detonate the propellant of its intended target.
E417.35 Shock and vibration isolators
(a) General. This section applies to any shock or
vibration isolator that is part of a flight termination system. Any
isolator must satisfy each test or analysis identified by table
E417.35-1 to demonstrate that it has repeatable performance and is
free of any workmanship defects.
(b) Load deflection. A load deflection test must
demonstrate the ability of a shock or vibration isolator to
withstand the full-scale deflection expected during flight while
satisfying all its performance specifications and that the isolator
is in-family. This must include subjecting each isolator to varying
deflection increments from the null position to the full-scale
flight deflection and measuring the isolator's spring constant at
each deflection increment.
(c) Status-of-health. A status-of-health test of a shock
or vibration isolator must satisfy section E417.3(f). The test must
include all of the following:
(1) The test must measure the isolator's natural frequency while
the isolator is subjected to a random vibration or sinusoidal sweep
vibration with amplitudes that are representative of the maximum
predicted operating environment; and
(2) The test must measure the isolator's dynamic amplification
value while the isolator is subjected to a random vibration or
sinusoidal sweep vibration with amplitudes that are representative
of the maximum predicted operating environment.
E417.37 Electrical connectors and harnesses
(a) General. This section applies to any electrical
connector or harness that is critical to the functioning of a
flight termination system during flight, but is not otherwise part
of a flight termination system component. Any electrical connector
or harness must satisfy each test or analysis identified by table
E417.37-1 of this section to demonstrate that it satisfies all its
performance specifications when subjected to each non-operating and
operating environment.
(b) Status-of-health. A status-of-health test of a
harness or connector must satisfy section E417.3(f). The test must
include all of the following:
(1) The test must measure the dielectric withstanding voltage
between mutually insulated portions of the harness or connector to
demonstrate that the harness or connector satisfies all its
performance specifications at its rated voltage and withstands any
momentary over-potential due to switching, surge, or any other
similar phenomena;
(2) The test must demonstrate that the insulation resistance
between mutually insulated points is sufficient to ensure that the
harness or connector satisfies all its performance specifications
at its rated voltage and the insulation material is not damaged
after the harness or connector is subjected to the qualification
(3) The test must demonstrate the ability of the insulation
resistance between each wire shield and harness or conductor and
the insulation between each harness or connector pin to every other
pin to withstand a minimum workmanship voltage of 500 VDC or 150%
of the rated output voltage, whichever is greater; and
(4) The test must measure the resistance of any wire and harness
insulation to demonstrate that it satisfies all its performance
E417.39 Ordnance interfaces and manifold qualification
(a) General. This section applies to any ordnance
interface or manifold that is part of a flight termination system.
Each ordnance interface or manifold must undergo a qualification
test that demonstrates that the interface or manifold satisfies its
performance specifications with a reliability of 0.999 at a 95%
confidence level.
(b) Interfaces. A qualification test of an ordnance
interface must demonstrate the interface's reliability. This must
include all of the following:
(1) The test must use a simulated flight configured interface
and test hardware that duplicate the geometry and volume of the
firing system used on the launch vehicle; and
(2) The test must account for performance variability due to
manufacturing and workmanship tolerances such as minimum gap,
maximum gap, and axial and angular offset.
(c) Detonation flier plate ordnance transfer systems. A
qualification test of a detonation flier plate ordnance transfer
system composed of any component that has a charge or initiates a
charge such as; electro-explosive devices, exploding bridgewires,
ordnance delays, explosive transfer systems, destruct charges, and
percussion-activated devices; must demonstrate the system's
reliability using one of the following:
(1) A statistical firing series that varies critical performance
parameters, including gap and axial and angular alignment, to
ensure that ordnance initiation occurs across each flight
configured interface with a reliability of 0.999 at a 95%
confidence level;
(2) Firing 2994 flight units in a flight representative
configuration to demonstrate that ordnance initiation occurs across
each flight configured interface with a reliability of 0.999 at a
95% confidence level; or
(3) Firing all of the following units to demonstrate a gap
margin that ensures ordnance initiation:
(i) Five units at four times the combined maximum system
(ii) Five units at four times the combined maximum system axial
(iii) Five units at four times the combined maximum system
angular misalignment; and
(iv) Five units at 50% of the combined minimum system gap.
(d) Deflagration and pressure sensitive ordnance transfer
systems. A qualification test of a deflagration or pressure
sensitive ordnance transfer system composed of devices such as
ordnance delays, electro-explosive system low energy end-tips, and
percussion-activated device primers must demonstrate the system's
reliability using one of the following:
(1) A statistical firing series that varies critical performance
parameters, including gap interface, to ensure that ordnance
initiation occurs across each flight configured interface;
(2) Firing 2994 flight units in a flight representative
configuration to demonstrate that ordnance initiation occurs across
each flight configured interface; or
(3) Firing all of the following units to demonstrate a
significant gap margin:
(i) Five units using a 75% downloaded donor charge across the
maximum gap; and
(ii) Five units using a 120% overloaded donor charge across the
minimum gap.
E417.41 Flight termination system pre-flight testing
(a) General. A flight termination system, its subsystems,
and components must undergo the pre-flight tests required by this
section to demonstrate that the system will satisfy all its
performance specifications during the countdown and launch vehicle
flight. After successful completion of any pre-flight test, if the
integrity of the system, subsystem, or component is compromised due
to a configuration change or other event, such as a lightning
strike or connector de-mate, the system, subsystem, or component
must repeat the pre-flight test.
(b) Pre-flight component tests. A component must undergo
one or more pre-flight tests at the launch site to detect any
change in performance due to any shipping, storage, or other
environments that may have affected performance after the component
passed the acceptance tests. Each test must measure all the
component's performance parameters and compare the measurements to
the acceptance test performance baseline to identify any
performance variations, including any out-of-family results, which
may indicate potential defects that could result in an in-flight
(c) Silver-zinc batteries. Any silver-zinc battery that
is part of a flight termination system, must undergo the pre-flight
activation and tests that table E417.21-1 identifies must take
place just before installation on the launch vehicle. The time
interval between pre-flight activation and flight must not exceed
the battery's performance specification for activated stand time
(d) Nickel-cadmium batteries. Any nickel-cadmium flight
termination system battery must undergo pre-flight processing and
testing before installation on the launch vehicle and the
processing and testing must satisfy all of the following:
(1) Any pre-flight processing must be equivalent to that used
during qualification testing to ensure the flight battery's
performance is equivalent to that of the battery samples that
passed the qualification tests;
(2) Each battery must undergo all of the following tests at
ambient temperature no later than one year before the intended
flight date and again no earlier than two weeks before the first
flight attempt:
(i) A status-of-health test that satisfies section
(ii) A charge retention test that satisfies section E417.22(f);
(iii) An electrical performance test that satisfies section
E417.22(n); and
(3) The test results from the battery acceptance tests of
section E417.22 and the one-year and two-week pre-flight tests of
paragraph (d)(2) of this section must undergo a comparison to
demonstrate that the battery satisfies all its performance
specifications. The flight battery test data must undergo an
evaluation to identify any out-of-family performance and to ensure
that there is no degradation in electrical performance that
indicates an age-related problem.
(4) In the event of a launch schedule slip, after six weeks has
elapsed from a preflight test, the battery must undergo the test
again no earlier than two weeks before the next launch attempt.
(e) Pre-flight testing of a safe-and-arm device that has an
internal electro-explosive device. An internal
electro-explosive device in a safe-and-arm device must undergo a
pre-flight test that satisfies all of the following:
(1) The test must take place no earlier than 10 calendar days
before the first flight attempt. If the flight is delayed more than
14 calendar days or the flight termination system configuration is
broken or modified for any reason, such as to replace batteries,
the device must undergo the test again no earlier than 10 calendar
days before the next flight attempt. A launch operator may extend
the time between the test and flight if the launch operator
demonstrates that the electro-explosive device and its firing
circuit will each satisfy all their performance specifications when
subjected to the expected environments for the extended period of
(2) The test must include visual checks for signs of any
physical defect or corrosion; and
(3) The test must include a continuity and resistance check of
the electro-explosive device circuit while the safe-and-arm device
is in the arm position and again while the device is in the safe
(f) Pre-flight testing of an external electro-explosive
device. An external electro-explosive device that is part of a
safe-and-arm device must undergo a pre-flight test that satisfies
all of the following:
(1) The test must take place no earlier than 10 calendar days
before the first flight attempt. If the flight is delayed more than
14 calendar days or the flight termination system configuration is
broken or modified for any reason, such as to replace batteries,
the device must undergo the test again no earlier than 10 calendar
days before the next flight attempt. A launch operator may extend
the time between the test and flight if the launch operator
demonstrates that the electro-explosive device and its firing
circuit will satisfy all their performance specifications when
subjected to the expected environments for the extended period of
time; and
(2) The test must include visual checks for signs of any
physical defect or corrosion and a resistance check of the
electro-explosive device.
(g) Pre-flight testing of an exploding bridgewire. An
exploding bridgewire must undergo a pre-flight test that satisfies
all of the following:
(1) The test must take place no earlier than 10 calendar days
before the first flight attempt. If the flight is delayed more than
14 calendar days or the flight termination system configuration is
broken or modified for any reason, such as to replace batteries,
the exploding bridgewire must undergo the test again no earlier
than 10 calendar days before the next flight attempt. A launch
operator may extend the time between the test and flight if the
launch operator demonstrates that the exploding bridgewire will
satisfy all its performance specifications when subjected to the
expected environments for the extended period of time.
(2) The test must verify the continuity of each bridgewire.
(3) Where applicable, the test must include a high voltage
static test and a dynamic gap breakdown voltage test to demonstrate
that any spark gap satisfies all its performance
(h) Pre-flight testing for command receiver decoders and
other electronic components. (1) An electronic component,
including any component that contains piece part circuitry, such as
a command receiver decoder, must undergo a pre-flight test that
satisfies all of the following:
(i) The test must take place no earlier than 180 calendar days
before flight. If the 180-day period expires before flight, the
launch operator must replace the component with one that meets the
180-day requirement or test the component in place on the launch
vehicle. The test must satisfy the alternate procedures for testing
the component on the launch vehicle contained in the test plan and
procedures required by section E417.1(c); and
(ii) The component must undergo the test at ambient temperature.
The test must measure all performance parameters measured during
acceptance testing.
(2) A launch operator may substitute an acceptance test for a
pre-flight test if the acceptance test is performed no earlier than
180 calendar days before flight.
(i) Pre-flight subsystem and system level test. A flight
termination system must undergo the pre-flight subsystem and system
level tests required by this paragraph after the system's
components are installed on a launch vehicle to ensure proper
operation of the final subsystem and system configurations. Each
test must compare data obtained from the test to data from the
pre-flight component tests and acceptance tests to demonstrate that
there are no discrepancies indicating a flight reliability
(1) Radio frequency system pre-flight test. All radio
frequency systems must undergo a pre-flight test that satisfies all
of the following:
(i) The test must demonstrate that the flight termination system
antennas and associated radio frequency systems satisfy all their
performance specifications once installed in their final flight
(ii) The test must measure the system's voltage standing wave
ratio and demonstrate that any insertion losses are within the
design limits;
(iii) The test must demonstrate that the radio frequency system,
from each command control system transmitter antenna used for the
first stage of flight to each command receiver satisfies all its
performance specifications;
(iv) The test must occur no earlier than 90 days before flight;
(v) The test must demonstrate the functions of each command
receiver decoder and calibrate the automatic gain control signal
strength curves, verify the threshold sensitivity for each command,
and verify the operational bandwidth.
(2) End-to-end test of a non-secure command receiver decoder
system. Any flight termination system that uses a non-secure
command receiver decoder must undergo an end-to-end test of all
flight termination system subsystems, including command destruct
systems and inadvertent separation destruct systems. The test must
satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must take place no earlier than 72 hours before the
first flight attempt. After the test, if the flight is delayed more
than 14 calendar days or the flight termination system
configuration is broken or modified for any reason, such as to
replace batteries, the system must undergo the end-to-end test
again no earlier than 72 hours before the next flight attempt;
(ii) The flight termination system, except for all ordnance
initiation devices, must undergo the test in its final onboard
launch vehicle configuration;
(iii) The test must use a destruct initiator simulator that
satisfies § 417.307(h) in place of each flight initiator to
demonstrate that the command destruct and inadvertent separation
destruct systems deliver the required energy to initiate the flight
termination system ordnance;
(iv) The flight termination system must undergo the test while
powered by the batteries that the launch vehicle will use for
flight. A flight termination system battery must not undergo
recharging at any time during or after the end-to-end test. If the
battery is recharged at any time before flight the system must
undergo the end-to-end test again;
(v) The end-to-end test must exercise all command receiver
decoder functions critical to flight termination system operation
during flight, including the pilot or check tone, using the command
control system transmitters in their flight configuration or other
representative equipment;
(vi) The test must demonstrate that all primary and redundant
flight termination system components, flight termination system
circuits, and command control system transmitting equipment are
operational; and
(vii) The test must exercise the triggering mechanism of all
electrically initiated inadvertent separation destruct systems to
demonstrate that each is operational.
(3) Open-loop test of a non-secure command destruct
system. For each flight attempt, any flight termination system
that uses a non-secure command receiver decoder must undergo an
open-loop radio frequency test, no earlier than 60 minutes before
the start of the launch window, to validate the entire radio
frequency command destruct link. For each flight attempt, the
flight safety system must undergo the test again after any break or
change in the system configuration. The test must satisfy all of
the following:
(i) The system must undergo the test with all flight termination
system ordnance initiation devices in a safe condition;
(ii) Flight batteries must power all receiver decoders and other
electronic components. The test must account for any warm-up time
needed to ensure the reliable operation of electronic
(iii) The test must exercise the command receiver decoder arm
function, including the pilot or check tone, using a command
control transmitter in its flight configuration;
(iv) The test must demonstrate that each receiver decoder is
operational and is compatible with the command control transmitter
system; and
(v) Following successful completion of the open-loop test, if
any receiver decoder is turned off or the transmitter system fails
to continuously transmit the pilot or check tone, the flight
termination system must undergo the open-loop test again before
(4) Initial open-loop test of a secure high-alphabet command
destruct system. Any flight termination system that uses a
secure high-alphabet command receiver decoder must undergo an
open-loop radio frequency test to demonstrate the integrity of the
system between the command control transmitter system and launch
vehicle radio frequency system from the antenna to the command
receiver decoders. The test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The test must occur before loading the secure flight code on
to the command transmitting system and the command receiver
(ii) The test must use a non-secure code, also known as a
maintenance code, loaded on to the command control transmitting
system and the command receiver decoders;
(iii) Each command receiver decoder must be powered by either
the ground or launch vehicle power sources;
(iv) The command control transmitter system must transmit,
open-loop, all receiver decoder commands required for the flight
termination system functions, including pilot or check tone to the
(v) The test must demonstrate that each command receiver decoder
receives, decodes and outputs each command sent by the command
control system; and
(vi) The testing must demonstrate that all primary and redundant
flight termination system components, flight termination system
circuits, and command control system transmitting equipment are
(5) End-to-end test of a secure high-alphabet command
destruct system. Any flight termination system that uses a
secure high-alphabet command receiver decoder must undergo an
end-to-end test of all flight termination system subsystems,
including command destruct systems and inadvertent separation
destruct systems. The test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The system must undergo the test no earlier than 72 hours
before the first flight attempt. After the test, if the flight is
delayed more than 14 calendar days or the flight termination system
configuration is broken or modified for any reason, such as to
replace batteries, the system must undergo the end-to-end tests
again no earlier than 72 hours before the next flight attempt;
(ii) The system must undergo the test in a closed-loop
configuration using the secure flight code;
(iii) The flight termination system, except for the ordnance
initiation devices, must undergo the test in its final onboard
launch vehicle configuration;
(iv) The test must use a destruct initiator simulator that
satisfies § 417.307(h) in place of each flight initiator to
demonstrate that the command destruct and inadvertent separation
destruct systems deliver the energy required to initiate the flight
termination system ordnance;
(v) The flight termination system must undergo the test while
powered by the batteries that the launch vehicle will use for
flight. A flight termination system battery must not undergo
recharging at any time during or after the end-to-end test. If the
battery is recharged at any time before flight the system must
undergo the end-to-end test again;
(vi) The test must exercise all command receiver decoder
functions critical to flight termination system operation during
flight, including the pilot or check tone, in a closed-loop test
configuration using ground support testing equipment hardwired to
the launch vehicle radio frequency receiving system;
(vii) The test must demonstrate that all primary and redundant
launch vehicle flight termination system components and circuits
are operational; and
(viii) The test must exercise the triggering mechanism of all
electrically initiated inadvertent separation destruct systems to
demonstrate that they are operational.
(6) Abbreviated closed-loop test of a secure high-alphabet
command destruct system. Any flight termination system that
uses a secure high-alphabet command receiver decoder must undergo
an abbreviated closed-loop test if, due to a launch scrub or delay,
more than 72 hours pass since the end-to-end test of paragraph
(h)(5) of this section. The test must satisfy all of the
(i) The flight termination system must undergo the test in its
final flight configuration with all flight destruct initiators
connected and in a safe condition;
(ii) The test must occur just before launch support tower
rollback or other similar final countdown event that suspends
access to the launch vehicle;
(iii) Each command receiver decoder must undergo the test
powered by the flight batteries;
(iv) The test must exercise all command receiver decoder
functions critical to flight termination system operation during
flight except the destruct function, including the pilot or check
tone, in a closed-loop test configuration using ground support
testing equipment hardwired to the launch vehicle radio frequency
receiving system; and
(v) The test must demonstrate that the launch vehicle command
destruct system, including each command receiver decoder and all
batteries, is functioning properly.
(7) Final open-loop test of a secure high-alphabet command
destruct system. Any flight termination system that uses a
secure high-alphabet command receiver decoder must undergo a final
open-loop radio frequency test no earlier than 60 minutes before
flight, to validate the entire radio frequency command destruct
link from the command control transmitting system to launch vehicle
antenna. The test must satisfy all of the following:
(i) The flight termination system must undergo the test in its
final flight configuration with all flight destruct initiators
connected and in a safe condition;
(ii) Flight batteries must power all receiver decoders and other
electronic components. The test must account for any warm-up time
needed for reliable operation of the electronic components;
(iii) The test must exercise each command receiver decoder's
self-test function including pilot or check tone using the command
control system transmitters in their flight configuration;
(iv) The test must demonstrate that each receiver decoder is
operational and compatible with the command control transmitter
system; and
(v) Following successful completion of the open-loop test, if
any command receiver decoder is turned off or the transmitter
system fails to continuously transmit the pilot or check tone, the
flight termination system must undergo the final open-loop test
again before flight.
[Docket No. FAA-2000-7953, 71 FR 50537, Aug. 25, 2006, as amended
by Amdt. No. 417-5, 81 FR 59439, Aug. 30, 2016]