Appendix A to Part 417 - Flight Safety Analysis Methodologies and Products for a Launch Vehicle Flown With a Flight Safety System
14: : Appendix A
Appendix A to Part 417 - Flight Safety Analysis Methodologies and
Products for a Launch Vehicle Flown With a Flight Safety System
Link to an amendment published at 85 FR 79716, Dec. 10, 2020.
A417.1 Scope
The requirements of this appendix apply to the methods for
performing the flight safety analysis required by § 417.107(f) and
subpart C of this part. The methodologies contained in this
appendix provide an acceptable means of satisfying the requirements
of subpart C and provide a standard and a measure of fidelity
against which the FAA will measure any proposed alternative
analysis approach. This appendix also identifies the analysis
products that a launch operator must file with the FAA as required
by § 417.203(e).
A417.3 Applicability
The requirements of this appendix apply to a launch operator and
the launch operator's flight safety analysis unless the launch
operator clearly and convincingly demonstrates that an alternative
approach provides an equivalent level of safety. If a Federal
launch range performs the launch operator's analysis, § 417.203(d)
applies. Section A417.33 applies to the flight of any unguided
suborbital launch vehicle that uses a wind-weighting safety system.
All other sections of this appendix apply to the flight of any
launch vehicle required to use a flight safety system as required
by § 417.107(a). For any alternative flight safety system approved
by the FAA as required by § 417.301(b), the FAA will determine the
applicability of this appendix during the licensing process.
A417.5 General
A launch operator's flight safety analysis must satisfy the
requirements for public risk management and the requirements for
the compatibility of the input and output of dependent analyses of
§ 417.205.
A417.7 Trajectory
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
trajectory analysis that satisfies the requirements of § 417.207.
This section applies to the computation of each of the trajectories
required by § 417.207 and to each trajectory analysis product that
a launch operator must file with the FAA as required by §
(b) Wind standards. A trajectory analysis must
incorporate wind data in accordance with the following:
(1) For each launch, a trajectory analysis must produce
”with-wind” launch vehicle trajectories pursuant to paragraph
(f)(6) of this section and do so using composite wind profiles for
the month that the launch will take place or composite wind
profiles that are as severe or more severe than the winds for the
month that the launch will take place.
(2) A composite wind profile used for the trajectory analysis
must have a cumulative percentile frequency that represents wind
conditions that are at least as severe as the worst wind conditions
under which flight would be attempted for purposes of achieving the
launch operator's mission. These worst wind conditions must account
for the launch vehicle's ability to operate normally in the
presence of wind and accommodate any flight safety limit
(c) Nominal trajectory. A trajectory analysis must
produce a nominal trajectory that describes a launch vehicle's
flight path, position and velocity, where all vehicle aerodynamic
parameters are as expected, all vehicle internal and external
systems perform exactly as planned, and no external perturbing
influences other than atmospheric drag and gravity affect the
launch vehicle.
(d) Dispersed trajectories. A trajectory analysis must
produce the following dispersed trajectories and describe the
distribution of a launch vehicle's position and velocity as a
function of winds and performance error parameters in the uprange,
downrange, left-crossrange and right-crossrange directions.
(1) Three-sigma maximum and minimum performance
trajectories. A trajectory analysis must produce a three-sigma
maximum performance trajectory that provides the maximum downrange
distance of the instantaneous impact point for any given time after
lift-off. A trajectory analysis must produce a three-sigma minimum
performance trajectory that provides the minimum downrange distance
of the instantaneous impact point for any given time after
lift-off. For any time after lift-off, the instantaneous impact
point dispersion of a normally performing launch vehicle must lie
between the extremes achieved at that time after lift-off by the
three-sigma maximum and three-sigma minimum performance
trajectories. The three-sigma maximum and minimum performance
trajectories must account for wind and performance error parameter
distributions as follows:
(i) For each three-sigma maximum and minimum performance
trajectory, the analysis must use composite head wind and composite
tail wind profiles that represent the worst wind conditions under
which a launch would be attempted as required by paragraph (b) of
this section.
(ii) Each three-sigma maximum and minimum performance trajectory
must account for all launch vehicle performance error parameters
identified as required by paragraph (f)(1) of this section that
have an effect upon instantaneous impact point range.
(2) Three-sigma left and right lateral trajectories. A
trajectory analysis must produce a three-sigma left lateral
trajectory that provides the maximum left crossrange distance of
the instantaneous impact point for any time after lift-off. A
trajectory analysis must produce a three-sigma right lateral
trajectory that provides the maximum right crossrange distance of
the instantaneous impact point for any time after lift-off. For any
time after lift-off, the instantaneous impact point dispersion of a
normally performing launch vehicle must lie between the extremes
achieved at that time after liftoff by the three-sigma left lateral
and three-sigma right lateral performance trajectories. The
three-sigma lateral performance trajectories must account for wind
and performance error parameter distributions as follows:
(i) In producing each left and right lateral trajectory, the
analysis must use composite left and composite right lateral-wind
profiles that represent the worst wind conditions under which a
launch would be attempted as required by paragraph (b) of this
(ii) The three-sigma left and right lateral trajectories must
account for all launch vehicle performance error parameters
identified as required by paragraph (f)(1) of this section that
have an effect on the lateral deviation of the instantaneous impact
(3) Fuel-exhaustion trajectory. A trajectory analysis
must produce a fuel-exhaustion trajectory for the launch of any
launch vehicle with a final suborbital stage that will terminate
thrust nominally without burning to fuel exhaustion. The analysis
must produce the trajectory that would occur if the planned thrust
termination of the final suborbital stage did not occur. The
analysis must produce a fuel-exhaustion trajectory that extends
either the nominal trajectory taken through fuel exhaustion of the
last suborbital stage or the three-sigma maximum trajectory taken
through fuel exhaustion of the last suborbital stage, whichever
produces an instantaneous impact point with the greatest range for
any time after liftoff.
(e) Straight-up trajectory. A trajectory analysis must
produce a straight-up trajectory that begins at the planned time of
ignition, and that simulates a malfunction that causes the launch
vehicle to fly in a vertical or near vertical direction above the
launch point. A straight-up trajectory must last no less than the
sum of the straight-up time determined as required by section
A417.15 plus the duration of a potential malfunction turn
determined as required by section A417.9(b)(2).
(f) Analysis process and computations. A trajectory
analysis must produce each three-sigma trajectory required by this
appendix using a six-degree-of-freedom trajectory model and an
analysis method, such as root sum-square or Monte Carlo, that
accounts for all individual launch vehicle performance error
parameters that contribute to the dispersion of the launch
vehicle's instantaneous impact point.
(1) A trajectory analysis must identify all launch vehicle
performance error parameters and each parameter's distribution to
account for all launch vehicle performance variations and any
external forces that can cause offsets from the nominal trajectory
during normal flight. A trajectory analysis must account for, but
need not be limited to, the following performance error
(i) Thrust;
(ii) Thrust misalignment;
(iii) Specific impulse;
(iv) Weight;
(v) Variation in firing times of the stages;
(vi) Fuel flow rates;
(vii) Contributions from the guidance, navigation, and control
(ix) Steering misalignment; and
(x) Winds.
(2) Each three-sigma trajectory must account for the effects of
wind from liftoff through the point in flight where the launch
vehicle attains an altitude where wind no longer affects the launch
(g) Trajectory analysis products. The products of a
trajectory analysis that a launch operator must file with the FAA
include the following:
(1) Assumptions and procedures. A description of all
assumptions, procedures and models, including the
six-degrees-of-freedom model, used in deriving each trajectory.
(2) Three-sigma launch vehicle performance error
parameters. A description of each three-sigma performance error
parameter accounted for by the trajectory analysis and a
description of each parameter's distribution determined as required
by paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
(3) Wind profile. A graph and tabular listing of each
wind profile used in performing the trajectory analysis as required
by paragraph (b)(1) of this section and the worst case winds
required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section. The graph and tabular
wind data must provide wind magnitude and direction as a function
of altitude for the air space regions from the Earth's surface to
100,000 feet in altitude for the area intersected by the launch
vehicle trajectory. Altitude intervals must not exceed 5000
(4) Launch azimuth. The azimuthal direction of the
trajectory's ”X-axis” at liftoff measured clockwise in degrees from
true north.
(5) Launch point. Identification and location of the
proposed launch point, including its name, geodetic latitude,
geodetic longitude, and geodetic height.
(6) Reference ellipsoid. The name of the reference
ellipsoid used by the trajectory analysis to approximate the
average curvature of the Earth and the following information about
the model:
(i) Length of semi-major axis;
(ii) Length of semi-minor axis;
(iii) Flattening parameter;
(iv) Eccentricity;
(v) Gravitational parameter;
(vi) Angular velocity of the Earth at the equator; and
(vii) If the reference ellipsoid is not a WGS-84 ellipsoidal
Earth model, the equations that convert the filed ellipsoid
information to the WGS-84 ellipsoid.
(7) Temporal trajectory items. A launch operator must
provide the following temporal trajectory data for time intervals
not in excess of one second and for the discrete time points that
correspond to each jettison, ignition, burnout, and thrust
termination of each stage. If any stage burn time lasts less than
four seconds, the time intervals must not exceed 0.2 seconds. The
launch operator must provide the temporal trajectory data from
launch up to a point in flight when effective thrust of the final
stage terminates, or to thrust termination of the stage or burn
that places the vehicle in orbit. For an unguided sub-orbital
launch vehicle flown with a flight safety system, the launch
operator must provide these data for each nominal quadrant launcher
elevation angle and payload weight. The launch operator must
provide these data on paper in text format and electronically in
ASCII text, space delimited format. The launch operator must
provide an electronic “read-me” file that identifies the data and
their units of measure in the individual disk files.
(i) Trajectory time-after-liftoff. A launch operator must
provide trajectory time-after liftoff measured from first motion of
the first thrusting stage of the launch vehicle. The tabulated data
must identify the first motion time as T-0 and as the “0.0” time
point on the trajectory.
(ii) Launch vehicle direction cosines. A launch operator
must provide the direction cosines of the roll axis, pitch axis,
and yaw axis of the launch vehicle. The roll axis is a line
identical to the launch vehicle's longitudinal axis with its origin
at the nominal center of gravity positive towards the vehicle nose.
The roll plane is normal to the roll axis at the vehicle's nominal
center of gravity. The yaw axis and the pitch axis are any two
orthogonal axes lying in the roll plane. The launch operator must
provide roll, pitch and yaw axes of right-handed systems so that,
when looking along the roll axis toward the nose, a clockwise
rotation around the roll axis will send the pitch axis toward the
yaw axis. The right-handed system must be oriented so that the yaw
axis is positive in the downrange direction while in the vertical
position (roll axis upward from surface) or positive at an angle of
180 degrees to the downrange direction. The axis may be related to
the vehicle's normal orientation with respect to the vehicle's
trajectory but, once defined, remain fixed with respect to the
vehicle's body. The launch operator must indicate the positive
direction of the yaw axis chosen. The analysis products must
present the direction cosines using the EFG reference system
described in paragraph (g)(7)(iv) of this section.
(iii) X, Y, Z, XD, YD, ZD trajectory coordinates. A
launch operator must provide the launch vehicle position
coordinates (X, Y, Z) and velocity magnitudes (XD, YD, ZD)
referenced to an orthogonal, Earth-fixed, right-handed coordinate
system. The XY plane must be tangent to the ellipsoidal Earth at
the origin, which must coincide with the launch point. The positive
X-axis must coincide with the launch azimuth. The positive Z-axis
must be directed away from the ellipsoidal Earth. The Y-axis must
be positive to the left looking downrange.
(iv) E, F, G, ED, FD, GD trajectory coordinates. A launch
operator must provide the launch vehicle position coordinates (E,
F, G) and velocity magnitudes (ED, FD, GD) referenced to an
orthogonal, Earth fixed, Earth centered, right-handed coordinate
system. The origin of the EFG system must be at the center of the
reference ellipsoid. The E and F axes must lie in the plane of the
equator and the G-axis coincides with the rotational axis of the
Earth. The E-axis must be positive through 0° East longitude
(Greenwich Meridian), the F-axis positive through 90' East
longitude, and the G-axis positive through the North Pole. This
system must be non-inertial and rotate with the Earth.
(v) Resultant Earth-fixed velocity. A launch operator
must provide the square root of the sum of the squares of the XD,
YD, and ZD components of the trajectory state vector.
(vi) Path angle of velocity vector. A launch operator
must provide the angle between the local horizontal plane and the
velocity vector measured positive upward from the local horizontal.
The local horizontal must be a plane tangent to the ellipsoidal
Earth at the sub-vehicle point.
(vii) Sub-vehicle point. A launch operator must provide
sub-vehicle point coordinates that include present position
geodetic latitude and present position longitude. These coordinates
must be at each trajectory time on the surface of the ellipsoidal
Earth model and located at the intersection of the line normal to
the ellipsoid and passing through the launch vehicle center of
(viii) Altitude. A launch operator must provide the
distance from the sub-vehicle point to the launch vehicle's center
of gravity.
(ix) Present position arc-range. A launch operator must
provide the distance measured along the surface of the reference
ellipsoid, from the launch point to the sub-vehicle point.
(x) Total weight. A launch operator must provide the sum
of the inert and propellant weights for each time point on the
(xi) Total vacuum thrust. A launch operator must provide
the total vacuum thrust for each time point on the trajectory.
(xii) Instantaneous impact point data. A launch operator
must provide instantaneous impact point geodetic latitude,
instantaneous impact point longitude, instantaneous impact point
arc-range, and time to instantaneous impact. The instantaneous
impact point arc-range must consist of the distance, measured along
the surface of the reference ellipsoid, from the launch point to
the instantaneous impact point. For each point on the trajectory,
the time to instantaneous impact must consist of the vacuum flight
time remaining until impact if all thrust were terminated at the
time point on the trajectory.
(xiii) Normal trajectory distribution. A launch operator
must provide a description of the distribution of the dispersed
trajectories required under paragraph (d) of this section, such as
the elements of covariance matrices for the launch vehicle position
coordinates and velocity component magnitudes.
A417.9 Malfunction turn
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
malfunction turn analysis that satisfies the requirements of §
417.209. This section applies to the computation of the malfunction
turns and the production of turn data required by § 417.209 and to
the malfunction turn analysis products that a launch operator must
file with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e).
(b) Malfunction turn analysis constraints. The following
constraints apply to a malfunction turn analysis:
(1) The analysis must produce malfunction turns that start at a
given malfunction start time. The turn must last no less than 12
seconds. These duration limits apply regardless of whether or not
the vehicle would breakup or tumble before the prescribed duration
of the turn.
(2) A malfunction turn analysis must account for the thrusting
periods of flight along a nominal trajectory beginning at first
motion until thrust termination of the final thrusting stage or
until the launch vehicle achieves orbit, whichever occurs
(3) A malfunction turn must consist of a 90-degree turn or a
turn in both the pitch and yaw planes that would produce the
largest deviation from the nominal instantaneous impact point of
which the launch vehicle is capable at any time during the
malfunction turn as required by paragraph (d) of this section.
(4) The first malfunction turn must start at liftoff. The
analysis must account for subsequent malfunction turns initiated at
regular nominal trajectory time intervals not to exceed four
(5) A malfunction turn analysis must produce malfunction turn
data for time intervals of no less than one second over the
duration of each malfunction turn.
(6) The analysis must assume that the launch vehicle performance
is nominal up to the point of the malfunction that produces the
(7) A malfunction turn analysis must not account for the effects
of gravity.
(8) A malfunction turn analysis must ensure the tumble turn
envelope curve maintains a positive slope throughout the
malfunction turn duration as illustrated in figure A417.9-1. When
calculating a tumble turn for an aerodynamically unstable launch
vehicle, in the high aerodynamic region it often turns out that no
matter how small the initial deflection of the rocket engine, the
airframe tumbles through 180 degrees, or one-half cycle, in less
time than the required turn duration period. In such a case, the
analysis must use a 90-degree turn as the malfunction turn.
(c) Failure modes. A malfunction turn analysis must
account for the significant failure modes that result in a thrust
vector offset from the nominal state. If a malfunction turn at a
malfunction start time can occur as a function of more than one
failure mode, the analysis must account for the failure mode that
causes the most rapid and largest launch vehicle instantaneous
impact point deviation.
(d) Type of malfunction turn. A malfunction turn analysis
must establish the maximum turning capability of a launch vehicle's
velocity vector during each malfunction turn by accounting for a
90-degree turn to estimate the vehicle's turning capability or by
accounting for trim turns and tumble turns in both the pitch and
yaw planes to establish the vehicle's turning capability. When
establishing the turning capability of a launch vehicle's velocity
vector, the analysis must account for each turn as follows:
(1) 90-degree turn. A 90-degree turn must constitute a
turn produced at the malfunction start time by instantaneously
re-directing and maintaining the vehicle's thrust at 90 degrees to
the velocity vector, without regard for how this situation can be
brought about.
(2) Pitch turn. A pitch turn must constitute the angle
turned by the launch vehicle's total velocity vector in the
pitch-plane. The velocity vector's pitch-plane must be the two
dimensional surface that includes the launch vehicle's yaw-axis and
the launch vehicle's roll-axis.
(3) Yaw turn. A yaw turn must constitute the angle turned
by the launch vehicle's total velocity vector in the lateral plane.
The velocity vector's lateral plane must be the two dimensional
surface that includes the launch vehicle's pitch axis and the
launch vehicle's total velocity.
(4) Trim turn. A trim turn must constitute a turn where a
launch vehicle's thrust moment balances the aerodynamic moment
while a constant rotation rate is imparted to the launch vehicle's
longitudinal axis. The analysis must account for a maximum-rate
trim turn made at or near the greatest angle of attack that can be
maintained while the aerodynamic moment is balanced by the thrust
moment, whether the vehicle is stable or unstable.
(5) Tumble turn. A tumble turn must constitute a turn
that results if the launch vehicle's airframe rotates in an
uncontrolled fashion, at an angular rate that is brought about by a
thrust vector offset angle, and if the offset angle is held
constant throughout the turn. The analysis must account for a
series of tumble turns, each turn with a different thrust vector
offset angle, that are plotted on the same graph for each
malfunction start time.
(6) Turn envelope. A turn envelope must constitute a
curve on a tumble turn graph that has tangent points to each
individual tumble turn curve computed for each malfunction start
time. The curve must envelope the actual tumble turn curves to
predict tumble turn angles for each area between the calculated
turn curves. Figure A417.9-1 depicts a series of tumble turn curves
and the tumble turn envelope curve.
(7) Malfunction turn capabilities. When not using a
90-degree turn, a malfunction turn analysis must establish the
launch vehicle maximum turning capability as required by the
following malfunction turn constraints:
(i) Launch vehicle stable at all angles of attack. If a
launch vehicle is so stable that the maximum thrust moment that the
vehicle could experience cannot produce tumbling, but produces a
maximum-rate trim turn at some angle of attack less than 90
degrees, the analysis must produce a series of trim turns,
including the maximum-rate trim turn, by varying the initial thrust
vector offset at the beginning of the turn. If the maximum thrust
moment results in a maximum-rate trim turn at some angle of attack
greater than 90 degrees, the analysis must produce a series of trim
turns for angles of attack up to and including 90 degrees.
(ii) Launch vehicle aerodynamically unstable at all angles of
attack. If flying a trim turn is not possible even for a period
of only a few seconds, the malfunction turn analysis need only
establish tumble turns. Otherwise, the malfunction turn analysis
must establish a series of trim turns, including the maximum-rate
trim turn, and the family of tumble turns.
(iii) Launch vehicle unstable at low angles of attack but
stable at some higher angles of attack. If large engine
deflections result in tumbling, and small engine deflections do
not, the analysis must produce a series of trim and tumble turns as
required by paragraph (d)(7)(ii) of this section for launch
vehicles aerodynamically unstable at all angles of attack. If both
large and small constant engine deflections result in tumbling,
regardless of how small the deflection might be, the analysis must
account for the malfunction turn capabilities achieved at the
stability angle of attack, assuming no upsetting thrust moment, and
must account for the turns achieved by a tumbling vehicle.
(e) Malfunction turn analysis products. The products of a
malfunction turn analysis that a launch operator must file with the
FAA include:
(1) A description of the assumptions, techniques, and equations
used in deriving the malfunction turns.
(2) A set of sample calculations for at least one flight hazard
area malfunction start time and one downrange malfunction start
time. The sample computation for the downrange malfunction must
start at a time at least 50 seconds after the flight hazard area
malfunction start time or at the time of nominal thrust termination
of the final stage minus the malfunction turn duration.
(3) A launch operator must file malfunction turn data in
electronic tabular and graphic formats. The graphs must use scale
factors such that the plotting and reading accuracy do not degrade
the accuracy of the data. For each malfunction turn start time, a
graph must use the same time scales for the malfunction velocity
vector turn angle and malfunction velocity magnitude plot pairs. A
launch operator must provide tabular listings of the data used to
generate the graphs in digital ASCII file format. A launch operator
must file the data items required in this paragraph for each
malfunction start time and for time intervals that do not exceed
one second for the duration of each malfunction turn.
(i) Velocity turn angle graphs. A launch operator must
file a velocity turn angle graph for each malfunction start time.
For each velocity turn angle graph, the ordinate axis must
represent the total angle turned by the velocity vector, and the
abscissa axis must represent the time duration of the turn and must
show increments not to exceed one second. The series of tumble
turns must include the envelope of all tumble turn curves. The
tumble turn envelope must represent the tumble turn capability for
all possible constant thrust vector offset angles. Each tumble turn
curve selected to define the envelope must appear on the same graph
as the envelope. A launch operator must file a series of trim turn
curves for representative values of thrust vector offset. The
series of trim turn curves must include the maximum rate trim turn.
Figure A417.9-1 depicts an example family of tumble turn curves and
the tumble turn velocity vector envelope.
(ii) Velocity magnitude graphs. A launch operator must
file a velocity magnitude graph for each malfunction start time.
For each malfunction velocity magnitude graph, the ordinate axis
must represent the magnitude of the velocity vector and the
abscissa axis must represent the time duration of the turn. Each
graph must show the abscissa divided into increments not to exceed
one second. Each graph must show the total velocity magnitude
plotted as a function of time starting with the malfunction start
time for each thrust vector offset used to define the corresponding
velocity turn-angle curve. A launch operator must provide a
corresponding velocity magnitude curve for each velocity tumble
turn angle curve and each velocity trim-turn angle curve. For each
individual tumble turn curve selected to define the tumble turn
envelope, the corresponding velocity magnitude graph must show the
individual tumble turn curve's point of tangency to the envelope.
The point of tangency must consist of the point where the tumble
turn envelope is tangent to an individual tumble turn curve
produced with a discrete thrust vector offset angle. A launch
operator must transpose the points of tangency to the velocity
magnitude curves by plotting a point on the velocity magnitude
curve at the same time point where tangency occurs on the
corresponding velocity tumble-turn angle curve. Figure A417.9-2
depicts an example tumble turn velocity magnitude curve.
(iii) Vehicle orientation. The launch operator must file
tabular or graphical data for the vehicle orientation in the form
of roll, pitch, and yaw angular orientation of the vehicle
longitudinal axis as a function of time into the turn for each turn
initiation time. Angular orientation of a launch vehicle's
longitudinal axis is illustrated in figures A417.9-3 and
(iv) Onset conditions. A launch operator must provide
launch vehicle state information for each malfunction start time.
This state data must include the launch vehicle thrust, weight,
velocity magnitude and pad-centered topocentric X, Y, Z, XD, YD, ZD
state vector.
(v) Breakup information. A launch operator must specify
whether its launch vehicle will remain intact throughout each
malfunction turn. If the launch vehicle will break up during a
turn, the launch operator must identify the time for launch vehicle
breakup on each velocity magnitude graph. The launch operator must
show the time into the turn at which vehicle breakup would occur as
either a specific value or a probability distribution for time
until breakup.
(vi) Inflection point. A launch operator must identify
the inflection point on each tumble turn envelope curve and maximum
rate trim turn curve for each malfunction start time as illustrated
in figure A417.9-1. The inflection point marks the point in time
during the turn where the slope of the curve stops increasing and
begins to decrease or, in other words, the point were the concavity
of the curve changes from concave up to concave down. The
inflection point on a malfunction turn curve must identify the time
in the malfunction turn that the launch vehicle body achieves a
90-degree rotation from the nominal position. On a tumble turn
curve the inflection point must represent the start of the launch
vehicle tumble.
A417.11 Debris
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
debris analysis that satisfies the requirements of § 417.211. This
section applies to the debris data required by § 417.211 and the
debris analysis products that a launch operator must file with the
FAA as required by § 417.203(e).
(b) Debris analysis constraints. A debris analysis must
produce the debris model described in paragraph (c) of this
section. The analysis must account for all launch vehicle debris
fragments, individually or in groupings of fragments called
classes. The characteristics of each debris fragment represented by
a class must be similar enough to the characteristics of all the
other debris fragments represented by that class that all the
debris fragments of the class can be described by a single set of
characteristics. Paragraph (c)(10) of this section applies when
establishing a debris class. A debris model must describe the
physical, aerodynamic, and harmful characteristics of each debris
fragment either individually or as a member of a class. A debris
model must consist of lists of individual debris or debris classes
for each cause of breakup and any planned jettison of debris,
launch vehicle components, or payload. A debris analysis must
account for:
(1) Launch vehicle breakup caused by the activation of any
flight termination system. The analysis must account for:
(i) The effects of debris produced when flight termination
system activation destroys an intact malfunctioning vehicle.
(ii) Spontaneous breakup of the launch vehicle, if the breakup
is assisted by the action of any inadvertent separation destruct
(iii) The effects of debris produced by the activation of any
flight termination system after inadvertent breakup of the launch
(2) Debris due to any malfunction where forces on the launch
vehicle may exceed the launch vehicle's structural integrity
(3) The immediate post-breakup or jettison environment of the
launch vehicle debris, and any change in debris characteristics
over time from launch vehicle breakup or jettison until debris
(4) The impact overpressure, fragmentation, and secondary debris
effects of any confined or unconfined solid propellant chunks and
fueled components containing either liquid or solid propellants
that could survive to impact, as a function of vehicle malfunction
(5) The effects of impact of the intact vehicle as a function of
failure time. The intact impact debris analysis must identify the
trinitrotoluene (TNT) yield of impact explosions, and the numbers
of fragments projected from all such explosions, including
non-launch vehicle ejecta and the blast overpressure radius. The
analysis must use a model for TNT yield of impact explosion that
accounts for the propellant weight at impact, the impact speed, the
orientation of the propellant, and the impacted surface
(c) Debris model. A debris analysis must produce a model
of the debris resulting from planned jettison and from unplanned
breakup of a launch vehicle for use as input to other analyses,
such as establishing flight safety limits and hazard areas and
performing debris risk, toxic, and blast analyses. A launch
operator's debris model must satisfy the following:
(1) Debris fragments. A debris model must provide the
debris fragment data required by this section for the launch
vehicle flight from the planned ignition time until the launch
vehicle achieves orbital velocity for an orbital launch. For a
sub-orbital launch, the debris model must provide the debris
fragment data required by this section for the launch vehicle
flight from the planned ignition time until impact of the last
thrusting stage. A debris model must provide debris fragment data
for the number of time periods sufficient to meet the requirements
for smooth and continuous contours used to define hazard areas as
required by section A417.23.
(2) Inert fragments. A debris model must identify all
inert fragments that are not volatile and that do not burn or
explode under normal and malfunction conditions. A debris model
must identify all inert fragments for each breakup time during
flight corresponding to a critical event when the fragment catalog
is significantly changed by the event. Critical events include
staging, payload fairing jettison, and other normal hardware
jettison activities.
(3) Explosive and non-explosive propellant fragments. A
debris model must identify all propellant fragments that are
explosive or non-explosive upon impact. The debris model must
describe each propellant fragment as a function of time, from the
time of breakup through ballistic free-fall to impact. The debris
model must describe the characteristics of each fragment, including
its origin on the launch vehicle, representative dimensions and
weight at the time of breakup and at the time of impact. For any
fragment identified as an un-contained or contained propellant
fragment, whether explosive or non-explosive, the debris model must
identify whether or not it burns during free fall, and provide the
consumption rate during free fall. The debris model must
(i) Solid propellant that is exposed directly to the atmosphere
and that burns but does not explode upon impact as “un-contained
non-explosive solid propellant.”
(ii) Solid or liquid propellant that is enclosed in a container,
such as a motor case or pressure vessel, and that burns but does
not explode upon impact as “contained non-explosive
(iii) Solid or liquid propellant that is enclosed in a
container, such as a motor case or pressure vessel, and that
explodes upon impact as “contained explosive propellant
(iv) Solid propellant that is exposed directly to the atmosphere
and that explodes upon impact as “un-contained explosive solid
propellant fragment.”
(4) Other non-inert debris fragments. In addition to the
explosive and flammable fragments required by paragraph (c)(3) of
this section, a debris model must identify any other non-inert
debris fragments, such as toxic or radioactive fragments, that
present any other hazards to the public.
(5) Fragment weight. At each modeled breakup time, the
individual fragment weights must approximately add up to the sum
total weight of inert material in the vehicle and the weight of
contained liquid propellants and solid propellants that are not
consumed in the initial breakup or conflagration.
(6) Fragment imparted velocity. A debris model must
identify the maximum velocity imparted to each fragment due to
potential explosion or pressure rupture. When accounting for
imparted velocity, a debris model must:
(i) Use a Maxwellian distribution with the specified maximum
value equal to the 97th percentile; or
(ii) Identify the distribution, and must state whether or not
the specified maximum value is a fixed value with no
(7) Fragment projected area. A debris model must include
each of the axial, transverse, and mean tumbling areas of each
fragment. If the fragment may stabilize under normal or malfunction
conditions, the debris model must also provide the projected area
normal to the drag force.
(8) Fragment ballistic coefficient. A debris model must
include the axial, transverse, and tumble orientation ballistic
coefficient for each fragment's projected area as required by
paragraph (c)(7) of this section.
(9) Debris fragment count. A debris model must include
the total number of each type of fragment required by paragraphs
(c)(2), (c)(3), and (c)(4) of this section and created by a
(10) Fragment classes. A debris model must categorize
each malfunction debris fragment into classes where the
characteristics of the mean fragment in each class conservatively
represent every fragment in the class. The model must define
fragment classes for fragments whose characteristics are similar
enough to be described and treated by a single average set of
characteristics. A debris class must categorize debris by each of
the following characteristics, and may include any other useful
(i) The type of fragment, defined by paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(3),
and (c)(4) of this section. All fragments within a class must be
the same type, such as inert or explosive.
(ii) Debris subsonic ballistic coefficient (βsub). The
difference between the smallest log10(βsub) value and the largest
log10(βsub) value in a class must not exceed 0.5, except for
fragments with βsub less than or equal to three. Fragments with
βsub less than or equal to three may be grouped within a class.
(iii) Breakup-imparted velocity (ΔV). A debris model must
categorize fragments as a function of the range of ΔV for the
fragments within a class and the class's median subsonic ballistic
coefficient. For each class, the debris model must keep the ratio
of the maximum breakup-imparted velocity (ΔVmax) to minimum
breakup-imparted velocity (ΔVmin) within the following bound:
Where: β′sub is the median subsonic ballistic
coefficient for the fragments in a class.
(d) Debris analysis products. The products of a debris
analysis that a launch operator must file with the FAA include:
(1) Debris model. The launch operator's debris model that
satisfies the requirements of this section.
(2) Fragment description. A description of the fragments
contained in the launch operator's debris model. The description
must identify the fragment as a launch vehicle part or component,
describe its shape, representative dimensions, and may include
drawings of the fragment.
(3) Intact impact TNT yield. For an intact impact of a
launch vehicle, for each failure time, a launch operator must
identify the TNT yield of each impact explosion and blast
overpressure hazard radius.
(4) Fragment class data. The class name, the range of
values for each parameter used to categorize fragments within a
fragment class, and the number of fragments in any fragment class
established as required by paragraph (c)(10) of this section.
(5) Ballistic coefficient. The mean ballistic coefficient
(β) and plus and minus three-sigma values of the β for each
fragment class. A launch operator must provide graphs of the
coefficient of drag (Cd) as a function of Mach number for the
nominal and three-sigma β variations for each fragment shape. The
launch operator must label each graph with the shape represented by
the curve and reference area used to develop the curve. A launch
operator must provide a Cd vs. Mach curve for any axial,
transverse, and tumble orientations for any fragment that will not
stabilize during free-fall conditions. For any fragment that may
stabilize during free-fall, a launch operator must provide Cd vs.
Mach curves for the stability angle of attack. If the angle of
attack where the fragment stabilizes is other than zero degrees, a
launch operator must provide both the coefficient of lift (CL) vs.
Mach number and the Cd vs. Mach number curves. The launch operator
must provide the equations for each Cd vs. Mach curve.
(6) Pre-flight propellant weight. The initial preflight
weight of solid and liquid propellant for each launch vehicle
component that contains solid or liquid propellant.
(7) Normal propellant consumption. The nominal and plus
and minus three-sigma solid and liquid propellant consumption rate,
and pre-malfunction consumption rate for each component that
contains solid or liquid propellant.
(8) Fragment weight. The mean and plus and minus
three-sigma weight of each fragment or fragment class.
(9) Projected area. The mean and plus and minus
three-sigma axial, transverse, and tumbling areas for each fragment
or fragment class. This information is not required for those
fragment classes classified as burning propellant classes under
section A417.25(b)(8).
(10) Imparted velocities. The maximum incremental
velocity imparted to each fragment class created by flight
termination system activation, or explosive or overpressure loads
at breakup. The launch operator must identify the velocity
distribution as Maxwellian or must define the distribution,
including whether or not the specified maximum value is a fixed
value with no uncertainty.
(11) Fragment type. The fragment type for each fragment
established as required by paragraphs (c)(2), (c)(3), and (c)(4) of
this section.
(12) Origin. The part of the launch vehicle from which
each fragment originated.
(13) Burning propellant classes. The propellant
consumption rate for those fragments that burn during
(14) Contained propellant fragments, explosive or
non-explosive. For contained propellant fragments, whether
explosive or non-explosive, a launch operator must provide the
initial weight of contained propellant and the consumption rate
during free-fall. The initial weight of the propellant in a
contained propellant fragment is the weight of the propellant
before any of the propellant is consumed by normal vehicle
operation or failure of the launch vehicle.
(15) Solid propellant fragment snuff-out pressure. The
ambient pressure and the pressure at the surface of a solid
propellant fragment, in pounds per square inch, required to sustain
a solid propellant fragment's combustion during free-fall.
(16) Other non-inert debris fragments. For each non-inert
debris fragment identified as required by paragraph (c)(4) of this
section, a launch operator must describe the diffusion, dispersion,
deposition, radiation, and other hazard exposure characteristics
used to determine the effective casualty area required by paragraph
(d)(13) of this section.
(17) Residual thrust dispersion. For each thrusting or
non-thrusting stage having residual thrust capability following a
launch vehicle malfunction, a launch operator must provide either
the total residual impulse imparted or the full-residual thrust as
a function of breakup time. For any stage not capable of thrust
after a launch vehicle malfunction, a launch operator must provide
the conditions under which the stage is no longer capable of
thrust. For each stage that can be ignited as a result of a launch
vehicle malfunction on a lower stage, a launch operator must
identify the effects and duration of the potential thrust, and the
maximum deviation of the instantaneous impact point, which can be
brought about by the thrust. A launch operator must provide the
explosion effects of all remaining fuels, pressurized tanks, and
remaining stages, particularly with respect to ignition or
detonation of upper stages if the flight termination system is
activated during the burning period of a lower stage.
A417.13 Flight safety limits.
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
flight safety limits analysis that satisfies the requirements of §
417.213. This section applies to the computation of the flight
safety limits and identifying the location of populated or other
protected areas as required by § 417.213 and to the analysis
products that the launch operator must file with the FAA as
required by § 417.203(e).
(b) Flight safety limits constraints. The analysis must
establish flight safety limits as follows:
(1) Flight safety limits must account for potential malfunction
of a launch vehicle during the time from launch vehicle first
motion through flight until the planned safe flight state
determined as required by section A417.19.
(2) For a flight termination at any time during launch vehicle
flight, the impact limit lines must:
(i) Represent no less than the extent of the debris impact
dispersion for all debris fragments with a ballistic coefficient
greater than or equal to three; and
(ii) Ensure that the debris impact area on the Earth's surface
that is bounded by the debris impact dispersion in the uprange,
downrange and crossrange directions does not extend to any
populated or other protected area.
(3) Each debris impact area determined by a flight safety limits
analysis must be offset in a direction away from populated or other
protected areas. The size of the offset must account for all
parameters that may contribute to the impact dispersion. The
parameters must include:
(i) Launch vehicle malfunction turn capabilities.
(ii) Effective casualty area produced as required by section
(iii) All delays in the identification of a launch vehicle
(iv) Malfunction imparted velocities, including any velocity
imparted to vehicle fragments by breakup.
(v) Wind effects on the malfunctioning vehicle and falling
(vi) Residual thrust remaining after flight termination.
(vii) Launch vehicle guidance and performance errors.
(viii) Lift and drag forces on the malfunctioning vehicle and
falling debris including variations in drag predictions of
fragments and debris.
(ix) All hardware and software delays during implementation of
flight termination.
(x) All debris impact location uncertainties caused by
conditions prior to, and after, activation of the flight
termination system.
(xi) Any other impact dispersion parameters peculiar to the
launch vehicle.
(xii) All uncertainty due to map error and launch vehicle
tracking error.
(c) Risk management. The requirements for public risk
management of § 417.205(a) apply to a flight safety limits
analysis. When employing risk assessment, the analysis must
establish flight safety limits that satisfy paragraph (b) of this
section, account for the products of the debris risk analysis
performed as required by section A417.25, and ensure that any risk
to the public satisfies the public risk criteria of § 417.107(b).
When employing hazard isolation, the analysis must establish flight
safety limits in accordance with the following:
(1) The flight safety limits must account for the maximum
deviation impact locations for the most wind sensitive debris
fragment with a minimum of 11 ft-lbs of kinetic energy at
(2) The maximum deviation impact location of the debris
identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section for each trajectory
time must account for the three-sigma impact location for the
maximum deviation flight, and the launch day wind conditions that
produce the maximum ballistic wind for that debris.
(3) The maximum deviation flight must account for the
instantaneous impact point, of the debris identified in paragraph
(c)(1) of this section at breakup, that is closest to a protected
area and the maximum ballistic wind directed from the breakup point
toward that protected area.
(d) Flight safety limits analysis products. The products
of a flight safety limits analysis that a launch operator must file
with the FAA include:
(1) A description of each method used to develop and implement
the flight safety limits. The description must include equations
and example computations used in the flight safety limits
(2) A description of how each analysis method meets the analysis
requirements and constraints of this section, including how the
method produces a worst-case scenario for each impact dispersion
(3) A description of how the results of the analysis are used to
protect populated and other protected areas.
(4) A graphic depiction or series of depictions of the flight
safety limits, the launch point, all launch site boundaries,
surrounding geographic area, all protected area boundaries, and the
nominal and three-sigma launch vehicle instantaneous impact point
ground traces from liftoff to orbital insertion or the end of
flight. Each depiction must have labeled geodetic latitude and
longitude lines. Each depiction must show the flight safety limits
at trajectory time intervals sufficient to depict the mission
success margin between the flight safety limits and the protected
areas. The launch vehicle trajectory instantaneous impact points
must be plotted with sufficient frequency to provide a conformal
representation of the launch vehicle's instantaneous impact point
ground trace curvature.
(5) A tabular description of the flight safety limits, including
the geodetic latitude and longitude for any flight safety limit.
The table must contain quantitative values that define flight
safety limits. Each quantitative value must be rounded to the
number of significant digits that can be determined from the
uncertainty of the measurement device used to determine the flight
safety limits and must be limited to a maximum of six decimal
(6) A map error table of direction and scale distortions as a
function of distance from the point of tangency from a parallel of
true scale and true direction or from a meridian of true scale and
true direction. A launch operator must provide a table of tracking
error as a function of downrange distance from the launch point for
each tracking station used to make flight safety control decisions.
A launch operator must file a description of the method, showing
equations and sample calculations, used to determine the tracking
error. The table must contain the map and tracking error data
points within 100 nautical miles of the reference point at an
interval of one data point every 10 nautical miles, including the
reference point. The table must contain map and tracking error data
points beyond 100 nautical miles from the reference point at an
interval of one data point every 100 nautical miles out to a
distance that includes all populated or other areas protected by
the flight safety limits.
(7) A launch operator must provide the equations used for
geodetic datum conversions and one sample calculation for
converting the geodetic latitude and longitude coordinates between
the datum ellipsoids used. A launch operator must provide any
equations used for range and bearing computations between geodetic
coordinates and one sample calculation.
A417.15 Straight-up time
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
straight-up time analysis that satisfies the requirements of §
417.215. This section applies to the computation of straight-up
time as required by § 417.215 and to the analysis products that the
launch operator must file with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e).
The analysis must establish a straight-up time as the latest
time-after-liftoff, assuming a launch vehicle malfunctioned and
flew in a vertical or near vertical direction above the launch
point, at which activation of the launch vehicle's flight
termination system or breakup of the launch vehicle would not cause
hazardous debris or critical overpressure to affect any populated
or other protected area.
(b) Straight-up time constraints. A straight-up time
analysis must account for the following:
(1) Launch vehicle trajectory. The analysis must use the
straight-up trajectory determined as required by section
(2) Sources of debris impact dispersion. The analysis must use
the sources described in section A417.13(b)(3)(iii) through
(c) Straight-up time analysis products. The products of a
straight-up-time analysis that a launch operator must file with the
FAA include:
(1) The straight-up-time.
(2) A description of the methodology used to determine
straight-up time.
A417.17 Overflight gate
(a) General. The flight safety analysis for a launch that
involves flight over a populated or other protected area must
include an overflight gate analysis that satisfies the requirements
of § 417.217. This section applies to determining a gate as
required by § 417.217 and the analysis products that the launch
operator must file with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e). The
analysis must determine the portion, referred to as a gate, of a
flight safety limit, through which a launch vehicle's tracking
representation will be allowed to proceed without flight
(b) Overflight gate analysis constraints. The following
analysis constraints apply to a gate analysis.
(1) For each gate in a flight safety limit, all the criteria
used for determining whether to allow passage through the gate or
to terminate flight at the gate must use all the same launch
vehicle flight status parameters as the criteria used for
determining whether to terminate flight at a flight safety limit.
For example, if the flight safety limits are a function of
instantaneous impact point location, the criteria for determining
whether to allow passage through a gate in the flight safety limit
must also be a function of instantaneous impact point location.
Likewise, if the flight safety limits are a function of drag impact
point, the gate criteria must also be a function of drag impact
(2) When establishing a gate in a flight safety limit, the
analysis must ensure that the launch vehicle flight satisfies the
flight safety requirements of § 417.107.
(3) For each established gate, the analysis must account
(i) All launch vehicle tracking and map errors.
(ii) All launch vehicle plus and minus three-sigma trajectory
(iii) All debris impact dispersions.
(4) The width of a gate must restrict a launch vehicle's normal
trajectory ground trace.
(c) Overflight gate analysis products. The products of a
gate analysis that a launch operator must file with the FAA
(1) A description of the methodology used to establish each
(2) A description of the tracking representation.
(3) A tabular description of the input data.
(4) Example analysis computations performed to determine a gate.
If a launch involves more than one gate and the same methodology is
used to determine each gate, the launch operator need only file the
computations for one of the gates.
(5) A graphic depiction of each gate. A launch operator must
provide a depiction or depictions showing flight safety limits,
protected area outlines, nominal and 3-sigma left and right
trajectory ground traces, protected area overflight regions, and
predicted impact dispersion about the three-sigma trajectories
within the gate. Each depiction must show latitude and longitude
grid lines, gate latitude and longitude labels, and the map
A417.19 Data loss flight time and planned safe flight state
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a data
loss flight time analysis that satisfies the requirements of §
417.219. This section applies to the computation of data loss
flight times and the planned safe flight state required by §
417.219, and to the analysis products that the launch operator must
file with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e).
(b) Planned safe flight state. The analysis must
establish a planned safe flight state for a launch as follows:
(1) For a suborbital launch, the analysis must determine a
planned safe flight state as the nominal state vector after liftoff
that a launch vehicle's hazardous debris impact dispersion can no
longer reach any protected area.
(2) For an orbital launch where the launch vehicle's
instantaneous impact point does not traverse a protected area prior
to reaching orbit, the analysis must establish the planned safe
flight state as the time after liftoff that the launch vehicle's
hazardous debris impact dispersion can no longer reach any
protected area or orbital insertion, whichever occurs first.
(3) For an orbital launch where a gate permits overflight of a
protected area and where orbital insertion occurs after reaching
the gate, the analysis must determine the planned safe flight state
as the time after liftoff when the time for the launch vehicle's
instantaneous impact point to reach the gate is less than the time
for the instantaneous impact point to reach any flight safety
(4) The analysis must account for a malfunction that causes the
launch vehicle to proceed from its position at the trajectory time
being evaluated toward the closest flight safety limit and
protected area.
(5) The analysis must account for the launch vehicle thrust
vector that produces the highest instantaneous impact point range
rate that the vehicle is capable of producing at the trajectory
time being evaluated.
(c) Data loss flight times. For each launch vehicle
trajectory time, from the predicted earliest launch vehicle
tracking acquisition time until the planned safe flight state, the
analysis must determine the data loss flight time as follows:
(1) The analysis must determine each data loss flight time as
the minimum thrusting time for a launch vehicle to move from a
normal trajectory position to a position where a flight termination
would cause the malfunction debris impact dispersion to reach any
protected area.
(2) A data loss flight time analysis must account for a
malfunction that causes the launch vehicle to proceed from its
position at the trajectory time being evaluated toward the closest
flight safety limit and protected area.
(3) The analysis must account for the launch vehicle thrust
vector that produces the highest instantaneous impact point range
rate that the vehicle is capable of producing at the trajectory
time being evaluated.
(4) Each data loss flight time must account for the system
delays at the time of flight.
(5) The analysis must determine a data loss flight time for time
increments that do not exceed one second along the launch vehicle
nominal trajectory.
(d) Products. The products of a data loss flight time and
planned safe flight state analysis that a launch operator must file
(1) A launch operator must describe the methodology used in its
analysis, and identify all assumptions, techniques, input data, and
equations used. A launch operator must file calculations performed
for one data loss flight time in the vicinity of the launch site
and one data loss flight time that is no less than 50 seconds later
in the downrange area.
(2) A launch operator must file a graphical description or
depictions of the flight safety limits, the launch point, the
launch site boundaries, the surrounding geographic area, any
protected areas, the planned safe flight state within any
applicable scale requirements, latitude and longitude grid lines,
and launch vehicle nominal and three-sigma instantaneous impact
point ground traces from liftoff through orbital insertion for an
orbital launch, and through final impact for a suborbital launch.
Each graph must show any launch vehicle trajectory instantaneous
impact points plotted with sufficient frequency to provide a
conformal estimate of the launch vehicle's instantaneous impact
point ground trace curvature. A launch operator must provide
labeled latitude and longitude lines and the map scale on the
(3) A launch operator must provide a tabular description of each
data loss flight time. The tabular description must include the
malfunction start time and the geodetic latitude (positive north of
the equator) and longitude (positive east of the Greenwich
Meridian) coordinates of the intersection of the launch vehicle
instantaneous impact point trajectory with the flight safety limit.
The table must identify the first data lost flight time and planned
safe flight state. The tabular description must include data loss
flight times for trajectory time increments not to exceed one
A417.21 Time delay
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a time
delay analysis that satisfies the requirements of § 417.221. This
section applies to the computation of time delays associated with a
flight safety system and other launch vehicle systems and
operations as required by § 417.221 and to the analysis products
that the launch operator must file with the FAA as required by §
(b) Time delay analysis constraints. The analysis must
account for all significant causes of time delay between the
violation of a flight termination rule and the time when a flight
safety system is capable of terminating flight as follows:
(1) The analysis must account for decision and reaction times,
including variation in human response time, for flight safety
official and other personnel that are part of a launch operator's
flight safety system as defined by subpart D of this part.
(2) The analyses must determine the time delay inherent in any
data, from any source, used by a flight safety official for making
flight termination decisions.
(3) A time delay analysis must account for all significant
causes of time delay, including data flow rates and reaction times,
for hardware and software, including, but not limited to the
(i) Tracking system. A time delay analysis must account
for time delays between the launch vehicle's current location and
last known location and that are associated with the hardware and
software that make up the launch vehicle tracking system, whether
or not it is located on the launch vehicle, such as transmitters,
receivers, decoders, encoders, modulators, circuitry and any
encryption and decryption of data.
(ii) Display systems. A time delay analysis must account
for delays associated with hardware and software that make up any
display system used by a flight safety official to aid in making
flight control decisions. A time delay analysis must also account
for any manual operations requirements, tracking source selection,
tracking data processing, flight safety limit computations,
inherent display delays, meteorological data processing, automated
or manual system configuration control, automated or manual process
control, automated or manual mission discrete control, and
automated or manual fail over decision control.
(iii) Flight termination system and command control
system. A time delay analysis must account for delays and
response times associated with flight termination system and
command control system hardware and software, such as transmitters,
decoders, encoders, modulators, relays and shutdown, arming and
destruct devices, circuitry and any encryption and decryption of
(iv) Software specific time delays. A delay analysis must
account for delays associated with any correlation of data
performed by software, such as timing and sequencing; data
filtering delays such as error correction, smoothing, editing, or
tracking source selection; data transformation delays; and
computation cycle time.
(4) A time delay analysis must determine the time delay plus and
minus three-sigma values relative to the mean time delay.
(5) For use in any risk analysis, a time delay analysis must
determine time delay distributions that account for the variance of
time delays for potential launch vehicle failure, including but not
limited to, the range of malfunction turn characteristics and the
time of flight when the malfunction occurs.
(c) Time delay analysis products. The products of a time
delay analysis that a launch operator must file include:
(1) A description of the methodology used to produce the time
delay analysis.
(2) A schematic drawing that maps the flight safety official's
data flow time delays from the start of a launch vehicle
malfunction through the final commanded flight termination on the
launch vehicle, including the flight safety official's decision and
reaction time. The drawings must indicate major systems,
subsystems, major software functions, and data routing.
(3) A tabular listing of each time delay source and its
individual mean and plus and minus three-sigma contribution to the
overall time delay. The table must provide all time delay values in
(4) The mean delay time and the plus and minus three-sigma
values of the delay time relative to the mean value.
A417.23 Flight hazard areas
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
flight hazard area analysis that satisfies the requirements of §
417.223. This section applies to the determination of flight hazard
areas for orbital and suborbital launch vehicles that use a flight
termination system to protect the public as required by § 417.223
and to the analysis products that the launch operator must file
with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e). Requirements that apply
to determining flight hazard areas for an unguided suborbital
rocket that uses a wind-weighting safety system are contained in
appendix C of this part.
(b) Launch site flight hazard area. A flight hazard area
analysis must establish a launch site flight hazard area that
encompasses the launch point and:
(1) If the flight safety analysis employs hazard isolation to
establish flight safety limits as required by section A417.13(c),
the launch site flight hazard area must encompass the flight safety
(2) If the flight safety analysis does not employ hazard
isolation to establish the flight safety limits, the launch site
flight hazard area must encompass all hazard areas established as
required by paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section.
(c) Debris impact hazard area. The analysis must
establish a debris impact hazard area that accounts for the effects
of impacting debris resulting from normal and malfunctioning launch
vehicle flight, except for toxic effects, and accounts for
potential impact locations of all debris fragments. The analysis
must establish a debris hazard area as follows:
(1) An individual casualty contour that defines where the risk
to an individual would exceed an expected casualty (Ec) criteria of
1 × 10 −6 if one person were assumed to be in the open and inside
the contour during launch vehicle flight must bound a debris hazard
area. The analysis must produce an individual casualty contour as
(i) The analysis must account for the location of a hypothetical
person, and must vary the location of the person to determine when
the risk would exceed the Ec criteria of 1 × 10 −6. The analysis
must count a person as a casualty when the person's location is
subjected to any inert debris impact with a mean expected kinetic
energy greater than or equal to 11 ft-lbs or a peak incident
overpressure equal to or greater than 1.0 psi due to explosive
debris impact. The analysis must determine the peak incident
overpressure using the Kingery-Bulmash relationship, without regard
to sheltering, reflections, or atmospheric effects.
(ii) The analysis must account for person locations that are no
more than 1000 feet apart in the downrange direction and no more
than 1000 feet apart in the crossrange direction to produce an
individual casualty contour. For each person location, the analysis
must sum the probabilities of casualty over all flight times for
all debris groups.
(iii) An individual casualty contour must consist of curves that
are smooth and continuous. To accomplish this, the analysis must
vary the time interval between the trajectory times assessed so
that each location of a debris impact point is less than one-half
sigma of the downrange dispersion distance.
(2) The input for determining a debris impact hazard area must
account for the results of the trajectory analysis required by
section A417.7, the malfunction turn analysis required by section
A417.9, and the debris analysis required by section A417.11 to
define the impact locations of each class of debris established by
the debris analysis, and the time delay analysis required by
section A417.21.
(3) The analysis must account for the extent of the impact
debris dispersions for each debris class produced by normal and
malfunctioning launch vehicle flight at each trajectory time. The
analysis must also account for how the vehicle breaks up, either by
the flight termination system or by aerodynamic forces, if the
different breakup may result in a different probability of
existence for each debris class. A debris impact hazard area must
account for each impacting debris fragment classified as required
by section A417.11(c).
(4) The analysis must account for launch vehicle flight that
exceeds a flight safety limit. The analysis must also account for
trajectory conditions that maximize the mean debris impact distance
during the flight safety system delay time determined as required
by section A417.21 and account for a debris model that is
representative of a flight termination or aerodynamic breakup. For
each launch vehicle breakup event, the analysis must account for
trajectory and breakup dispersions, variations in debris class
characteristics, and debris dispersion due to any wind condition
under which a launch would be attempted.
(5) The analysis must account for the probability of failure of
each launch vehicle stage and the probability of existence of each
debris class. The analysis must account for the probability of
occurrence of each type of launch vehicle failure. The analysis
must account for vehicle failure probabilities that vary depending
on the time of flight.
(6) In addition to failure debris, the analysis must account for
nominal jettisoned body debris impacts and the corresponding debris
impact dispersions. The analysis must use a probability of
occurrence of 1.0 for the planned debris fragments produced by
normal separation events during flight.
(d) Near-launch-point blast hazard area. A flight hazard
area analysis must define a blast overpressure hazard area as a
circle extending from the launch point with a radius equal to the
1.0 psi overpressure distance produced by the equivalent TNT weight
of the explosive capability of the vehicle. In addition, the
analysis must establish a minimum near-pad blast hazard area to
provide protection from hazardous fragments potentially propelled
by an explosion. The analysis must account for the maximum possible
total solid and liquid propellant explosive potential of the launch
vehicle and any payload. The analysis must define a blast
overpressure hazard area using the following equations:
Rop = 45 · (NEW)1/3 Where: Rop is the over pressure distance in
feet. NEW = WE · C (pounds). WE is the weight of the explosive in
pounds. C is the TNT equivalency coefficient of the propellant
being evaluated. A launch operator must identify the TNT
equivalency of each propellant on its launch vehicle including any
payload. TNT equivalency data for common liquid propellants is
provided in tables A417-1. Table A417-2 provides factors for
converting gallons of specified liquid propellants to pounds.
(e) Other hazards. A flight hazard area analysis must
identify any additional hazards, such as radioactive material, that
may exist on the launch vehicle or payload. For each such hazard,
the analysis must determine a hazard area that encompasses any
debris impact point and its dispersion and includes an additional
hazard radius that accounts for potential casualty due to the
additional hazard. Analysis requirements for toxic release and far
field blast overpressure are provided in § 417.27 and section
A417.29, respectively.
(1) Aircraft hazard areas. The analysis must establish an
aircraft hazard area for each planned debris impact for the
issuance of notices to airmen as required by § 417.121(e). Each
aircraft hazard area must encompass an air space region, from an
altitude of 60,000 feet to impact on the Earth's surface, that
contains the three-sigma drag impact dispersion.
(2) Ship hazard areas. The analysis must establish a ship
hazard area for each planned debris impact for the issuance of
notices to mariners as required by § 417.121(e). Each ship hazard
area must encompass a surface region that contains the three-sigma
drag impact dispersion.
(f) Flight hazard area analysis products. The products of
a flight hazard area analysis that a launch operator must file with
the FAA include:
(1) A chart that depicts the launch site flight hazard area,
including its size and location.
(2) A chart that depicts each hazard area required by this
(3) A description of each hazard for which analysis was
performed; the methodology used to compute each hazard area; and
the debris classes for aerodynamic breakup of the launch vehicle
and for flight termination. For each debris class, the launch
operator must identify the number of debris fragments, the
variation in ballistic coefficient, and the standard deviation of
the debris dispersion.
(4) A chart that depicts each of the individual casualty
(5) A description of the aircraft hazard area for each planned
debris impact, the information to be published in a Notice to
Airmen, and all information required as part of any agreement with
the FAA ATC office having jurisdiction over the airspace through
which flight will take place.
(6) A description of any ship hazard area for each planned
debris impact and all information required in a Notice to
(7) A description of the methodology used for determining each
hazard area.
(8) A description of the hazard area operational controls and
procedures to be implemented for flight.

A417.25 Debris
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
debris risk analysis that satisfies the requirements of § 417.225.
This section applies to the computation of the average number of
casualties (Ec) to the collective members of debris hazards from
the proposed flight of a launch vehicle as required by § 417.225
and to the analysis products that the launch operator must file
with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e).
(b) Debris risk analysis constraints. The following
constraints apply to a debris risk:
(1) A debris risk analysis must use valid risk analysis models
that compute Ec as the summation over all trajectory time intervals
from lift-off through orbital insertion of the products of the
probability of each possible event and the casualty consequences
due to debris impacts for each possible event.
(2) A debris risk analysis must account for the following
(i) The overflight of populations located inside any flight
safety limits.
(ii) All populations located within five-sigma left and right
crossrange of a nominal trajectory instantaneous impact point
ground trace and within five-sigma of each planned nominal debris
(iii) Any planned overflight of the public within any gate
overflight areas.
(iv) Any populations outside the flight safety limits identified
as required by paragraph (b)(10) of this section.
(3) A debris risk analysis must account for both inert and
explosive debris hazards produced from any impacting debris caused
by normal and malfunctioning launch vehicle flight. The analysis
must account for the debris classes determined by the debris
analysis required by section A417.11. A debris risk analysis must
account for any inert debris impact with mean expected kinetic
energy at impact greater than or equal to 11 ft-lbs and peak
incident overpressure of greater than or equal to 1.0 psi due to
any explosive debris impact. The analysis must account for all
debris hazards as a function of flight time.
(4) A debris risk analysis must account for debris impact points
and dispersion for each class of debris as follows:
(i) A debris risk analysis must account for drag corrected
impact points and dispersions for each class of impacting debris
resulting from normal and malfunctioning launch vehicle flight as a
function of trajectory time from lift-off through orbital
insertion, including each planned impact, for an orbital launch,
and through final impact for a suborbital launch.
(ii) The dispersion for each debris class must account for the
position and velocity state vector dispersions at breakup, the
variance produced by breakup imparted velocities, the effect of
winds on both the ascent trajectory state vector at breakup and the
descending debris piece impact location the variance produced by
aerodynamic properties for each debris class, and any other
dispersion variances.
(iii) A debris risk analysis must account for the survivability
of debris fragments that are subject to reentry aerodynamic forces
or heating. A debris class may be eliminated from the debris risk
analysis if the launch operator demonstrates that the debris will
not survive to impact.
(5) A debris risk analysis must account for launch vehicle
failure probability. The following constraints apply:
(i) For flight safety analysis purposes, a failure occurs when a
vehicle does not complete any phase of normal flight or exhibits
the potential for the stage or its debris to impact the Earth or
reenter the atmosphere during the mission or any future mission of
similar vehicle capability. Also, either a launch incident or
launch accident constitutes a failure.
(ii) For a launch vehicle with fewer than 2 flights completed,
the analysis must use a reference value for the launch vehicle
failure probability estimate equal to the upper limit of the 60%
two-sided confidence limits of the binomial distribution for
outcomes of all previous launches of vehicles developed and
launched in similar circumstances. The FAA may adjust the failure
probability estimate to account for the level of experience
demonstrated by the launch operator and other factors that affects
the probability of failure. The FAA may adjust the failure
probability estimate for the second launch based on evidence
obtained from the first flight of the vehicle.
(iii) For a launch vehicle with at least 2 flights completed,
the analysis must use the reference value for the launch vehicle
failure probability of Table A417-3 based on the outcomes of all
previous launches of the vehicle. The FAA may adjust the failure
probability estimate to account for evidence obtained from the
flight history of the vehicle. The FAA may adjust the failure
probability estimate to account for the nature of launch outcomes
in the flight history of the vehicle, corrective actions taken in
response to a failure of the vehicle, or other vehicle
modifications that may affect reliability. The FAA may adjust the
failure probability estimate to account for the demonstrated
quality of the engineering approach to launch vehicle processing,
meeting safety requirements in this part, and associated hazard
mitigation. The analysis must use a final failure estimate within
the confidence limits of Table A417-3.
(A) Values listed on the far left of Table A417-3 apply when no
launch failures are experienced. Values on the far right apply when
only launch failures are experienced. Values in between apply for
flight histories that include both failures and successes.
(B) Reference values in Table A417-3 are shown in bold. The
reference values are the median values between 60% two-sided
confidence limits of the binomial distribution. For the special
cases of zero or N failures in N launch attempts, the reference
values may also be recognized as the median value between the 80%
one-sided confidence limit of the binomial distribution and zero or
one, respectively.
(C) Upper and lower confidence bounds in Table A417-3 are shown
directly above and below each reference value. These confidence
bounds are based on 60% two-sided confidence limits of the binomial
distribution. For the special cases of zero or N failures in N
launch attempts, the upper and lower confidence bounds are based on
the 80% one-sided confidence limit, respectively.
(6) A debris risk analysis must account for the dwell time of
the instantaneous impact point ground trace over each populated or
protected area being evaluated.
(7) A debris risk analysis must account for the three-sigma
instantaneous impact point trajectory variations in
left-crossrange, right-crossrange, uprange, and downrange as a
function of trajectory time, due to launch vehicle performance
variations as determined by the trajectory analysis performed as
required by section A417.7.
(8) A debris risk analysis must account for the effective
casualty area as a function of launch vehicle flight time for all
impacting debris generated from a catastrophic launch vehicle
malfunction event or a planned impact event. The effective casualty
area must account for both payload and vehicle systems and
subsystems debris. The effective casualty area must account for all
debris fragments determined as part of a launch operator's debris
analysis as required by section A417.11. The effective casualty
area for each explosive debris fragment must account for a 1.0 psi
blast overpressure radius and the projected debris effects for all
potentially explosive debris. The effective casualty area for each
inert debris fragment must:
(i) Account for bounce, skip, slide, and splatter effects;
(ii) Equal seven times the maximum projected area of the
(9) A debris risk analysis must account for current population
density data obtained from a current population database for the
region being evaluated or by estimating the current population
using exponential population growth rate equations applied to the
most current historical data available. The population model must
define population centers that are similar enough to be described
and treated as a single average set of characteristics without
degrading the accuracy of the debris risk estimate.
(10) For a launch vehicle that uses a flight safety system, a
debris risk analysis must account for the collective risk to any
populations outside the flight safety limits during flight,
including people who will be at any public launch viewing area
during flight. For such populations, in addition to the constraints
of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(9) of this section, a launch
operator's debris risk analysis must account for the following:
(i) The probability of a launch vehicle failure that would
result in debris impact in protected areas outside the flight
safety limits.
(ii) The failure probability of the launch operator's flight
safety system. A flight safety system failure rate of 0.002 may be
used if the flight safety system complies with the flight safety
system requirements of subpart D of this part. For an alternate
flight safety system approved as required by § 417.107(a)(3), the
launch operator must demonstrate the validity of the probability of
failure through the licensing process.
(iii) Current population density data and population projections
for the day and time of flight for the areas outside the flight
safety limits.
(c) Debris risk analysis products. The products of a
debris risk analysis that a launch operator must file with the FAA
(1) A debris risk analysis report that provides the analysis
input data, probabilistic risk determination methods, sample
computations, and text or graphical charts that characterize the
public risk to geographical areas for each launch.
(2) Geographic data showing:
(i) The launch vehicle nominal, five-sigma left-crossrange and
five-sigma right-crossrange instantaneous impact point ground
(ii) All exclusion zones relative to the instantaneous impact
point ground traces; and
(iii) All populated areas included in the debris risk
(3) A discussion of each launch vehicle failure scenario
accounted for in the analysis and the probability of occurrence,
which may vary with flight time, for each failure scenario. This
information must include failure scenarios where a launch
(i) Flies within normal limits until some malfunction causes
spontaneous breakup or results in a commanded flight
(ii) Experiences malfunction turns; and
(iii) Flight safety system fails to function.
(4) A population model applicable to the launch overflight
regions that contains the following: region identification,
location of the center of each population center by geodetic
latitude and longitude, total area, number of persons in each
population center, and a description of the shelter characteristics
within the population center.
(5) A description of the launch vehicle, including general
information concerning the nature and purpose of the launch and an
overview of the launch vehicle, including a scaled diagram of the
general arrangement and dimensions of the vehicle. A launch
operator's debris risk analysis products may reference other
documentation filed with the FAA containing this information. The
description must include:
(i) Weights and dimensions of each stage.
(ii) Weights and dimensions of any booster motors attached.
(iii) The types of fuel used in each stage and booster.
(iv) Weights and dimensions of all interstage adapters and
(v) Payload dimensions, materials, construction, and any payload
fuel; payload fairing construction, materials, and dimensions; and
any non-inert components or materials that add to the effective
casualty area of the debris, such as radioactive or toxic materials
or high-pressure vessels.
(6) A typical sequence of events showing times of ignition,
cutoff, burnout, and jettison of each stage, firing of any ullage
rockets, and starting and ending times of coast periods and control
(7) The following information for each launch vehicle motor:
(i) Propellant type and composition;
(ii) Thrust profile;
(iii) Propellant weight and total motor weight as a function of
(iv) A description of each nozzle and steering mechanism;
(v) For solid rocket motors, internal pressure and average
propellant thickness, or borehole radius, as a function of
(vi) Maximum impact point deviations as a function of failure
time during destruct system delays. Burn rate as a function of
ambient pressure;
(vii) A discussion of whether a commanded destruct could ignite
a non-thrusting motor, and if so, under what conditions; and
(viii) Nozzle exit and entrance areas.
(8) The launch vehicle's launch and failure history, including a
summary of past vehicle performance. For a new vehicle with little
or no flight history, a launch operator must provide all known data
on similar vehicles that include:
(i) Identification of the launches that have occurred;
(ii) Launch date, location, and direction of each launch;
(iii) The number of launches that performed normally;
(iv) Behavior and impact location of each abnormal
(v) The time, altitude, and nature of each malfunction; and
(vi) Descriptions of corrective actions taken, including changes
in vehicle design, flight termination, and guidance and control
hardware and software.
(9) The values of probability of impact (PI) and expected
casualty (Ec) for each populated area.
A417.27 Toxic release hazard analysis
A flight safety analysis must include a toxic release hazard
analysis that satisfies the requirements of § 417.227. A launch
operator's toxic release hazard analysis must satisfy the
methodology requirements of appendix I of this part. A launch
operator must file the analysis products identified in appendix I
of this part as required by § 417.203(e).
A417.29 Far field blast overpressure effects analysis
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a far
field blast overpressure effects hazard analysis that satisfies the
requirements of § 417.229. This section applies to the computation
of far field blast overpressure effects from the proposed flight of
a launch vehicle as required by § 417.229 and to the analysis
products that the launch operator must file with the FAA as
required by § 417.203(e). The analysis must account for distant
focus overpressure and any overpressure enhancement to establish
the potential for broken windows due to peak incident overpressures
below 1.0 psi and related casualties due to falling or projected
glass shards. The analysis must employ either paragraph (b) of this
section or the risk analysis of paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Far field blast overpressure hazard analysis. Unless
an analysis satisfies the requirements of paragraph (c) of this
section a far field blast overpressure hazard analysis must satisfy
the following:
(1) Explosive yield factors. The analysis must use explosive
yield factor curves for each type or class of solid or liquid
propellant used by the launch vehicle. Each explosive yield factor
curve must be based on the most accurate explosive yield data for
the corresponding type or class of solid or liquid propellant based
on empirical data or computational modeling.
(2) Establish the maximum credible explosive yield. The analysis
must establish the maximum credible explosive yield resulting from
normal and malfunctioning launch vehicle flight. The explosive
yield must account for impact mass and velocity of impact on the
Earth's surface. The analysis must account for explosive yield
expressed as a TNT equivalent for peak overpressure.
(3) Characterize the population exposed to the hazard. The
analysis must demonstrate whether any population centers are
vulnerable to a distant focus overpressure hazard using the
methodology provided by section of the American National
Standard Institute's ANSI S2.20-1983, “Estimating Air Blast
Characteristics for Single Point Explosions in Air with a Guide to
Evaluation of Atmospheric Propagation and Effects” and as
(i) For the purposes of this analysis, a population center must
include any area outside the launch site and not under the launch
operator's control that contains an exposed site. An exposed site
includes any structure that may be occupied by human beings, and
that has at least one window, but does not include automobiles,
airplanes, and waterborne vessels. The analysis must account for
the most recent census information on each population center. The
analysis must treat any exposed site for which no census
information is available, or the census information indicates a
population equal to or less than four persons, as a ‘single
(ii) The analysis must identify the distance between the
location of the maximum credible impact explosion and the location
of each population center potentially exposed. Unless the location
of the potential explosion site is limited to a defined region, the
analysis must account for the distance between the potential
explosion site and a population center as the minimum distance
between any point within the region contained by the flight safety
limits and the nearest exposed site within the population
(iii) The analysis must account for all weather conditions
optimized for a distant focus overpressure hazard by applying an
atmospheric blast “focus factor” (F) of 5.
(iv) The analysis must determine, using the methodology of
section of ANSI S2.20-1983, for each a population center,
whether the maximum credible explosive yield of a launch meets,
exceeds or is less than the “no damage yield limit,” of the
population center. If the maximum credible explosive yield is less
than the “no damage yield limit” for all exposed sites, the
remaining requirements of this section do not apply. If the maximum
credible explosive yield meets or exceeds the “no damage yield
limit” for a population center then that population center is
vulnerable to far field blast overpressure from the launch and the
requirements of paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(5) of this section
(4) Estimate the quantity of broken windows. The analysis must
use a focus factor of 5 and the methods provided by ANSI S2.20-1983
to estimate the number of potential broken windows within each
population center determined to be vulnerable to the distant focus
overpressure hazard as required by paragraph (b)(3) of this
(5) Determine and implement measures necessary to prevent
distant focus overpressure from breaking windows. For each
population center that is vulnerable to far field blast
overpressure from a launch, the analysis must identify mitigation
measures to protect the public from serious injury from broken
windows and the flight commit criteria of § 417.113(c) needed to
enforce the mitigation measures. A launch operator's mitigation
measures must include one or more of the following:
(i) Apply a minimum 4-millimeter thick anti-shatter film to all
exposed sites where the maximum credible yield exceeds the “no
damage yield limit.”
(ii) Evacuate the exposed public to a location that is not
vulnerable to the distant focus overpressure hazard at least two
hours prior to the planned flight time.
(iii) If, as required by paragraph (b)(4) of this section, the
analysis predicts that less than 20 windows will break, advise the
public of the potential for glass breakage.
(c) Far field blast overpressure risk analysis. If a
launch operator does not employ paragraph (b) of this section to
perform a far field overpressure hazard analysis, the launch
operator must conduct a risk analysis that demonstrates that the
launch will be conducted in accordance with the public risk
criteria of § 417.107(b).
(d) Far field blast overpressure effect products. The
products of a far field blast overpressure analysis that a launch
operator must file with the FAA include:
(1) A description of the methodology used to produce the far
field blast overpressure analysis results, a tabular description of
the analysis input data, and a description of any far field blast
overpressure mitigation measures implemented.
(2) For any far field blast overpressure risk analysis, an
example set of the analysis computations.
(3) The values for the maximum credible explosive yield as a
function of time of flight.
(4) The distance between the potential explosion location and
any population center vulnerable to the far field blast
overpressure hazard. For each population center, the launch
operator must identify the exposed populations by location and
number of people.
(5) Any mitigation measures established to protect the public
from far field blast overpressure hazards and any flight commit
criteria established to ensure the mitigation measures are
A417.31 Collision avoidance
(a) General. A flight safety analysis must include a
collision avoidance analysis that satisfies the requirements of §
417.231. This section applies to a launch operator obtaining a
collision avoidance assessment from United States Strategic Command
as required by § 417.231 and to the analysis products that the
launch operator must file with the FAA as required by § 417.203(e).
United States Strategic Command refers to a collision avoidance
analysis for a space launch as a conjunction on launch
(b) Analysis constraints. A launch operator must satisfy
the following when obtaining and implementing the results of a
collision avoidance analysis:
(1) A launch operator must provide United States Strategic
Command with the launch window and trajectory data needed to
perform a collision avoidance analysis for a launch as required by
paragraph (c) of this section, at least 15 days before the first
attempt at flight. The FAA will identify a launch operator to
United States Strategic Command as part of issuing a license and
provide a launch operator with current United States Strategic
Command contact information.
(2) A launch operator must obtain a collision avoidance analysis
performed by United States Strategic Command 6 hours before the
beginning of a launch window.
(3) A launch operator may use a collision avoidance analysis for
12 hours from the time that United States Strategic Command
determines the state vectors of the manned or mannable orbiting
objects. If a launch operator needs an updated collision avoidance
analysis due to a launch delay, the launch operator must file the
request with United States Strategic Command at least 12 hours
prior to the beginning of the new launch window.
(4) For every 90 minutes, or portion of 90 minutes, that pass
between the time United States Strategic Command last determined
the state vectors of the orbiting objects, a launch operator must
expand each wait in a launch window by subtracting 15 seconds from
the start of the wait in the launch window and adding 15 seconds to
the end of the wait in the launch window. A launch operator must
incorporate all the resulting waits in the launch window into its
flight commit criteria established as required by § 417.113.
(c) Information required. A launch operator must prepare
a collision avoidance analysis worksheet for each launch using a
standardized format that contains the input data required by this
paragraph. A launch operator must file the input data with United
States Strategic Command for the purposes of completing a collision
avoidance analysis. A launch operator must file the input data with
the FAA as part of the license application process as required by §
415.115 of this chapter.
(1) Launch information. A launch operator must file the
following launch information:
(i) Mission name. A mnemonic given to the launch
vehicle/payload combination identifying the launch mission from all
(ii) Segment number. A segment is defined as a launch
vehicle stage or payload after the thrusting portion of its flight
has ended. This includes the jettison or deployment of any stage or
payload. A launch operator must provide a separate worksheet for
each segment. For each segment, a launch operator must determine
the “vector at injection” as defined by paragraph (c)(5) of this
section. The data must present each segment number as a sequence
number relative to the total number of segments for a launch, such
as “1 of 5.”
(iii) Launch window. The launch window opening and
closing times in Greenwich Mean Time (referred to as ZULU time) and
the Julian dates for each scheduled launch attempt.
(2) Point of contact. The person or office within a
launch operator's organization that collects, analyzes, and
distributes collision avoidance analysis results.
(3) Collision avoidance analysis analysis results
transmission medium. A launch operator must identify the
transmission medium, such as voice, FAX, or e-mail, for receiving
results from United States Strategic Command.
(4) Requestor launch operator needs. A launch operator
must indicate the types of analysis output formats required for
establishing flight commit criteria for a launch:
(i) Waits. All the times within the launch window during
which flight must not be initiated.
(ii) Windows. All the times within an overall launch
window during which flight may be initiated.
(5) Vector at injection. A launch operator must identify
the vector at injection for each segment. “Vector at injection”
identifies the position and velocity of all orbital or suborbital
segments after the thrust for a segment has ended.
(i) Epoch. The epoch time, in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT),
of the expected launch vehicle liftoff time.
(ii) Position and velocity. The position coordinates in
the EFG coordinate system measured in kilometers and the EFG
components measured in kilometers per second, of each launch
vehicle stage or payload after any burnout, jettison, or
(6) Time of powered flight. The elapsed time in seconds,
from liftoff to arrival at the launch vehicle vector at injection.
The input data must include the time of powered flight for each
stage or jettisoned component measured from liftoff.
(7) Time span for launch window file (LWF). A launch
operator must provide the following information regarding its
launch window:
(i) Launch window. The launch window measured in minutes
from the initial proposed liftoff time.
(ii) Time of powered flight. The time provided as
required by paragraph (c)(6) of this section measured in minutes
rounded up to the nearest integer minute.
(iii) Screen duration. The time duration, after all
thrusting periods of flight have ended, that a collision avoidance
analysis must screen for potential conjunctions with manned or
mannable orbital objects. Screen duration is measured in minutes
and must be greater than or equal to 100 minutes for an orbital
(iv) Extra pad. An additional period of time for
collision avoidance analysis screening to ensure the entire first
orbit is screened for potential conjunctions with manned or
mannable orbital objects. This time must be 10 minutes unless
otherwise specified by United States Strategic Command.
(v) Total. The summation total of the time spans provided
as required by paragraphs (c)(7)(i) through (c)(7)(iv) expressed in
(8) Screening. A launch operator must select spherical or
ellipsoidal screening as defined in this paragraph for determining
any conjunction. The default must be the spherical screening method
using an avoidance radius of 200 kilometers for manned or mannable
orbiting objects. If the launch operator requests screening for any
unmanned or unmannable objects, the default must be the spherical
screening method using a miss distance of 25 kilometers.
(i) Spherical screening. Spherical screening utilizes an
impact exclusion sphere centered on each orbiting object's
center-of-mass to determine any conjunction. A launch operator must
specify the avoidance radius for manned or mannable objects and for
any unmanned or unmannable objects if the launch operator elects to
perform the analysis for unmanned or unmannable objects.
(ii) Ellipsoidal screening. Ellipsoidal screening
utilizes an impact exclusion ellipsoid of revolution centered on
the orbiting object's center-of-mass to determine any conjunction.
A launch operator must provide input in the UVW coordinate system
in kilometers. The launch operator must provide delta-U measured in
the radial-track direction, delta-V measured in the in-track
direction, and delta-W measured in the cross-track direction.
(9) Orbiting objects to evaluate. A launch operator must
identify the orbiting objects to be included in the analysis.
(10) Deliverable schedule/need dates. A launch operator
must identify the times before flight, referred to as “L-times,”
for which the launch operator requests a collision avoidance
(d) Collision avoidance assessment products. A launch
operator must file its collision avoidance analysis products as
required by § 417.203(e) and must include the input data required
by paragraph (c) of this section. A launch operator must
incorporate the result of the collision avoidance analysis into its
flight commit criteria established as required by § 417.113.
[Docket No. FAA-2000-7953, 71 FR 50537, Aug. 25, 2006, as amended
by Amdt. No. 417-5, 81 FR 59439, Aug. 30, 2016]