Title 14

PART 413

Part 413 - License Application Procedures

PART 413 - LICENSE APPLICATION PROCEDURES Authority:51 U.S.C. 50901-50923. Source:Amdt. 413-03, 64 FR 19614, Apr. 21, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

14: 413.1
   413.1 Scope of this part.
14: 413.3
   413.3 Who must obtain a license or permit.
14: 413.5
   413.5 Pre-application consultation.
14: 413.7
   413.7 Application.
14: 413.9
   413.9 Confidentiality.
14: 413.11
   413.11 Acceptance of an application.
14: 413.13
   413.13 Complete application.
14: 413.15
   413.15 Review period.
14: 413.17
   413.17 Continuing accuracy of application; supplemental information; amendment.
14: 413.19
   413.19 Issuing a license or permit.
14: 413.21
   413.21 Denial of a license application.
14: 413.23
   413.23 License or permit renewal.