Title 14

PART 259

Part 259 - Enhanced Protections For Airline Passengers

PART 259 - ENHANCED PROTECTIONS FOR AIRLINE PASSENGERS Authority:49 U.S.C. 40101(a)(4), 40101(a)(9), 40113(a), 41702, and 41712. Source:74 FR 69002, Dec. 30, 2009, unless otherwise noted.

14: 259.1
   259.1 Purpose.
14: 259.2
   259.2 Applicability.
14: 259.3
   259.3 Definitions.
14: 259.4
   259.4 Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays.
14: 259.5
   259.5 Customer Service Plan.
14: 259.6
   259.6 Posting of Contracts of Carriage, Tarmac Delay Contingency Plans and Customer Service Plans on websites.
14: 259.7
   259.7 Response to consumer problems.
14: 259.8
   259.8 Notify passengers of known delays, cancellations, and diversions.