Title 14

PART 257

Part 257 - Disclosure Of Code-sharing Arrangements And Long-term Wet Leases

PART 257 - DISCLOSURE OF CODE-SHARING ARRANGEMENTS AND LONG-TERM WET LEASES Authority:49 U.S.C. 40113(a) and 41712. Source:64 FR 12851, Mar. 15, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

14: 257.1
   257.1 Purpose.
14: 257.2
   257.2 Applicability.
14: 257.3
   257.3 Definitions.
14: 257.4
   257.4 Unfair and deceptive practice.
14: 257.5
   257.5 Notice requirement.
14: 257.6
   257.6 Effective and compliance dates.