Title 14
PART 243
Part 243 - Passenger Manifest Information
PART 243 - PASSENGER MANIFEST INFORMATION Authority:49 U.S.C. 40101, 40101nt., 40105, 40113, 40114, 41708, 41709, 41711, 41501, 41702, 41712, 44909, 46301, 46310, 46316; section 203 of Pub. L. 101-604, 104 Stat. 3066 (22 U.S.C. 5501-5513), Title VII of Pub. L. 104-264, 110 Stat. 3213 (22 U.S.C. 5501-5513) and Pub. L. 105-148, 111 Stat. 2681 (49 U.S.C. 41313.)
- Authority: 49 U.S.C. 40101, 40101nt., 40105, 40113, 40114, 41708, 41709, 41711, 41501, 41702, 41712, 44909, 46301, 46310, 46316; section 203 of Pub. L. 101-604, 104 Stat. 3066 (22 U.S.C. 5501-5513), Title VII of Pub. L. 104-264, 110 Stat. 3213 (22 U.S.C. 5501-5513) and Pub. L. 105-148, 111 Stat. 2681 (49 U.S.C. 41313.)
- Source: Docket No. OST-95-950, 63 FR 8280, Feb. 18, 1998, unless otherwise noted.