Title 14

PART 185

Part 185 - Testimony By Employees And Production Of Records In Legal Proceedings, And Service Of Legal Process And Pleadings

PART 185 - TESTIMONY BY EMPLOYEES AND PRODUCTION OF RECORDS IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, AND SERVICE OF LEGAL PROCESS AND PLEADINGS Authority:49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113-40114, 46104; 49 CFR part 9. Source:Docket No. 9900, 34 FR 16622, Oct. 17, 1969, unless otherwise noted.

14: 185.1
   185.1 Purpose.
14: 185.3
   185.3 Acceptance of service on behalf of the Secretary of Transportation or the Administrator.
14: 185.5
   185.5 Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings.