Title 14


Subpart D - Organization Designation Authorization Source:Docket No. FAA-2003-16685, 70 FR 59947, Oct. 13, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

14: 183.41
   183.41 Applicability and definitions.
14: 183.43
   183.43 Application.
14: 183.45
   183.45 Issuance of Organization Designation Authorizations.
14: 183.47
   183.47 Qualifications.
14: 183.49
   183.49 Authorized functions.
14: 183.51
   183.51 ODA Unit personnel.
14: 183.53
   183.53 Procedures manual.
14: 183.55
   183.55 Limitations.
14: 183.57
   183.57 Responsibilities of an ODA Holder.
14: 183.59
   183.59 Inspection.
14: 183.61
   183.61 Records and reports.
14: 183.63
   183.63 Continuing requirements: Products, parts or appliances.
14: 183.65
   183.65 Continuing requirements: Operational approvals.
14: 183.67
   183.67 Transferability and duration.