Title 14

PART 170

Part 170 - Establishment And Discontinuance Criteria For Air Traffic Control Services And Navigational Facilities

PART 170 - ESTABLISHMENT AND DISCONTINUANCE CRITERIA FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICES AND NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES Authority:49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103-40107, 40113, 44502, 44701-44702, 44708-44709, 44719, 44721-44722, 46308. Source:56 FR 341, Jan. 3, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

14: A
Subpart A - General
14: 170.1
   170.1 Scope.
14: 170.3
   170.3 Definitions.
14: B
Subpart B - Airport Traffic Control Towers
14: 170.11
   170.11 Scope.
14: 170.13
   170.13 Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) establishment criteria.
14: 170.15
   170.15 ATCT discontinuance criteria.
14: C
Subpart C [Reserved]