Title 14

PART 1250

Part 1250 - Nondiscrimination In Federally-assisted Programs Of Nasa - Effectuation Of Title Vi Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

PART 1250 - NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERALLY-ASSISTED PROGRAMS OF NASA - EFFECTUATION OF TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Authority:Sec. 602, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d-1; and the laws listed in appendix A to this part. Source:30 FR 301, Jan. 9, 1965, unless otherwise noted.

14: 1250.100
   1250.100 Purpose.
14: 1250.101
   1250.101 Applicability.
14: 1250.102
   1250.102 Definitions.
14: 1250.103
   1250.103 Discrimination prohibited.
14: 1250.103-1
   1250.103-1 General.
14: 1250.103-2
   1250.103-2 Specific discriminatory acts prohibited.
14: 1250.103-3
   1250.103-3 Employment practices.
14: 1250.103-4
   1250.103-4 Illustrative applications.
14: 1250.103-5
   1250.103-5 Special benefits.
14: 1250.103-6
   1250.103-6 Medical emergencies.
14: 1250.104
   1250.104 Assurances.
14: 1250.105
   1250.105 Compliance information.
14: 1250.106
   1250.106 Conduct of investigations.
14: 1250.107
   1250.107 Procedure for effecting compliance.
14: 1250.108
   1250.108 Hearings.
14: 1250.109
   1250.109 Decisions and notices.
14: 1250.110
   1250.110 Judicial review.
14: 1250.111
   1250.111 Effect on other regulations; forms and instructions.
14: 1250.112
   1250.112 Relationship with other officials.
14: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 1250 - NASA Federal Financial Assistance to Which This Part Applies