Title 12
SECTION 1320.20
1320.20 Council information collection and coordination.
§ 1320.20 Council information collection and coordination.(a) Information collection to assess systemic importance. The Council may require any financial market utility to submit such information to the Council as the Council may require for the sole purpose of assessing whether the financial market utility is systemically important.
(b) Prerequisites to information collection. Before requiring any financial market utility to submit information to the Council under paragraph (a) of this section, the Council shall -
(1) Determine that it has reasonable cause to believe that the financial market utility is, or is likely to become, systemically important, considering the standards set out in § 1320.10; or
(2) Determine that it has reasonable cause to believe that the designated financial market utility is no longer, or is no longer likely to become, systemically important, considering the standards set out in § 1320.10; and
(3) Coordinate with the Supervisory Agency for the financial market utility to determine if the information is available from, or may be obtained by, the Supervisory Agency in the form, format, or detail required by the Council.
(c) Timing of response from the appropriate Supervisory Agency. If the information, reports, records, or data requested by the Council under paragraph (b)(3) of this section are not provided in full by the Supervisory Agency in less than 15 calendar days after the date on which the material is requested, the Council may request the information directly from the financial market utility with notice to the Supervisory Agency.
(d) Notice to financial market utility of information collection requirement. In requiring a financial market utility to submit information to the Council, the Council shall provide to the financial market utility the following -
(1) Written notice that the Council is considering whether to make a proposed determination under § 1320.12; and
(2) A description of the basis for the Council's belief under paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.